Why Are Exclamation Marks Used in Ruby Methods

Why are exclamation marks used in Ruby methods?

In general, methods that end in ! indicate that the method will modify the object it's called on. Ruby calls these as "dangerous methods" because they change state that someone else might have a reference to. Here's a simple example for strings:

foo = "A STRING"  # a string called foo
foo.downcase! # modifies foo itself
puts foo # prints modified foo

This will output:

a string

In the standard libraries, there are a lot of places you'll see pairs of similarly named methods, one with the ! and one without. The ones without are called "safe methods", and they return a copy of the original with changes applied to the copy, with the callee unchanged. Here's the same example without the !:

foo = "A STRING"    # a string called foo
bar = foo.downcase # doesn't modify foo; returns a modified string
puts foo # prints unchanged foo
puts bar # prints newly created bar

This outputs:

a string

Keep in mind this is just a convention, but a lot of Ruby classes follow it. It also helps you keep track of what's getting modified in your code.

what is the use of ! sign in some ruby methods

As a convention, identifier? are used as predicate names, and identifier! are used for the more destructive (or more dangerous) methods than the method which have same name without !.



lstrip will return a new string with leading spaces removed thus original string is un-modified.
lstrip! will modify the string-in place

What is the purpose of ! and ? at the end of method names?

It's "just sugarcoating" for readability, but they do have common meanings:

  • Methods ending in ! perform some permanent or potentially dangerous change; for example:
    • Enumerable#sort returns a sorted version of the object while Enumerable#sort! sorts it in place.
    • In Rails, ActiveRecord::Base#save returns false if saving failed, while ActiveRecord::Base#save! raises an exception.
    • Kernel::exit causes a script to exit, while Kernel::exit! does so immediately, bypassing any exit handlers.
  • Methods ending in ? return a boolean, which makes the code flow even more intuitively like a sentence — if number.zero? reads like "if the number is zero", but if number.zero just looks weird.

In your example, name.reverse evaluates to a reversed string, but only after the name.reverse! line does the name variable actually contain the reversed name. name.is_binary_data? looks like "is name binary data?".

Exclamation points before a variable in Ruby

! is a just a not operator.

b.nil? is a method that checks the value for b is nil or not. Returns a boolean.

!b.nil? ? a + b : a is a ternary operation is action. It works like this :

if_this_is_a_true_value ? then_the_result_is_this : else_it_is_this 

which is equivalent of saying

if a then b else c end

So relating with above statement if !b.nil? is true answer is a+b else it is a.

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What is the purpose of exclamation marks in field definitions for GraphQL types in Ruby?

It's a mandatory (non-nullable) field. Implementation of:

String! means that the field is non-nullable, meaning that the GraphQL service promises to always give you a value when you query this field. In the type language, we'll represent those with an exclamation mark.


It seems it was replaced by keyword syntax:

field :handle, String, null: false


Where to put exclamation mark when methods are chained

Exclamation marks are not modifiers.

array.reject!(&:blank?).map!(&:to_i).reject!{|i| i == 0}

However, this code is subtly wrong. From reject! docs:

returns nil if no changes were made.

Whoops! This could break your whole chain. Instead, you're supposed to use delete_if, which always returns the array.

array.delete_if(&:blank?).map!(&:to_i).delete_if{|i| i == 0}

Yes, it's confusing it doesn't have a bang, but it does modify in-place. From the docs:

The array is changed instantly every time the block is called, not after the iteration is over.

What does the question mark at the end of a method name mean in Ruby?

It is a code style convention; it indicates that a method returns a boolean value (true or false) or an object to indicate a true value (or “truthy” value).

The question mark is a valid character at the end of a method name.


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