Strange, Unexpected Behavior (Disappearing/Changing Values) When Using Hash Default Value, E.G. Hash.New([])

Strange, unexpected behavior (disappearing/changing values) when using Hash default value, e.g.[])

First, note that this behavior applies to any default value that is subsequently mutated (e.g. hashes and strings), not just arrays. It also applies similarly to the populated elements in { [] }.

TL;DR: Use { |h, k| h[k] = [] } if you want the most idiomatic solution and don’t care why.

What doesn’t work

Why[]) doesn’t work

Let’s look more in-depth at why[]) doesn’t work:

h =[])
h[0] << 'a' #=> ["a"]
h[1] << 'b' #=> ["a", "b"]
h[1] #=> ["a", "b"]

h[0].object_id == h[1].object_id #=> true
h #=> {}

We can see that our default object is being reused and mutated (this is because it is passed as the one and only default value, the hash has no way of getting a fresh, new default value), but why are there no keys or values in the array, despite h[1] still giving us a value? Here’s a hint:

h[42]  #=> ["a", "b"]

The array returned by each [] call is just the default value, which we’ve been mutating all this time so now contains our new values. Since << doesn’t assign to the hash (there can never be assignment in Ruby without an = present), we’ve never put anything into our actual hash. Instead we have to use <<= (which is to << as += is to +):

h[2] <<= 'c'  #=> ["a", "b", "c"]
h #=> {2=>["a", "b", "c"]}

This is the same as:

h[2] = (h[2] << 'c')

Why { [] } doesn’t work

Using { [] } solves the problem of reusing and mutating the original default value (as the block given is called each time, returning a new array), but not the assignment problem:

h = { [] }
h[0] << 'a' #=> ["a"]
h[1] <<= 'b' #=> ["b"]
h #=> {1=>["b"]}

What does work

The assignment way

If we remember to always use <<=, then { [] } is a viable solution, but it’s a bit odd and non-idiomatic (I’ve never seen <<= used in the wild). It’s also prone to subtle bugs if << is inadvertently used.

The mutable way

The documentation for states (emphasis my own):

If a block is specified, it will be called with the hash object and the key, and should return the default value. It is the block’s responsibility to store the value in the hash if required.

So we must store the default value in the hash from within the block if we wish to use << instead of <<=:

h = { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
h[0] << 'a' #=> ["a"]
h[1] << 'b' #=> ["b"]
h #=> {0=>["a"], 1=>["b"]}

This effectively moves the assignment from our individual calls (which would use <<=) to the block passed to, removing the burden of unexpected behavior when using <<.

Note that there is one functional difference between this method and the others: this way assigns the default value upon reading (as the assignment always happens inside the block). For example:

h1 = { |h, k| h[k] = [] }
h1 #=> {:x=>[]}

h2 = { [] }
h2 #=> {}

The immutable way

You may be wondering why[]) doesn’t work while works just fine. The key is that Numerics in Ruby are immutable, so we naturally never end up mutating them in-place. If we treated our default value as immutable, we could use[]) just fine too:

h =[].freeze)
h[0] += ['a'] #=> ["a"]
h[1] += ['b'] #=> ["b"]
h[2] #=> []
h #=> {0=>["a"], 1=>["b"]}

However, note that ([].freeze + [].freeze).frozen? == false. So, if you want to ensure that the immutability is preserved throughout, then you must take care to re-freeze the new object.


Of all the ways, I personally prefer “the immutable way”—immutability generally makes reasoning about things much simpler. It is, after all, the only method that has no possibility of hidden or subtle unexpected behavior. However, the most common and idiomatic way is “the mutable way”.

As a final aside, this behavior of Hash default values is noted in Ruby Koans.

This isn’t strictly true, methods like instance_variable_set bypass this, but they must exist for metaprogramming since the l-value in = cannot be dynamic.

Why ` { |h, k| [] }` causes `hash[char] idx` to stop working

I can fix the issue by either initializing the hash using {|h,k| h[k] = []} or [...]

That's actually the correct way to use the block variant. From the docs for

"It is the block’s responsibility to store the value in the hash if required."

The block is called when accessing missing values via Hash#[]. If you don't store the value, the hash remains empty. So the next time you attempt to access this value, it will still be missing and the block will be called again:

hash = { rand }

hash[:foo] #=> 0.9548960551853385
hash[:foo] #=> 0.7535154376706064
hash[:foo] #=> 0.007113200178872958
hash[:foo] #=> 0.07621008793193496

hash #=> {}

The same happens for your { [] } attempt – you'll get a fresh array every time you call hash[char] because the array is never stored in the hash. Your code is equivalent to:

def dupe_indices(arr)
hash = {}
arr.each.with_index do |char, idx|
[] << idx # <- obviously doesn't do anything useful
return hash

When Hash's default value is set as Hash, it is giving unexpected output

When you use the default value, no key/value is set. The default is simply returned instead of nil.

