Put a Link in a Flash[:Notice]

Put a link in a flash[:notice]

I may be missing something obvious, but you should just be able to do

flash[:notice] = %Q[Created job number <a href="/jobs/list?job=#{update.id}">#{update.id}</a>]

and then just make sure you're not escaping the content of the flash when you display it in your view.

Add link to a flash notice in Rails ActiveAdmin view

The only way (probably not a good one) to achieve your purpose is to override activeadmin's :build_flash_messages method which generates flash messages.


This is the overridden version (added .html_safe). Place this code somewhere in initializers.

class ActiveAdmin::Views::Pages::Base
def build_flash_messages
div class: 'flashes' do
flash_messages.each do |type, message|
div message.html_safe, class: "flash flash_#{type}"

Adding an External link in flash notice rails controller

Try it without the interpolation.It will work.

redirect_to root_path, flash[:success] = "Complete this quick survey. <a href='https://www.google.com'>Click here</a>".html_safe

or if you want to interpolate:

url = "https://www.google.com"
redirect_to root_path, flash[:success] = "Complete this quick survey. <a href='#{url}'>Click here</a>".html_safe

How to insert URL into flash messages?

You need to do two things: First, construct a flash message with a link in it, as you'd expect:

flash[:notice] = "Settings updated! <a href=\"#{root_path}\">Go home</a>."

Then, in your view, you'll need to echo it as raw content. This skips Rails 3's automatic escaping of tainted strings, so be sure you never pass user input through this flash:

<%=raw flash[:notice] %>

Is it possible to add link to the flash message when it's confirmed?

I had trouble implementing these solutions. All I needed was a simple HTML link in the flash. Here's how I implemented it in Rails 4.1. I just had to sanitize my flash messages in app/views/shared/_flash.html.erb:

<% flash.each do |name, msg| %>
<div class="alert alert-<%= name %>">
<a class="close" data-dismiss="alert">×</a>
<% if msg.is_a?(String) %>
<div id="flash_<%= name %>"> <%= sanitize(msg) %> </div>
<% end %>
<% end %>

And in my controller, I just entered HTML directly and without .html_safe. Works a treat!

flash[:notice] = %Q[Please <a href="#">click here</a>]

I'm trying to implement `link_to` in a flash message for an update action in a controller in Rails but I cannot get it to render to the browser

You need to use html_safe when outputting the flash messages - not when storing them.

<% flash.each do |key, msg| -%>
<%= content_tag :div, msg.html_safe, class: name %>
<% end -%>

.html_safe just sets a flag on the string object that its trusted and should not be escaped.

The flash works by storing flash messages in the session storage - by default this means a cookie in the browser.

So when you do:

flash[:notice] = "foo"

You're storing the raw string "foo" in a cookie* and its unpacked back into the session on the next request. But the string is not the same Ruby object - so the html_safe flag on the string object is not persistent.

Add a line break in a flash notice rails controller

There is always a dirty way to do stuff in programming. Here you can create multi line array inside flash.

     flash[:success] = []
flash[:success] = flash[:success] << "We will notify you when we go LIVE! "
flash[:success] = flash[:success] << "Meantime, complete this quick survey so we can get to know your interest."

and display it like this

<% flash.each do |key, value| %>
<% value.each do |text| %>
<%= content_tag :div, text %>
<% end %>
<% end %>

This will definitely work.

But the best way to do that is this

flash[:success] = "We will notify you when we go LIVE! <br> Meantime, complete this quick survey so we can get to know your interest.".html_safe

If this also doesn't work then try it another way

in controller set

flash[:success] = "We will notify you when we go LIVE! <br> Meantime, complete this quick survey so we can get to know your interest."  

and in view display like

 <% flash.each do | value| %>
<%= content_tag :div, value.html_safe %>
<% end %>

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