Setting Mime Type for .Ogv Files in Rails Development Environment

setting mime type for image files before they are encrypted with Shrine and Rails

Simply said: I think you're not quite doing this in the way Shrine intends and there's multiple ways to remedy this. I'll rank them from (in my opinion, based on complexity/appropriateness) best to worst:

  • Encryption could/should be treated as a part of Shrine's processing/derivatives concept. So you'd want to perform the processing there and set the metadata accordingly. The Shrine author himself has outlined solutions to process the original file in a thread here:
  • You can override metadata manually: This would probably mean not using attribute based assignment but instead calling the attacher directly (see below).
  • You can define your own MIME type determining logic as set out here:
  • You're using Shrine.mime_type already. Use the value you get from this and store it in a separate database column mime_type on your id_docs model and then use it when you're reading from the database. Note that this probably implicitly means that the value in this column and the value you get from the file's metadata's mime type are out of sync.

Using the attacher directly:

mime_type = Shrine.mime_type(image)

# ...

@id_doc = IdDoc.create(user_id: do |id_doc|
id_doc.image_attacher.model_assign(encrypted_image, metadata: { mime_type: mime_type })

Rails: MIME type issues with .m4v files

You need to add the following lines to your config/initializers/mime_types.rb file:

# register MIME type with Rails 
Mime::Type.register "video/mp4", :m4v

# register MIME type with MIME::Type gem
MIME::Types.add(MIME::Type.from_array("video/mp4", %(m4v)))

Now in the console you can test the results

#=> "video/mp4"

Setting MIME types using the ASP.NET Development Server

The built-in development web server in Visual Studio (Cassini) has no knowledge of <system.webServer>, only IIS7.x or IIS7.5 Express will consume these settings.

Also the static file content types in Visual Studio's development web server are hard coded.

From Microsoft.VisualStudio.WebHost.Connection (disassembled using .NET Reflector):

private static string MakeContentTypeHeader(string fileName)
string str = null;
FileInfo info = new FileInfo(fileName);
switch (info.Extension.ToLowerInvariant())
case ".bmp":
str = "image/bmp";

case ".css":
str = "text/css";

case ".gif":
str = "image/gif";

case ".ico":
str = "image/x-icon";

case ".htm":
case ".html":
str = "text/html";

case ".jpe":
case ".jpeg":
case ".jpg":
str = "image/jpeg";

case ".js":
str = "application/x-javascript";
if (str == null)
return null;
return ("Content-Type: " + str + "\r\n");

To be honest, with the advent of IIS7.5 Express I can't see why you'd want to use the built-in web server. Cassini can be the cause of so much confusion when it comes to deployment time on a production server because it's nothing like the real deal (security, configuration etc) whereas if you can get your site running on IIS7.5 Express then there's a fairly high probability that deployment onto a production IIS7.5 server will "just work".

I wouldn't be surprised if Microsoft yanked the Cassini server from the next version of Visual Studio given how easy it is to run with IIS7.5 Express.

Paperclip uploads for office files (docx,pptx) are being downloaded as zip files?

It turns out, as Marc B first hinted at - that all Office documents that end in x are indeed zipped XML files. Anything that uses normal mimetypes will assume that it's a zipped file.

To get around this, you have to register the Office mimetypes with your server. So, for your .pptx files, you put

Mime::Type.register "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation", :pptx

in your config/initializers/mime_types.rb file.

Alternatively, you can use the Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES.merge!() method, which is seen in action in this Stackoverflow answer, if you have to support all of the Office 2007 files.

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