Postgresql Convert Columns to Rows Transpose

PostgreSQL convert columns to rows? Transpose?

Basing my answer on a table of the form:

sl_no int
, username text
, designation text
, salary int

Each row results in a new column to return. With a dynamic return type like this, it's hardly possible to make this completely dynamic with a single call to the database. Demonstrating solutions with two steps:

  1. Generate query
  2. Execute generated query

Generally, this is limited by the maximum number of columns a table can hold. So not an option for tables with more than 1600 rows (or fewer). Details:

  • What is the maximum number of columns in a PostgreSQL select query

Postgres 9.4+

Dynamic solution with crosstab()

Use the first one you can. Beats the rest.

FROM crosstab(
$ct$SELECT u.attnum, t.rn, u.val
FROM (SELECT row_number() OVER () AS rn, * FROM '
|| attrelid::regclass || ') t
, unnest(ARRAY[' || string_agg(quote_ident(attname)
|| '::text', ',') || '])
WITH ORDINALITY u(val, attnum)
ORDER BY 1, 2$ct$
) t (attnum bigint, '
|| (SELECT string_agg('r'|| rn ||' text', ', ')
FROM (SELECT row_number() OVER () AS rn FROM tbl) t)
|| ')' AS sql
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = 'tbl'::regclass
AND attnum > 0
AND NOT attisdropped
GROUP BY attrelid;

Operating with attnum instead of actual column names. Simpler and faster. Join the result to pg_attribute once more or integrate column names like in the pg 9.3 example.

Generates a query of the form:

FROM crosstab(
SELECT u.attnum, t.rn, u.val
FROM (SELECT row_number() OVER () AS rn, * FROM tbl) t
, unnest(ARRAY[sl_no::text,username::text,designation::text,salary::text]) WITH ORDINALITY u(val, attnum)
ORDER BY 1, 2$ct$
) t (attnum bigint, r1 text, r2 text, r3 text, r4 text);

This uses a whole range of advanced features. Just too much to explain.

Simple solution with unnest()

One unnest() can now take multiple arrays to unnest in parallel.

''{sl_no, username, designation, salary}''::text[]
, ' || string_agg(quote_literal(ARRAY[sl_no::text, username::text, designation::text, salary::text])
|| '::text[]', E'\n, ')
|| E') \n AS t(col,' || string_agg('row' || sl_no, ',') || ')' AS sql
FROM tbl;


SELECT * FROM unnest(
'{sl_no, username, designation, salary}'::text[]
AS t(col,row1,row2,row3,row4);

db<>fiddle here

Old sqlfiddle

Postgres 9.3 or older

Dynamic solution with crosstab()

  • Completely dynamic, works for any table. Provide the table name in two places:
FROM crosstab(
''SELECT unnest(''' || quote_literal(array_agg(attname))
|| '''::text[]) AS col
, row_number() OVER ()
, unnest(ARRAY[' || string_agg(quote_ident(attname)
|| '::text', ',') || ']) AS val
FROM ' || attrelid::regclass || '
ORDER BY generate_series(1,' || count(*) || '), 2''
) t (col text, '
|| (SELECT string_agg('r'|| rn ||' text', ',')
FROM (SELECT row_number() OVER () AS rn FROM tbl) t)
|| ')' AS sql
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = 'tbl'::regclass
AND attnum > 0
AND NOT attisdropped
GROUP BY attrelid;

Could be wrapped into a function with a single parameter ...

Generates a query of the form:

FROM crosstab(
'SELECT unnest(''{sl_no,username,designation,salary}''::text[]) AS col
, row_number() OVER ()
, unnest(ARRAY[sl_no::text,username::text,designation::text,salary::text]) AS val
FROM tbl
ORDER BY generate_series(1,4), 2'
) t (col text, r1 text,r2 text,r3 text,r4 text);

Produces the desired result:

col         r1    r2      r3     r4
sl_no 1 2 3 4
username A B C D
designation XYZ RTS QWE HGD
salary 10000 50000 20000 34343

Simple solution with unnest()

SELECT 'SELECT unnest(''{sl_no, username, designation, salary}''::text[] AS col)
, ' || string_agg('unnest('
|| quote_literal(ARRAY[sl_no::text, username::text, designation::text, salary::text])
|| '::text[]) AS row' || sl_no, E'\n , ') AS sql
FROM tbl;
  • Slow for tables with more than a couple of columns.

Generates a query of the form:

SELECT unnest('{sl_no, username, designation, salary}'::text[]) AS col
, unnest('{10,Joe,Music,1234}'::text[]) AS row1
, unnest('{11,Bob,Movie,2345}'::text[]) AS row2
, unnest('{12,Dave,Theatre,2356}'::text[]) AS row3
, unnest('{4,D,HGD,34343}'::text[]) AS row4

Same result.

transpose column headers to rows in postgresql

Crosstab only does the reverse of what you need, but this should help you:

First create the unnest() function that is included in 8.4, see here for instructions.

