How to Apply a Patch to Ruby on Rails

How do you apply a patch to ruby on rails?

You typically don't want to patch the gem source itself. You probably will want to freeze the gems into ${RAILS_ROOT}/vendor/rails, and then apply the patch locally.

From your ${RAILS_ROOT} dir, dump all of your rails gems into vendor/rails

rake rails:freeze:gems

Apply the patch

  cd vendor/rails/ 
patch -p1 < 0001-Fix-implicit-multipart-mailer-views-when-RAILS_ROOT.patch

Patch a Ruby Gem

Yes, it's possible. Just open the class, alias the method that has problems, and provide your own implementation of it. This page shows an example of this.

You can open that class from any class, provided you added the necessary includes. Physically, the original code will remain unchanged.

Does rails use method: :patch for editing with _form.html.erb?

As mentioned in the tutorial you shared:

The reason we can use this shorter, simpler form_for declaration to stand in for either of the other forms is that @article is a resource corresponding to a full set of RESTful routes, and Rails is able to infer which URI and method to use.

Also, from the reference given there:

For an existing resource or record for @post, it is equivalent to:

<%= form_for @post, as: :post, url: post_path(@post), method: :patch, html: { class: "edit_post", id: "edit_post_45" } do |f| %>
<% end %>

Whereas, for a new record of the resource, i.e., it is equivalent to

<%= form_for @post, as: :post, url: posts_path, html: { class: "new_post", id: "new_post" } do |f| %>
<% end %>

Thus, in this case, magic lies in the rails with 2 things, helping rails understand what to do with this form:

  1. Your defined routes for your model, resources :article
  2. The type(Existing record or a new record) of resource object passed to form_for.

Button_to pointed to a patch/update method doesn't works

Briefly : Change action: 'remove' to action: 'destroy'.

Most browsers only support GET, POST, OPTION but all the other methods are emulated by Rails using hidden form field _method.

When you say method: 'patch' it means that in request.method in you controller's method it will be patch but in if you want to specify the exact method in the controller you should use action

Hope that will help :)

Rspec: How to properly make patch request

Okay figured it out. First I made a factory for the habit just to clear things up. I kept messing with the syntax and came to the correct answer.

form_params = {
params: {
name: "new",
description: "shit"
patch :update,id: 1, form_params

This was telling me wrong number of arguments and I eventually realized I needed to pass the id with my form_params. Like I said, small mistake.

Correct code:

form_params = {
id: 1,
name: "new",
description: "shit",
patch :update, params: form_params

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