I Can't Install Rmagick Gem on Windows

How to install rmagick gem on Windows?

RMagic won't work with ImageMagic 6.8. I updated the RMagick Github wiki with detailed instructions.


There I found gems (haha) such as

If ImageMagick isn't first in your system path, you'll get an "Invalid
drive specification" error when extconf.rb tries to identify the
ImageMagick version.


gem install rmagick -- '--with-opt-dir="[path to ImageMagick]"'

(Obvious, huh?)

I believe RMagick is a dead project. There hasn't been a commit for 2 years!

Can't install gem rmagick [Windows 7 64 bit]

CarrierWave is indeed a great solution for managing image uploads in Rails.
RMagick is very powerful, but you won't believe how much trouble me and my friends had through the years while installing and upgrading RMagick and ImageMagick in various environments and operating systems (especially Windows and Mac).

If you have ImageMagick installed, and you don't worry too much about performance, you can use MiniMagick instead of RMagick. It's much easier to install it. In your uploader class you can include MiniMagick:

class MyUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base  
include CarrierWave::MiniMagick


This complexity of image processing tools is one of the reason I would suggest you take a look at our solution for integrating CarrierWave while all image transformations are done in the cloud (no need to install RMagick or ImageMagick at all). This blog post describes the solution. Just switch the CarrierWave plugin you include:

class MyUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base  
include Cloudinary::CarrierWave


Error occurred while installing rmagick

Try this:

apt-get install libmagickwand-dev
gem install rmagick

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