Then you can do this (based on this post):

unnest(array['value1Count', 'value2Count', 'value3Count']) AS "Values",
unnest(array[value1Count, value2Count, value3Count]) AS "Count"
FROM view_name
ORDER BY "Values"

I can verify that this works in 8.4, but because I don't have 8.1, I can't promise it will work the same.

Convert columns data into rows in PostgreSQL

You can create a "temporary" normalized view on the data using a cross join:

select o.order_no, o.rate, v.*
from orders o
cross join lateral (
('jan', jan),
('feb', feb),
('mar', mar),
('dec', dec)
) as v(month, unit)

If you want to exclude the months with no values, you can add

where v.unit is not null

to the query

Online example:

PostgreSQL and columns to rows

use arrays and unnest

select city, 
unnest(array[age_0 , age_1 , age_2 , ..., age_115]) as amount,
unnest(array[ 0 , 1 , 2 , ... , 115]) as age
from mytable

on large datasets this might be slow

did a quick look, there are many similar questions already asked , one good one with a good guide to dynamically generate the query you need ... les pasting for you link

generate query idiea

SELECT 'SELECT city , year , sex ,  unnest(ARRAY[' || string_agg(quote_ident(attname) , ',') || ']) AS amount  from mytable' AS sql
FROM pg_attribute
WHERE attrelid = 'mytable'::regclass and attname ~ 'age_'
AND attnum > 0
AND NOT attisdropped
GROUP BY attrelid;

Postgres Transpose Rows to Columns Based on Column Value

Assuming you have a fixed 4 quarters per year which you want to display, use pivoting logic:

MAX(amount) FILTER (WHERE statement = 'Q1 Earnings') AS "Q1 Earnings",
MAX(amount) FILTER (WHERE statement = 'Q2 Earnings') AS "Q2 Earnings",
MAX(amount) FILTER (WHERE statement = 'Q3 Earnings') AS "Q3 Earnings",
MAX(amount) FILTER (WHERE statement = 'Q4 Earnings') AS "Q4 Earnings"
FROM statement

How to transpose columns and rows in PostgreSQL (i.e., how do I switch rows and columns)?

You can do this easily with an aggregate function and a CASE statement:

select year,
sum(case when place = 'U.S.' then price else 0 end) "U.S.",
sum(case when place = 'U.K.' then price else 0 end) "U.K."
from yourtable
group by year

See SQL Fiddle with Demo

Dynamic transpose for unknown row value into column name on postgres

You can't have a "dynamic" pivot as the number, names and data types of all columns of a query must be known to the database before the query is actually executed (i.e. at parse time).

I find aggregating stuff into a JSON easier to deal with.

select customer_number,
jsonb_object_agg(label, value) as props
from the_table
group by customer_number

If your frontend can deal with JSON values directly, you can stop here.

If you really need a view with one column per attribute, you can them from the JSON value:

select customer_number, 
props ->> 'address' as address,
props ->> 'phone' as phone,
props ->> 'email' as email
from (
select customer_number,
jsonb_object_agg(label, value) as props
from the_table
group by customer_number
) t

I find this a bit easier to manage when new attributes are added.

If you need a view with all labels, you can create a stored procedure to dynamically create it. If the number of different labels doesn't change too often, this might be a solution:

create procedure create_customer_view() 
l_sql text;
l_columns text;
select string_agg(distinct format('(props ->> %L) as %I', label, label), ', ')
into l_columns
from the_table;

l_sql :=
'create view customer_properties as
select customer_number, '||l_columns||'
from (
select customer_number, jsonb_object_agg(label, value) as props
from the_table
group by customer_number
) t';
execute l_sql;
language plpgsql;

Then create the view using:

call create_customer_view();  

And in your code just use:

select *
from customer_properties;

You can schedule that procedure to run in regular intervals (e.g. through a cron job on Linux)

PostgreSQL transpose rows in to columns

you can try this:

sum(case when id=1 then quantity else 0 end) as '1',
sum(case when id=2 then quantity else 0 end) as '2',
sum(case when id=3 then quantity else 0 end) as '3',
sum(case when id=4 then quantity else 0 end) as '4',
sum(case when id=5 then quantity else 0 end) as '5',
sum(case when id=6 then quantity else 0 end) as '6',
sum(case when id=7 then quantity else 0 end) as '7',
sum(case when id=8 then quantity else 0 end) as '8',
sum(case when id=9 then quantity else 0 end) as '9',
sum(case when id=10 then quantity else 0 end) as '10',
sum(case when id=11 then quantity else 0 end) as '11',
sum(case when id=12 then quantity else 0 end) as '12',
sum(case when id=13 then quantity else 0 end) as '13'
from sales_report where date = '2018-10-04' GROUP BY Date ORDER BY date ASC

PostgreSQL simply transpose/convert rows to columns

You could use a pivot query with the help of ROW_NUMBER:

WITH cte AS (
FROM yourTable

MAX(value) FILTER (WHERE rn = 1) AS tmp,
MAX(value) FILTER (WHERE rn = 2) AS tmp02,
MAX(value) FILTER (WHERE rn = 3) AS tmp03
FROM cte;

screen capture from demo link below


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