Postgresql Query to Return Results as a Comma Separated List

PostgreSQL query to return results as a comma separated list

SELECT string_agg(id::text, ',') FROM table

Requires PostgreSQL 9.0 but that's not a problem.

PostgreSQL: output rows as list of comma-separated strings

You seem to want:

SELECT id, CONCAT_WS(',', info, name, message)
FROM myschema.mytable;

No aggregation is necessary. The values you want are all in one row.

You can, of course, include id in the string instead of as a separate column:

SELECT CONCAT_WS(',', id, info, name, message)
FROM myschema.mytable;

Query to return column values as comma separated - postgresql

Consider: Seldom is it wise to de-normalize data this way in the database query; Better done in UI. However, if this is going directly to an aggregated report; it may make sense to do it here... But keep in mind if this ever will need to be separated later; you're better off doing the combine in the UI.


  • Wrap case in string_Agg() function the "Case" statement is then wrapped in the string_agg() function and since we operate inside out just like math, the case is resolved 1st.
  • added GROUP BY for non-aggregated element(s)
  • eliminated DISTINCT as GROUP BY takes care of it so distinct is unneeded clutter.
  • added additional sample data to show how multiple columns handled.
  • eliminated pt.notes table as I'm not using it in my generated common table expression
  • You will not need the "with notes as ()..." Just the select after it and correct the FROM clause to yours Example

More on this-->How to concatenate string of a string field in postgresql

WITH notes AS (
SELECT 891090 Order_ID, False customer_billing, false commander, true agent UNION ALL
SELECT 891090, true, false, false UNION ALL
SELECT 891091, false, true, false UNION ALL
SELECT 891091, true, false, false)

WHEN n.customer_billing = TRUE THEN 'AR (Customer Billing)'
WHEN n.commander = TRUE THEN 'AP (Commander)'
WHEN n.agent = TRUE THEN 'AP (Agent)'
END,', ') AS finance
FROM notes n
n.order_id = 891090 AND
(n.customer_billing = TRUE or n.commander = TRUE or n.agent = TRUE)

Giving us:

| order_id | finance |
| 891091 | AP (Commander), AR (Customer Billing) |
| 891090 | AP (Agent), AR (Customer Billing) |

fetch values into a comma separated string in postgresql

Whatever tool you are using just shows you the data like that for convenience. But you can also use the resultset in a subquery, like this

SELECT x FROM table WHERE status in (
SELECT code_id FROM code WHERE status = 1

Postgres to fetch the list having comma separated values

Aggregate by employee and use string_agg:

c.employee_id, -- or just c.* assuming employee_id is a PK
string_agg(, ',') as emails
from root.employee c
full outer join root.employee_email ce
on c.employee_id = ce.employee_id
group by
order by
limit 1000
offset 0;

Postreg SQL get All Value with quotes from the comma separated

Try this if you just want a string back with the quotes

WITH sample AS (
SELECT '1,2,3,4,5'::text as test

'''' || array_to_string(
string_to_array(test, ','),
) || ''''
FROM sample

Function to select column values by comparing against comma separated list

You need to use TRIM to strip the " from your ll value:

select unique_code 
from codings
where unique_code = ANY (regexp_split_to_array(trim(both '"' from '"Java,CPP"'), '\,'));

Output for your sample data:


SQLFiddle demo

You also have an issue in that you are assigning multiple values in one statement, for which you need to use the ARRAY operator. Change

select unique_code into foo from codings where unique_code = ANY(ko);


select array(select unique_code from codings where unique_code = ANY(ko)) into foo;

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