How to Parse JSON in Oracle SQL? (Version:11.2.0)

Support for JSON in Oracle 11g

No, JSON support was introduced in Oracle database 12c release 2 (


Identifier 'APEX_JSON.PARSE' must be declared in oracle 11.2.0

This depends on the APEX version within your database, which I'm guessing may still be 4.x on your 11.2 instance.


The apex_json package was introduced with 5.0

work with json in oracle

I have started using this library, and it seems promising:

Easy to install, and the examples are good.

To use the library in your example, add these variables to your procedure..

mapData     json;
results json_list;
status json_value;
firstResult json;
geometry json;


Then you can manipulate the response as a json object.

-- convert the result from the get to a json object, and show some results.
mapData := json(v_ans);

-- Show the status of the request
status := mapData.get('status');
dbms_output.put_line('Status = ' || status.get_string());

IF (status.get_string() = 'OK') THEN
results := json_list(mapData.get('results'));
-- Grab the first item in the list
resultObject := json(results.head);

-- Show the human readable address
dbms_output.put_line('Address = ' || resultObject.get('formatted_address').to_char() );
-- Show the json location data
dbms_output.put_line('Location = ' || resultObject.get('geometry').to_char() );

Running this code will output this to the dbms output:

Status = OK
Address = "St Paul, MN 55105, USA"
Location = {
"bounds" : {
"northeast" : {
"lat" : 44.9483849,
"lng" : -93.1261959
"southwest" : {
"lat" : 44.9223829,
"lng" : -93.200307
"location" : {
"lat" : 44.9330076,
"lng" : -93.16290629999999
"location_type" : "APPROXIMATE",
"viewport" : {
"northeast" : {
"lat" : 44.9483849,
"lng" : -93.1261959
"southwest" : {
"lat" : 44.9223829,
"lng" : -93.200307

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