Rails: Chartkick Cummulative User Graph

Rails: Chartkick cummulative user graph

If I understand your question, you need to manipulate the hash of data.

In controller do somehing like this:

@data = User.group_by_week(:created_at).count
accumulator = 0
@data.transform_values! do |val|
val += accumulator
accumulator = val

Then show the chart in view as <%= line_chart @data %>

If you inspect the hash <%= User.group_by_week(:created_at).count.inspect %> it becomes clear.

In order to use accumulator over any hash, could be useful to add a custom method to Class hash.

module HashPatch
def accumulate_values!
accumulator = 0
transform_values! do |val|
val+= accumulator
accumulator = val
Hash.include HashPatch

points = {'x1' => 0, 'x2' => 10, 'x3' => 10, 'x4' => 10.1}
points.accumulate_values! #=> {"x1"=>0, "x2"=>10, "x3"=>20, "x4"=>30.1}

transform_values! since Ruby v4.2.1

Rails: Using groupdate & chartkick to create a cumulative user graph

Martin's answer was close, but I ended up using:

User.group_by_week(:created_at).order("week asc").count.map { |x,y| { x => (sum += y)} }.reduce({}, :merge)

To get weekly - notice the order("week asc") - it's what fixed it...

Chartkick cumulative chart by date never descending

I think it is not possible for cumulative data if you only have first occurred timestamp and current status.

  • If your errors will never be deleted and the only action is resolve (Change from active -> resolved status), you could add a new field, indicate when the error was resolved.

The error will be considered active on a day if they are created before or on that day, and not resolved or resolved after that day. So you query would be:

# Don't filter by status here
errors = Error.where('first_occurrence_date <= ?', Time.zone.today - 30.days)

day_data = (29.days.ago.to_date..Time.zone.today).to_h { |day| [day, 0] }

errors.find_each do |error|
resolved_date = error.resolved_at&.to_date || Time.zone.tomorrow
(error.first_occurrence_date..resolved_date).each do |day|
day_data[day] += 1
  • If the error can be reopened/resolved multiple times, can be deleted, or having multiple statuses, this approach will be invalid though. You may consider storing the history amount for each day in a new model via a daily cronjob or something like that, and just query those amounts. For example

Cronjob: run at the end of the day

# first_occurrence_date doesn't matter, we only count the errors still active by the end of the day
DayReport.create(day: Time.zone.today, active_errors_count: Error.where(status: "active").count)

Then simply query for the chart

line_chart DayReport.pluck(:day, :active_errors_count).to_h

Cumulative Chartkick Chart & Acts_As_Taggable_On

Alright guys, I finally worked this out!

Most answers around PG conflicts refer to .group() whereas I was looking at .group_by_day(:created_at). I fixed the ambiguous error by simply using:

= line_chart @items.group_by_day('items.created_at').order("day asc").sum(:result).map { |x,y| { x => (@sum += y)} }.reduce({}, :merge)

The only difference being passing 'items.created_at' as a string to group_by_day in order to define which created_at I was referring to.

Chartkick graph keeps loading

Figured it out, just needed to add .count

<%= line_chart Client.group_by_day(:created_at).count, id: random_chartkick_id %>

Rails Chartkick Lines not drawing in multi-series line_chart

As previous answers have mentioned, this seems to be due to the data points not sharing x-axis values. However, Highcharts handles such irregular data just fine, and it's supported by chartkick. Just source Highcharts (and jQuery as a dependency) instead of Google charts, e.g.

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-2.1.4.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/chartkick.js"></script>

For a demo, check out: http://www.highcharts.com/demo/spline-irregular-time

Chartkick - Stacked vertical graph in percentage

So the trick is to transform the data a bit.

@data = [
name: "Fantasy & Sci Fi",
data: [["2010", 10], ["2020", 16], ["2030", 28]]
name: "Romance",
data: [["2010", 24], ["2020", 22], ["2030", 19]]
name: "Mystery/Crime",
data: [["2010", 20], ["2020", 23], ["2030", 29]]

And this works like a charm then:

<%= bar_chart @data, stacked: true %>

I have found the answer in an older question over here.

However, if you want to do the percentage stack, you need to use the library hash for that.

<%= bar_chart @data, adapter: 'google', library: { isStacked: 'percent' } %>

P.s. Notice that it should be either true or 'percent' for the isStacked. More information here.

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