Generate a Resultset of Incrementing Dates in Tsql

Generate a resultset of incrementing dates in TSQL

If your dates are no more than 2047 days apart:

declare @dt datetime, @dtEnd datetime
set @dt = getdate()
set @dtEnd = dateadd(day, 100, @dt)

select dateadd(day, number, @dt)
(select number from master.dbo.spt_values
where [type] = 'P'
) n
where dateadd(day, number, @dt) < @dtEnd

I updated my answer after several requests to do so. Why?

The original answer contained the subquery

 select distinct number from master.dbo.spt_values
where name is null

which delivers the same result, as I tested them on SQL Server 2008, 2012, and 2016.

However, as I tried to analyze the code that MSSQL internally when querying from spt_values, I found that the SELECT statements always contain the clause WHERE [type]='[magic code]'.

Therefore I decided that although the query returns the correct result, it delivers the correct result for wrong reasons:

There may be a future version of SQL Server which defines a different [type] value which also has NULL as values for [name], outside the range of 0-2047, or even non-contiguous, in which case the result would be simply wrong.

generate a resultset for incrementing dates in TSQL and use last known value for quantity column

It works with just minor adjustments:

WITH dates AS
SELECT CAST('20140101' AS DATE) 'date'
FROM dates D
WHERE DATEADD(dd, 1, <= '20140301'
,( SELECT TOP 1 qoh
FROM #t1 T
WHERE T.postdate <= D.[date]
ORDER BY T.postdate DESC
dates D

This returns

2014-01-01  10
2014-01-02 10
2014-01-03 10
2014-01-04 10
2014-01-05 30
2014-01-06 30
2014-01-07 30
2014-01-08 30
2014-01-09 50
2014-01-10 50
2014-01-11 60
2014-01-12 60
2014-01-13 60
... ...!6/79578/1

Just a sidenote: I prefer to use a Calendar-table (if possible). Just throw in each day for the next ten years and it's still a very small table and you can join on it to return one row per day. It's quite convenient and the queries are easier to read than such recursion.


Set up a calendar table:

CREATE table tblCalendar ([date] date PRIMARY KEY);

DECLARE @n int;
SET @n = 0;

WHILE @n < (365*5)
INSERT INTO tblCalendar([date]) VALUES(DATEADD(day, @n, '20140101'));
SET @n = @n +1;

Cut down the query to:

,( SELECT TOP 1 qoh
FROM @t1 T1
WHERE T1.postdate <= C.[date]
ORDER BY T1.postdate DESC
tblCalendar C
WHERE BETWEEN '20140101' AND '20140301'

T-SQL Wrapping an increment date around a query

You want one row per client and month. So first cross join the two to get all combinations. Then outer join your figures.

I'm using one WITH clause for the invoices you are interested in (matching the maximum revision) and one for a recursive query to generate the months.

with last_revision_invoices as
select top(1) with ties
year(invdate) as year,
month(invdate) as month,
from client_invoices ci
order by case when invoice_revision = max(invoice_revision) over (partition by clientcode, invdate, invnumber) then 1 else 2 end
, months as (
select year(@range_start) as year, month(@range_start) as month
union all
select case when month < 12 then year else year + 1 end, (month % 12) + 1
from months
where year < year(@range_end) or (year = year(@range_end) and month < month(@range_end))
select c.clientcode, m.year, m.month, coalesce(, 0) as total_then, coalesce(, 0) as total_previous_year
from client_main c
cross join months m
left join
select clientcode, year, month, sum(tax_credit) as total
from last_revision_invoices
group by clientcode, year, month
) cur on cur.clientcode = c.clientcode and cur.year = m.year and cur.month = m.month
left join
select clientcode, year, month, sum(tax_credit) as total
from last_revision_invoices
group by clientcode, year, month
) prev on prev.clientcode = c.clientcode and prev.year = m.year - 1 and prev.month = m.month
order by c.clientcode, m.year, m.month;

Rextester demo:

How to generate a range of dates in SQL Server

I would argue that for this specific purpose the below query is about as efficient as using a dedicated lookup table.

