Rubymine - No Ruby Interpreter Configured for the Project

RubyMine - No Ruby interpreter configured for the project

I faced this problem when I moved my project to another PC running a different version of JRuby. resolution:

  1. close RubyMine
  2. delete .idea/ folder
  3. re-open project in RubyMine

Error in RubyMine : no ruby interpreter configured for project

I solved it just by deleting .idea directory from the my project file and everything started working with no no debugger issue.

Rubymine Linux - No Ruby interpreter configured for the project

You need to click on 'V' button first (situated under '+' and '-') and then on 'Apply', which will become available.

RubyMine 2018.1.3 - Not able to configure Ruby Interpreter in Mac OS X 10.13.4

The project I was working on has both python and ruby files. I have configured PyCharm and then in the same directory I was trying to configure RubyMine for ruby which was causing the issue.

So I checked out the code in a different folder and configured only RubyMine there. Now things are working as expected.

Rubymine can't find SDK. Where is it?

If you are on windows its where ever you installed ruby under the bin folder as diplayed here If you are on a unix base system go to the terminal and enter which ruby and you will point it to the directory listed. Assuming you have ruby installed

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