I think you're imagining it works like this where the default is set on the key being accessed like ||=.

default = {x: 0, y: 0}
foo =
foo['bar'] ||= default
foo['bar'][:x] += 1

Instead, it works like this where the default is returned when there is no key.

default = {x: 0, y: 0}
foo =
val = foo['bar'] || default
val[:x] += 1

Put another way, you're expecting this.

def [](key)
@data[key] ||= default

But it works like this.

def [](key)
@data[key] || default

But this behaviour appears to change if I provide, say, an integer instead of a Hash as the default value. For instance, if I do foo =, then foo['bar'] += 1 the behaviour is what I would expect. foo is not empty, and the default value has not changed. – aardvarkk 4 mins ago

foo['bar'] += 1 is really shorthand for

default = foo['bar']        # fetch the default
foo['bar'] = default + 1 # sets 'bar' on foo

Note that it calls []= on foo.

foo['bar'][:x] += 1 is shorthand for...

default = foo['bar']   # fetch the default value
val = default[:x] # fetch :x from the default
default[:x] = val + 1 # set :x on the default value

Note that it calls []= on the default value, not foo.

strange Hash behavior for nested assignments with defaults

new(obj) → new_hash

If obj is specified, this single object will be used for all default values.

Now[]) is holding the default Array object. Now b[:a][:b] << 'hello' you are entering, the "hello" to the default Array.The default value is being returned, when the key doesn't exist in the Hash.

Don't think you are adding keys to the Hash objects, with this b[:a][:b] << 'hello' line.

b[:a] is giving the default Hash object, which is[]). Now on this Hash object you are calling Hash#[] using the key :b, but as :b is the non existent key, it is giving the default Array object.

That's why b, b.size and b.keys all are proving that Hash is empty.


Why is that I can access the value stored at b[:a][:b] yet b has a size of 0 and no keys?

Because, you added the value "Hello" to the default Array, as I mentioned above. That value is coming when you are using the line b[:a][:b].

Hash default-value creates all of the same instance

If you give an object (like another this very object is the default value. It is shared across different keys.

default = []
hash =
hash[:one] << 1
# now default is [1] !

You want to use with a block, so that something new happens each time a key was not found.


h = { |hash,new_key|  hash[new_key] = {} }

There is great explanation about that e.g. in Ruby hash default value behavior . Your question is kind of a duplicate.

Also, as we figured out in the comments, you probably wanted to compare the object_id and not the hash value.

first_hash = {}
second_hash = {}

# .hash same, but different objects!
puts "initial, hash:"
puts first_hash.hash == second_hash.hash ? " - same" : " - differs"
puts "initial, object_id"
puts first_hash.object_id == second_hash.object_id ? " - same" : " - differs"

# Change the world
# .hash different, and still different objects.
first_hash[:for] = "better"
puts "better world now, hash:"
puts first_hash.hash == second_hash.hash ? " - same" : " - differs"
puts "better world now, object_id"
puts first_hash.object_id == second_hash.object_id ? " - same" : " - differs"

Hash default value not being used

When you did a[:key] << 2, you slipped that empty array default value out and added 2 to it (modifying the actual array, not the reference) without letting the hash object a know that you had changed anything. You modified the object that a was using as a default, so you will see this as well:

p a[:wat] #=> [2]
p a[:anything] #=> [2]

In the second example, you made a new array, and use b[:key]= which tells b that it has a value under that key.

Try this if you want the best of both worlds:

c =[])
c[:key] += [2]

This will access c[:key] and make a new array with + and reassign it.

Running[]) does what you expect but not in the way you expect it

foo =[]) sets the default value of a not existed key to an array. Herefoo[:bar] << 'Item 1' the :bar key doesn't exist, so foo uses an array to which you add a new element. By doing so you mutate the default value because the array is provided to you by a reference.

> foo =[])
=> {}
> foo.default
=> []

If you call any not defined key on your hash you'll get this array:

> foo[:bar] << 'Item 1'
=> ["Item 1"]
> foo[:foo]
=> ["Item 1"]

To achieve your goal you should return a new array every time. It's possible by passing a block to, the block will be executed every time you access a not defined key:

> foo = { |hash, key| hash[key] = [] }
=> {}
> foo[:bar] << 'Item 1'
=> ["Item 1"]
> foo[:bar]
=> ["Item 1"]
> foo.keys
=> [:bar]
> foo[:foo]
=> []
> foo[:foo] << 'Item 2'
=> ["Item 2"]
> foo
=> {:bar=>["Item 1"], :foo=>["Item 2"]}

Here is the documentation.

Modifying the default hash value

Hash's default value doesn't work like you're expecting it to. When you say h[k], the process goes like this:

  1. If we have a k key, return its value.
  2. If we have a default value for the Hash, return that default value.
  3. If we have a block for providing default values, execute the block and return its return value.

Note that (2) and (3) say nothing at all about inserting k into the Hash. The default value essentially turns h[k] into this:

h.has_key?(k) ? h[k] : the_default_value

So simply accessing a non-existant key and getting the default value back won't add the missing key to the Hash.

Furthermore, anything of the form:[ ... ])
# or{ ... })

is almost always a mistake as you'll be sharing exactly the same default Array or Hash for for all default values. For example, if you do this:

h =['a'])

Then h[:i], h[:j], ... will all return ['a', 'b'] and that's rarely what you want.

I think you're looking for the block form of the default value:

h = { |h, k| h[k] = [ 'alright' ] }

That will do two things:

  1. Accessing a non-existent key will add that key to the Hash and it will have the provided Array as its value.
  2. All of the default values will be distinct objects so altering one will not alter the rest.

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