Pass Parameter by Reference' in Ruby

Is Ruby pass by reference or by value?

In traditional terminology, Ruby is strictly pass-by-value. But that's not really what you're asking here.

Ruby doesn't have any concept of a pure, non-reference value, so you certainly can't pass one to a method. Variables are always references to objects. In order to get an object that won't change out from under you, you need to dup or clone the object you're passed, thus giving an object that nobody else has a reference to. (Even this isn't bulletproof, though — both of the standard cloning methods do a shallow copy, so the instance variables of the clone still point to the same objects that the originals did. If the objects referenced by the ivars mutate, that will still show up in the copy, since it's referencing the same objects.)

How to pass by reference in Ruby?

Ruby is strictly pass-by-value, which means references in the caller's scope are immutable. Obviously they are mutable within the scope, since you can assign to them after all, but they don't mutate the caller's scope.

a = 'foo'

def bar(b)
b = 'bar'


# => 'foo'

Note, however, that the object can be mutated even if the reference cannot:

a = 'foo'

def bar(b)
b << 'bar' # the only change: mutate the object instead of the reference
b = 'baz'


# => 'foobar'

If the object you get passed is immutable, too, then there is nothing you can do. The only possibilities for mutation in Ruby are mutating the reference (by assignment) or asking an object to mutate itself (by calling methods on it).

You can return an updated value from your method and have the caller assign that to the reference:

a = :foo

def bar(b)

c = bar(a)

# => :foobar

Or you can wrap the immutable object in a mutable one and mutate that mutable wrapper:

a = [:foo]

def bar(b)
b[0] = :bar


# => [:bar]

[This is really the same thing as the second example above.]

But if you can't change anything, then you are stuck.

'pass parameter by reference' in Ruby?

You can accomplish this by explicitly passing in the current binding:

def func(x, bdg)
eval "#{x} += 1", bdg

a = 5
func(:a, binding)
puts a # => 6

Ruby string pass by reference function parameter

I understand ruby does pass by reference for function parameters

Ruby is strictly pass-by-value, always. There is no pass-by-reference in Ruby, ever.

This is simply out of curiosity -- any explanations would be appreciated

The simple explanation for why your code snippet doesn't show the result you would expect for pass-by-reference is that Ruby isn't pass-by-reference. It is pass-by-value, and your code snippet proves that.

Here is a small snippet that demonstrates that Ruby is, in fact, pass-by-value and not pass-by-reference:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby

def is_ruby_pass_by_value?(foo)
foo << <<~HERE
More precisely, it is call-by-object-sharing!
Call-by-object-sharing is a special case of pass-by-value,
where the value is always an immutable pointer to a (potentially mutable) value.
foo = 'No, Ruby is pass-by-reference.'

bar = ['Yes, of course, Ruby *is* pass-by-value!']


puts bar
# Yes, of course, Ruby *is* pass-by-value!,
# More precisely, it is call-by-object-sharing!
# Call-by-object-sharing is a special case of pass-by-value,
# where the value is always an immutable pointer to a (potentially mutable) value.

Ruby does however allow mutation of objects, it is not a purely functional language like Haskell or Clean.

Are arguments passed to methods by reference or value?

Everything in Ruby is an object.

Close enough.

Variables are references to objects

No. A variable "names" an object: when a variable is evaluated, it evaluates to the object that it currently "names". Internally this is done by "storing a pointer" (or equivalent mechanism) to an object. (Although an implementation does not need to always use pointers: in Ruby MRI, for instance, Fixnum values actually exist without a real object.)

(When passing in a variable into a method): The parameter in the method that catches the variable is a local variable to that method. The parameter (local variable) now also has a reference to the same object.

No. See above. However, both variables now name (or "evaluate to") the same object. The parameters are passed internally using Call-by-Value -- that is, internally, the pointers to the objects are passed -- although Ruby has Call-by-Object-Sharing semantics, which is a term I try to promote as I find it succinctly describes the behavior.

I could alter the object (in place) and this alteration will hold when the method scope is exited. Any variables referencing this object outside the method scope will reflect that the object has been altered.

Yes, an object is itself. If you mutate that object, you mutate that object everywhere. But note: none of the variables are changed. Both the inside and the outside variables will still name (or "evaluate to") the same object.

A new assignment to that parameter (local variable) does not change the original object, thus any references to it when the method leaves scope will remain unchanged.

Correct. If you assign a different value to the local variable you make it, the local variable, name a different object. Ruby is not Call-by-Reference so the variable in the calling context is not altered.

If I am passing a variable into the method that references an Integer there is effectively no way that once that method exits I could have that variable referencing a new Integer?

Variables are never passed. Variables are evaluated to the objects they name and those objects are passed. Anyway, we know that:

  1. Ruby is not Call-by-Reference and;
  2. Integers (Fixnums) are immutable


x = 1

can never change what x names, nor can it even change the contents of the object x names (because it's, well, immutable). Even if the object that x named was mutable, the method could not have changed what object x names: it could only have mutated the object that resulted from the evaluation of x.

Happy coding.

Now, The Ruby Way -- in my book -- would be to use a better return value that compassed all the new state, and let the caller put it where it needs to go :-)

Of course, mutable objects (including simple arrays) are also an option, but that's ick. And, if there is enough state that travels together, it might be a candidate for a separate class.

As a closing note: Ruby supports a concept of closures, so it is possible in a lexically-scoped manner:

x = 1; (lamb­da {|a| x = a}).c­all(2); x  // => 2

(This was shown for a simple lambda, but it is possible to design/craft a method to work similarly: in all the silly counter-examples like this, the outside variable itself needs to be known, however, as there is no way for the lambda/method of make an outside variable name a new object otherwise.)

How to make a Ruby method to pass output parameters (change the value of referenced arguments)?

Ruby has only pass by value, just like Python and Java. Also like Python and Java, objects are not values directly, and are manipulated through references.

It seems you already understand how it works -- assigning to a local variable never has any effect on a caller scope. And to "share" information with the caller scope other than returning, you must use some method on the object to "mutate" the object (if such a method exists; i.e. if the object is mutable) that is pointed to by the passed reference. However, this simply modifies the same object rather than giving a reference to a new object, which you want.

If you are not willing to return the value, you can pass a mutable container (like an array of one element) that the called function can then mutate and put whatever in there and have it be seen in the caller scope.

Another option is to have the function take a block. The function would give the block the new value of pizza, and the block (which is given by the caller) can then decide what to do with it. The caller can pass a block that simply sets the pizza in its own scope.

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