Error on Update Join

Incorrect syntax error for Update-Inner Join statement

Well, I have absolutely no idea where you got the syntax for an UPDATE with a JOIN from, but it's pretty messed up. This should be the right code:

SET t1.field2 = t2.field2
FROM dbo.table1 t1
INNER JOIN dbo.table2 t2
ON t1.field1 = t2.field2

SQl,UPDATE INNER JOIN You have an error in your SQL syntax

update product_in_stock AS A 
INNER JOIN move_str_start AS B ON A.id_model = B.id_model
SET A.amount=A.amount+B.count
WHERE B.id_move=121 AND A.id_stock=7;

PS This is Answer

MySql update syntax error from inner join

This is the correct syntax in MySQL:

UPDATE universities u JOIN
countries c
ON =
SET u.countryid =;

In addition, I introduced table aliases (so the query is easier to write and to read) and removed an extraneous comma.

I am getting an error in mysql update query using inner join

You have an error in your SQL syntax

Try This

UPDATE userpswd
INNER JOIN oncampus
ON userpswd.ID=oncampus.ID
SET oncampus_present='yes'
WHERE userpswd.oncampus_present IS NULL

SQL query syntax error, UPDATE statement with INNER JOIN

This is valid syntax:

UPDATE tblMitarbeiterUUID x

JOIN arbeiter y
ON x.idMitarbeiterUUID = y.fidMitarbeiterUUID

SET x.dtPassword="A"


SQL: error with inner join in an update

Oracle does not support join in update (at least explicitly). The equivalent for what you want to do is:

SET numcl2 = (select client.NUMCL2
from CLIENT c
where c.NUMCL = r.numcl
WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM client c WHERE c.NUMCL = r.numcl);

The exists is important, if you want to handle the cases where there is no match.

Syntax error near FROM when using UPDATE with JOIN in MySQL?

That isn't valid MySQL syntax. It is valid in MS SQL Server, however. For MySQL, use:

JOIN beststat AS t1 ON bestall.bestid = t1.bestid
SET view = t1.v, rawview = t1.rv

MySQL requires the update tables to come before the SET clause. See the MySQL UPDATE syntax reference for full details.

How to use an UPDATE Query with an INNER JOIN to update fields within a table

Your syntax is indeed incorrect for SQL Server - if I understand your last paragraph you just need a conditional case expression. If the following (of course untested) is not correct hopefully it's enough to put you on the right track:

update t1 set t1.Marked =
case t2.type
when 'Summary' then 'Yes'
when 'Full' then 'No'
else 'N/A'
from tbl_1 t1
left join tbl_2 t2 on t1.PersNo = t2.PersNo;

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