Ruby: Could Not Find a Temporary Directory

Ruby: Could not find a temporary directory

Not sure what happened here, but I believe it had something to do with the /tmp folder permissions. I thought my /tmp folder was corrupted so I looked around about deleteing that folder and restoring it (I wasn't sure if this folder was especially significant about the way it was created). I found this source that suggested you can simply make the /tmp folder, just as you would any other folder, and then do a chmod 1777 on the newly created folder.

So, instead of deleting my current /tmp, I ran this chmod command and everything appeared to work.

What is strange to me is that I had previously done a chmod 777 and that caused the folder to not work. Weird...

Rails could not find a temporary directory (ArgumentError)

edit: As suggested in the comments just run

chmod +t /tmp


Old answer:

Your Ubuntu installation probably doesn't have TMPDIR set. You should set that variable in your startup.

This link has more information on environment variables in Ubuntu:

Change tmp folder for uploaded files

If setting the TMPDIR,TMP,TEMP is not working, it could be that the directory you specified doesn't exist or is not writable. Or $SAFE variable is > 0. The tmp folder is determined using the function Dir.tmpdir (see

class Dir  
def Dir::tmpdir
tmp = '.'
if $SAFE > 0
tmp = @@systmpdir
for dir in [ENV['TMPDIR'], ENV['TMP'], ENV['TEMP'], @@systmpdir, '/tmp']
if dir and stat = File.stat(dir) and and stat.writable?
tmp = dir
end rescue nil

Ruby 2.1

def Dir::tmpdir
if $SAFE > 0
tmp = @@systmpdir
tmp = nil
for dir in [ENV['TMPDIR'], ENV['TMP'], ENV['TEMP'], @@systmpdir, '/tmp', '.']
next if !dir
dir = File.expand_path(dir)
if stat = File.stat(dir) and and stat.writable? and
(!stat.world_writable? or stat.sticky?)
tmp = dir
end rescue nil
raise ArgumentError, "could not find a temporary directory" if !tmp

So if you're setting the TMP env variables, make sure that the lines below are true

  1. $SAFE == 0
  2. File.stat("you_dir")
  3. File.stat("you_dir").directory?
  4. File.stat("you_dir").writable?

Another way to set tempdir is to override the tmpdir in your rails initializer, but obviously this bypasses any directory checking so u gotta make sure it exists/writable

class Dir
def self.tmpdir

Specify a non-standard temporary directory for open() method in Ubuntu

Looking at the OpenURI source code we can see that it uses Tempfile:

io ='open-uri')

Tempfile in order to choose the temporary directory uses Dir.tmpdir, which in turn uses the system temporary directory or a directory specified by the environment variable TMPDIR (between others). So we can write something like this:

require 'open-uri'
require 'fileutils'

d = "#{Dir.home}/.tmp"
Dir.mkdir d
p open("")
FileUtils.rm_rf d

In a single command (please ensure that $HOME/.tmpdoes not exist and is not used):

ruby -ropen-uri -rfileutils -e 'd = "#{Dir.home}/.tmp"; Dir.mkdir d; ENV["TMPDIR"] = d; p open(""); ENV.delete("TMPDIR"); FileUtils.rm_rf d'

It should print something like


P.S. I'm using Ruby 2.1.0 preview, so maybe you have to look at #{ruby directory}/lib/ruby/2.0.0/open-uri.rb source in order to understand how OpenURI manages the temporary file (but it should be very similar)

What is the best way to get an empty temporary directory in Ruby on Rails?

The Dir#tmpdir function in the Ruby core (not stdlib that you linked to) should be cross-platform.

To use this function you need to require 'tmpdir'.

Change temporary directory in Rails 4

It seems that some libraries like to hard code values... See: [1]

By adding the following you can get around the hard coded value:

  config.assets.cache_limit = 50.megabytes

config.assets.configure do |env|
env.cache =
File.join(ENV['RAILS_TMP'], 'cache/assets'),

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