Mysql Function to Find the Number of Working Days Between Two Dates

MySQL function to find the number of working days between two dates

This expression -

5 * (DATEDIFF(@E, @S) DIV 7) + MID('0123444401233334012222340111123400012345001234550', 7 * WEEKDAY(@S) + WEEKDAY(@E) + 1, 1)

calculates the number of business days between the start date @S and the end date @E.

Assumes end date (@E) is not before start date (@S).
Compatible with DATEDIFF in that the same start date and end date
gives zero business days.
Ignores holidays.

The string of digits is constructed as follows. Create a table of
start days and end days, the rows must start with monday (WEEKDAY
0) and the columns must start with Monday as well. Fill in the
diagonal from top left to bottom right with all 0 (i.e. there are 0
working days between Monday and Monday, Tuesday and Tuesday, etc.).
For each day start at the diagonal (must always be 0) and fill in
the columns to the right, one day at a time. If you land on a
weekend day (non business day) column, the number of business days
doesn't change, it is carried from the left. Otherwise, the number
of business days increases by one. When you reach the end of the
row loop back to the start of the same row and continue until you
reach the diagonal again. Then go on to the next row.

E.g. Assuming Saturday and Sunday are not business days -

 | M T W T F S S
M| 0 1 2 3 4 4 4
T| 4 0 1 2 3 3 3
W| 3 4 0 1 2 2 2
T| 2 3 4 0 1 1 1
F| 1 2 3 4 0 0 0
S| 1 2 3 4 5 0 0
S| 1 2 3 4 5 5 0

Then concatenate the 49 values in the table into the string.

Please let me know if you find any bugs.

improved table:

 | M T W T F S S
M| 0 1 2 3 4 4 4
T| 4 0 1 2 3 3 3
W| 3 4 0 1 2 2 2
T| 2 3 4 0 1 1 1
F| 1 2 3 4 0 0 0
S| 0 1 2 3 4 0 0
S| 0 1 2 3 4 4 0

improved string: '0123444401233334012222340111123400001234000123440'

improved expression:

5 * (DATEDIFF(@E, @S) DIV 7) + MID('0123444401233334012222340111123400001234000123440', 7 * WEEKDAY(@S) + WEEKDAY(@E) + 1, 1)

Count days between two dates, excluding weekends (MySQL only)


123456712345 one week plus 5 days, you can remove whole weeks safely
12345------- you can analyze partial week's days at start date
-------12345 or at ( end date - partial days )


@S          = start date
@E = end date, not inclusive
@full_weeks = floor( ( @E-@S ) / 7)
@days = (@E-@S) - @full_weeks*7 OR (@E-@S) % 7

@full_weeks*5 -- not saturday+sunday
+IF( @days >= 1 AND weekday( S+0 )<=4, 1, 0 )
+IF( @days >= 2 AND weekday( S+1 )<=4, 1, 0 )
+IF( @days >= 3 AND weekday( S+2 )<=4, 1, 0 )
+IF( @days >= 4 AND weekday( S+3 )<=4, 1, 0 )
+IF( @days >= 5 AND weekday( S+4 )<=4, 1, 0 )
+IF( @days >= 6 AND weekday( S+5 )<=4, 1, 0 )
-- days always less than 7 days

Count work days between two dates

For workdays, Monday to Friday, you can do it with a single SELECT, like this:

SET @StartDate = '2008/10/01'
SET @EndDate = '2008/10/31'

(DATEDIFF(dd, @StartDate, @EndDate) + 1)
-(DATEDIFF(wk, @StartDate, @EndDate) * 2)
-(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, @StartDate) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
-(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, @EndDate) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)

If you want to include holidays, you have to work it out a bit...

How to get the number of days of difference between two dates on MySQL?

What about the DATEDIFF function ?

Quoting the manual's page :

DATEDIFF() returns expr1 – expr2
expressed as a value in days from one
date to the other. expr1 and expr2
are date or date-and-time expressions.
Only the date parts of the values are
used in the calculation

In your case, you'd use :

mysql> select datediff('2010-04-15', '2010-04-12');
| datediff('2010-04-15', '2010-04-12') |
| 3 |
1 row in set (0,00 sec)

But note the dates should be written as YYYY-MM-DD, and not DD-MM-YYYY like you posted.

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