When Should I Use Struct Vs. Openstruct

When should I use Struct vs. OpenStruct?

With an OpenStruct, you can arbitrarily create attributes. A Struct, on the other hand, must have its attributes defined when you create it. The choice of one over the other should be based primarily on whether you need to be able to add attributes later.

The way to think about them is as the middle ground of the spectrum between Hashes on one side and classes on the other. They imply a more concrete relationship amongst the data than does a Hash, but they don't have the instance methods as would a class. A bunch of options for a function, for example, make sense in a hash; they're only loosely related. A name, email, and phone number needed by a function could be packaged together in a Struct or OpenStruct. If that name, email, and phone number needed methods to provide the name in both "First Last" and "Last, First" formats, then you should create a class to handle it.

When is it better to use a Struct rather than a Hash in Ruby?

Personally I use a struct in cases when I want to make a piece of data act like a collection of data instead of loosely coupled under a Hash.

For instance I've made a script that downloads videos from Youtube and in there I've a struct to represent a Video and to test whether all data is in place:

Video = Struct.new(:title, :video_id, :id) do
def to_s

def empty?
@title.nil? and @video_id.nil? and @id.nil?

Later on in my code I've a loop that goes through all rows in the videos source HTML-page until empty? doesn't return true.

Another example I've seen is James Edward Gray IIs configuration class which uses OpenStruct to easily add configuration variables loaded from an external file:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby -wKU

require "ostruct"

module Config

def load_config_file(path)
eval <<-END_CONFIG
config = OpenStruct.new

# configuration_file.rb
config.db = File.join(ENV['HOME'], '.cool-program.db')
config.user = ENV['USER']

# Usage:
Config = Config.load_config('configuration_file.rb')
Config.db # => /home/ba/.cool-program.db
Config.user # => ba
Config.non_existant # => Nil

The difference between Struct and OpenStruct is that Struct only responds to the attributes that you've set, OpenStruct responds to any attribute set - but those with no value set will return Nil

When should I use an OpenStruct instead of a Hash?

I think this mostly comes down to a performance decision. From the Ruby Documentation:

An OpenStruct utilizes Ruby’s method lookup structure to and find and define the necessary methods for properties. This is accomplished through the method method_missing and define_method.

This should be a consideration if there is a concern about the performance of the objects that are created, as there is much more overhead in the setting of these properties compared to using a Hash or a Struct.

Additionally, something like a Hash has additional functionality with all of the methods it provides (has_key?, include?, etc.). The OpenStruct is a very simple object from that standpoint, but if you don't have any concerns from a performance standpoint and just want an easy object to work with, OpenStruct is a good choice.

Whats are some important differences between an OpenStruct and a Hash?

OpenStructs are sloooooooooow and memory intensive , and don't scale well for large data sets.
Creating 1 million OpenStructs is ~100x slower than creating 1 million Hashes.

This has been discussed in detail here:

When should I use Struct vs. OpenStruct?

Is it required to place struct in front of a struct instance in c++ when you use c header files?

Even if you use all the C stuff (headers) in your program, at the end of the day it is recognized as a C++ source by your system if the file ends with .cpp extension. So, if you don't need to put struct in front of every struct instance as long as your source file is a C++ source file, it shouldn't show any compilation error.

That implies NO as the answer to your question.

Edit: As @JesperJuhl pointed out, this is not always true. Exceptions happen on AiX, VMS, Novell NetWare, DOS system. In that case, you'll need to use struct keyword before every instance.

What's the purpose of an anonymous struct in Ruby?

Struct.new returns a Class, so you can, for example, assign it to a constant like this:

Point = Struct.new(:x, :y)

or subclass it:

class Point < Struct.new(:x, :y)
# custom methods here
# ...

In both cases, you can use the resulting class like this:

Point.new(3, 5)

If you don't want to create a specific class (because you need to instantiate an object of that class only once), consider to use OpenStruct instead:

require 'ostruct'

point = OpenStruct.new(:x => 3, :y => 5)

Construct nested OpenStruct object

This method is rude method but works,

require 'ostruct'
require 'json'
# Data in hash
data = {"names" => {"first_name" => "Bob"}}
result = JSON.parse(data.to_json, object_class: OpenStruct)

And another method is adding method to Hash class itself,

class Hash
def to_openstruct
JSON.parse to_json, object_class: OpenStruct

Using above method you can convert your hash to openstruct

data = {"names" => {"first_name" => "Bob"}}

Ruby Class vs Struct

From the Struct docs:

A Struct is a convenient way to bundle a number of attributes together, using accessor methods, without having to write an explicit class.

The Struct class generates new subclasses that hold a set of members and their values. For each member a reader and writer method is created similar to Module#attr_accessor.

So, if I want a Person class that I can access a name attribute (read and write), I either do it by declaring a class:

class Person
attr_accessor :name

def initalize(name)
@name = name

or using Struct:

Person = Struct.new(:name)

In both cases I can run the following code:

 person = Person.new
person.name = "Name"
#or Person.new("Name")
puts person.name

When use it?

As the description states we use Structs when we need a group of accessible attributes without having to write an explicit class.

For example I want a point variable to hold X and Y values:

point = Struct.new(:x, :y).new(20,30)
point.x #=> 20

Some more examples:

  • http://blog.steveklabnik.com/posts/2012-09-01-random-ruby-tricks--struct-new
  • "When to use Struct instead of Hash in Ruby?" also has some very good points (comparing to the use of hash).

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