Calculate the Last Day of the Prior Quarter

Calculate the last day of the prior quarter

If @Date has the date in question

Select DateAdd(day, -1, dateadd(qq, DateDiff(qq, 0, @Date), 0)) 

EDIT: Thanks to @strEagle below, simpler still is:

Select dateadd(qq, DateDiff(qq, 0, @Date), -1) 

Last day of most recent financial quarter in Snowflake

Was not sure if you want the last day of current quarter or prior quarter, but this should be enough to get where you want to go:

SELECT current_date today,
date_trunc('quarter', today) as cur_qrt,
dateadd('day', -1, cur_qrt) as last_day_of_prior_qrt,
dateadd('day', -1, dateadd('quarter', 1, cur_qrt)) as last_day_of_current_qrt;

Get last day of previous quarter

This should work for VBA. It just determines the first day of the current quarter and then subtracts one day.

Debug.Print DateAdd("q", DatePart("q", Date) - 1, "1/1/" & Year(Date)) - 1

End of previous quarter / last day of previous quarter

Here are some possibilities with functions from packages zoo and timeDate, and base R. The zoo code was improved by @G.Grothendieck, and he also suggested the base alternative (thanks a lot!). I leave the lubridate solution(s) to someone else.

First, use class yearqtr in package zoo to represent the quarterly data. You may then use as.Date.yearqtr and the frac argument "which is a number between 0 and 1 inclusive that indicates the fraction of the way through the period that the result represents. The default is 0 which means the beginning of the period" (see ?yearqtr, and ?yearmon for frac).

Step by step:


date <- as.Date("2014-11-03")

# current quarter
current_q <- as.yearqtr(date)
# [1] "2014 Q4"

# first date in current quarter
first_date_current_q <- as.Date(current_q, frac = 0)
# [1] "2014-10-01"

# last date in previous quarter
last_date_prev_q <- first_date_current_q - 1
# [1] "2014-09-30"

And a short version by @G.Grothendieck (thanks!)

as.Date(as.yearqtr(date)) - 1
# [1] "2014-09-30"

A nice base R solution by @G.Grothendieck

as.Date(cut(date, "quarter")) - 1
# [1] "2014-09-30"

Another possibility is to use timeFirstDayInQuarter and timeLastDayInQuarter functions in package timeDate:

timeLastDayInQuarter(timeFirstDayInQuarter(date) - 1)
# [1] [2014-09-30]

excel formula for previous quarters

To return the quarter | year corresponding to 3 months ago, i.e. :

"previous quarter & year"

simply replace col H date references with edate(date,-3). Cell J17 formula to enter is then:

="Q"&ROUNDUP(MONTH(EDATE(H17,-3))/3,0)&" "&YEAR(EDATE(H17,-3))

Screenshot - application

If you have Office 365 compatible version of Excel, you could shorten (albeit ever so slightly in this case) with the let function as so:

=LET(x,EDATE(H17,-3),"Q"&ROUNDUP(MONTH(x)/3,0)&" "&YEAR(x))

How to get previous -previous quarters month and year in SQL Server

If it is the last day of the quarter then here is one solution. This should work going forwards and backwards.

DECLARE @ReportDate DATETIME = '2020-07-14'
DECLARE @QuarterInterval INT = -2


TheDate = @EndOfQuarter,
TheMonth = DATEPART(MONTH,@EndOfQuarter),
TheYear = DATEPART(YEAR,@EndOfQuarter)

Find next quarter end date given previous quarter end date using Java

To answer your question, I think you are looking for this :

DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MM-yy");
LocalDate end = LocalDate.parse("30-09-20", formatter)
.plusMonths(3) // add three months to your date
.with(TemporalAdjusters.lastDayOfMonth()); // with the last day of the month

Note: don't use the legacy Date library, you tagged your question Java-8 which mean you can use java-time API.

Get last day of current quarter

@deHaar have reason, to get the end date of curent quarter, I would suggest to use :

public LocalDate lastDayFromDateQuarter(String date) {
final DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MM-yy");
LocalDate ld = LocalDate.parse(date, formatter);
int quarter = ld.get(IsoFields.QUARTER_OF_YEAR); // Get the Quarter, 1, 2, 3, 4
// Then create a new date with new quarter * 3 and last day of month
return ld.withMonth(quarter * 3).with(TemporalAdjusters.lastDayOfMonth());

Get last day of next quarter

To get the last day of the next quarter, then you just can add three months to your date like so :

public static LocalDate lastDayFromDateQuarter(String date) {
final DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MM-yy");
LocalDate ld = LocalDate.parse(date, formatter);
int quarter = ld.get(IsoFields.QUARTER_OF_YEAR);
return ld.withMonth(quarter * 3)

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