DECLARE @start DATE, @end DATE;
SELECT @start = '20110714', @end = '20110717';

SELECT TOP (DATEDIFF(DAY, @start, @end) + 1)
n = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [object_id])
FROM sys.all_objects
SELECT 'Bob', DATEADD(DAY, n-1, @start)


Bob     2011-07-14
Bob 2011-07-15
Bob 2011-07-16
Bob 2011-07-17

Presumably you'll need this as a set, not for a single member, so here is a way to adapt this technique:

Member NVARCHAR(32),
RegistrationDate DATE,
CheckoutDate DATE

INSERT @t SELECT N'Bob', '20110714', '20110717'
UNION ALL SELECT N'Sam', '20110712', '20110715'
UNION ALL SELECT N'Jim', '20110716', '20110719';

;WITH [range](d,s) AS
SELECT DATEDIFF(DAY, MIN(RegistrationDate), MAX(CheckoutDate))+1,
FROM @t -- WHERE ?
n(d) AS
FROM sys.all_objects) AS s(n)
WHERE n <= (SELECT MAX(d) FROM [range])
SELECT t.Member, n.d
WHERE n.d BETWEEN t.RegistrationDate AND t.CheckoutDate;
----------^^^^^^^ not many cases where I'd advocate between!


Member    d
-------- ----------
Bob 2011-07-14
Bob 2011-07-15
Bob 2011-07-16
Bob 2011-07-17
Sam 2011-07-12
Sam 2011-07-13
Sam 2011-07-14
Sam 2011-07-15
Jim 2011-07-16
Jim 2011-07-17
Jim 2011-07-18
Jim 2011-07-19

As @Dems pointed out, this could be simplified to:

;WITH natural AS 
SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY [object_id]) - 1 AS val
FROM sys.all_objects
SELECT t.Member, d = DATEADD(DAY, natural.val, t.RegistrationDate)
FROM @t AS t INNER JOIN natural
ON natural.val <= DATEDIFF(DAY, t.RegistrationDate, t.CheckoutDate);

Combine the list of intervals from two tables

I'd suggest that you union all start and endtimes and then build upon intervals using INNER JOIN or LEAD (in newer versions of SQL server)
See live demo

; with inputs  as
( select t=starttime from table1
select t=endtime from table1
select t=starttime from table2
select t=endtime from table2
map as
select starttime=t, endtime=lead(t) over ( order by t)
from inputs

select * from map
where endtime is not null
order by starttime

Generate missing dates + Sql Server (SET BASED)

The following uses a recursive CTE (SQL Server 2005+):

WITH dates AS (
SELECT CAST('2009-01-01' AS DATETIME) 'date'
FROM dates t
WHERE DATEADD(dd, 1, <= '2009-02-01')
SELECT t.eventid,
FROM dates d
JOIN TABLE t ON BETWEEN t.startdate AND t.enddate

It generates dates using the DATEADD function. It can be altered to take a start & end date as parameters. According to KM's comments, it's faster than using the numbers table trick.

Need to get dates between two date columns

A recursive CTE is a pretty easy method:

with dates as (
select effdate as dte, enddate
from t
union all
select dateadd(day, 1, dte), enddate
from dates
where dte < enddate
select dte
from dates
option (maxrecursion 0);

Often a tally table has somewhat better performance:

with digits as (
select v.n
from (values (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9)) v(n)
n as (
select (d1*1000 + d2*100 + d3*10 + d4*1) n
from digits d1 cross join
digits d2 cross join
digits d3 cross join
digits d4
select dateadd(day, n.n, t.effdate)
from t join
on dateadd(day, n.n, t.effdate) <= t.enddate ;

You have to be sure that your table of numbers -- however generated -- is big enough for your timespan.

generate days from date range

This solution uses no loops, procedures, or temp tables. The subquery generates dates for the last 10,000 days, and could be extended to go as far back or forward as you wish.

select a.Date 
from (
select curdate() - INTERVAL (a.a + (10 * b.a) + (100 * c.a) + (1000 * d.a) ) DAY as Date
from (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as a
cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as b
cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as c
cross join (select 0 as a union all select 1 union all select 2 union all select 3 union all select 4 union all select 5 union all select 6 union all select 7 union all select 8 union all select 9) as d
) a
where a.Date between '2010-01-20' and '2010-01-24'



Notes on Performance

Testing it out here, the performance is surprisingly good: the above query takes 0.0009 sec.

If we extend the subquery to generate approx. 100,000 numbers (and thus about 274 years worth of dates), it runs in 0.0458 sec.

Incidentally, this is a very portable technique that works with most databases with minor adjustments.

SQL Fiddle example returning 1,000 days

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