Writing Module for Ruby

Rails, writing module. Where is to store setting?

Finally, I got the answer, not sure that is the best way, if no, let me know, please:

module Staticizable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern

included do
class << self;
attr_accessor :has_child_custom

module ClassMethods
def check_children child
self.has_child_custom = child

def was_staticized
unless staticized_date
return false
(DateTime.now - self.staticized_date.to_datetime).to_i

def staticized?
if self.class.has_child_custom.present?
self.send(self.class.has_child_custom).each do |child|
unless child.staticized?
return false
if self.staticize_period > was_staticized


def staticized
self.staticized_date = DateTime.now


Also I've created a file in /config/initializers with

ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, Staticizable

And set it up in model with:

class Building < ActiveRecord::Base
check_children :blocks

How to get started writing Metasploit modules/exploits?

If you follow this link:

How to get started with writing an auxiliary module

You'll find not only a helpful reference for setting up a metasploit module, but also an entire wiki with (at time of writing) 106 pages on metasploit development and use.

Now, I say reference and not tutorial because making metasploit modules 10% boilerplate code that you need to look up and 90% good-old-ruby that has nothing to do with metasploit.

Take, for example, this simple template module:

require 'msf/core'

class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary

include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner

def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'Module name',
'Description' => %q{
Say something that the user might want to know.
'Author' => [ 'Name' ],
'License' => MSF_LICENSE

def run
# use `print_status` to print to the metasploit console, instead of `puts`


Walking through it line by line:

require 'msf/core'

First we require the metasploit files so we can use them.

class MetasploitModule < Msf::Auxiliary

Then we define a new class which inherits from the metasploit auxiliary class.

  include Msf::Auxiliary::Scanner

Here we include the metasploit scanner so we can use it in our code. You can include any of metasploit's modules here to use them within your own module; however, you likely won't find tutorials for the modules. You're expected to read the documentation to learn how to use them.

  def initialize(info = {})
'Name' => 'Module name',
'Description' => %q{
Say something that the user might want to know.
'Author' => [ 'Name' ],
'License' => MSF_LICENSE

This initialize method is basically boilerplate code that tells metasploit information about your module so it can display said information to users inside the metasploit console.

  def run
# use `print_status` to print to the metasploit console, instead of `puts`

This is where your code goes! This is also where metasploit ends and good-old-ruby begins. If you're making an HTTP server to echo a malicious payload, use an http server gem and write your logic. You can use metasploit modules here, but you use them (and learn how to use them) the same way you would any other ruby gem or library: look up the documentation and the API reference.


And that's it! Ultimately, you're discovering what makes IT security such a difficult field. There aren't any tutorials that can teach you how to hack or frameworks that can help you create exploits. Metasploit is more of a tool for curating collections of exploits, and writing your own module is just "plugging" your exploit into metasploit so other people can easily use it. The exploit itself is simply some ruby code, made to do something clever using basic network libraries.

Creating a completely new and useful hacking tool would be a big deal that some paid security professionals only dream of achieving. I suggest you pick a hacking tool which already exists (password cracker, network scanner, web crawler, etc), research that tool's purpose and functions, get well-acquainted with using it, and work on creating your own version of one. Then, once you've got it doing what you want, take your code and wrap it in a metasploit template so it can be accessed from metasploit.

If you get stuck along the way, you can come back to StackOverflow with more specific questions (eg "How can I scan for open ports on an IP?" or "How do I access options inside a metasploit module?") and we'll be happy to help you with those!

Cheers and good luck!

How to create and use a module using Ruby on Rails 3?

To 1. A module is created/opened
by simply saying:

module MyModule
def first_module_method

To 2. The lib folder. If you want to organize your modules in the lib folder, you can put them into modules themselves. For example, if you wanted a subfolder super_modules your modules would be defined as follows:

module SuperModules
module MyModule
def first_module_method

To 3./5. When including the module in a class you can simply call the modules methods as if they were defined within the class:

class MyClass
include MyModule
def some_method
first_module_method #calls module method

To 4.
Frst, make sure that your module is really needed in every class of your application. If it isn't it makes sense to only include it where it is need so as not to bloat the classes that don't need it anyways. If you really want the module everywhere, include look at the class hierarchy of your classes in the app. Do you want the module in all models? You could open ActiveRecord::Base and add add your module there.

Ruby module to print all method calls and returns in class

You can achieve that by defining a new wrapper method for each public instance method of the class that performs the log logic that you need.

module Loginator
def logify_me
self.public_instance_methods.each do |method|
proxy = Module.new do
define_method(method) do |*args|
puts "Method #{method}(#{args.join(', ')}) called"
# added join to match the exact desired output

value = super *args

puts "returns #{value}"

self.prepend proxy

class A
extend Loginator

def add(a, b)
a + b

def sub(a, b)
a - b


Which yields the following output:

>> A.new.sub(1,2)
Method 'sub' called with args '[1, 2]'
returns -1
=> -1

>> A.new.add(4,7)
Method 'add' called with args '[4, 7]'
returns 11
=> 11

Explanation for the future :)

  • define_method(method) :

    Defines an instance method in the receiver. The method parameter can be a Proc, a Method, or an UnboundMethod object. If a block is specified, it is used as the method body. This block is evaluated using instance_eval ref. can be found here

  • prepend

    prepend will insert the module at the bottom of the chain, even before the class itself.fourth ref on my post

Section to Edit by @pedrosfdcarneiro

please, add some brief explanation about the second inner module proxy = Module.new do end and why it's important for the return value and the usage of the super.

plus why did you preferred to use the public_instance_methods over instance_methods.

please kindly add some explanation about it because first its a bit unclear to me and secondly for the other noobs out there.
thanks in advance :)

This answer was heavily based on this fantastic answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/23898539/1781212.

Rails: How do I write tests for a ruby module?

IMHO, you should be doing functional test coverage that will cover all uses of the module, and then test it in isolation in a unit test:

setup do
@object = Object.new

should "greet person" do
@object.stubs(:format).returns("Hello {{NAME}}")
assert_equal "Hello World", @object.greet("World")

should "greet person in pirate" do
@object.stubs(:format).returns("Avast {{NAME}} lad!")
assert_equal "Avast Jim lad!", @object.greet("Jim")

If your unit tests are good, you should be able to just smoke test the functionality in the modules it is mixed into.


Write a test helper, that asserts the correct behaviour, then use that against each class it's mixed in. Usage would be as follows:

setup do
@object = FooClass.new


If your unit tests are good, this can be a simple smoke test of the expected behavior, checking the right delegates are called etc.

how to write a ruby module to allow methods in class definition

module Foo

def self.included(base)
base.extend ClassMethods

module ClassMethods
def initializers *names
names.each do |name|
define_method name do

def self.included(base)
base.extend ClassMethods

class Anything
include Foo

initializers :hello, :goodbye

puts Anything.new.hello #=> ok

How to write test cases for ruby on rails module without an associated database table?

You can create a new class, include your module, and test it:

let(:dummy) do
Class.new do
include TheModule

subject { dummy.new.get_employee(parameters) }

context "..." do
let(:parameters) { ... }

it "..." do
expect(subject).to eq(...)

It doesn't imply there should be a database table anywhere, just in the case Employee is a model backed by a database table, you'll need it. For the module you don't need one, it just depends on what it does.

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