Ruby Soap4R Wsdl2Ruby.Rb Errors

Rails : soap4r - Error while running wsdl2ruby.rb

The quick way to do this is to use a tool like curl to get the WSDL into a file and then just ask wsdl2ruby to create your SOAP client using this file. Ruby is much pickier about SSL certificates than the command line utilities and there are ways of using HTTPS in code, but I think you would need to unpick the code in the utility. All you need are the definitions.

This also has the not inconsiderable advantage of allowing you to keep the WSDL you used in your source code control system as a reference.

is there a version of soap4r / wsdl2ruby that works with ruby 1.9.2?

you may try to install this gem . It solved my problems.

Ruby webservices - xmlparser issue

answering myself: this snippet is incomplete. There is lack for super constructor call. Adding:

super(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3])

will make it all work

How to hide the soap4r gem warnings

soap4r has a number of known issues with Ruby 1.9. You should consider using one of the newer SOAP toolkits, such as savon or handsoap

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