Gem Install Rails Does Not Install Rails

gem install rails does not install rails

In an effort of rage quit, I:

  1. removed ruby
  2. removed gem

and recompiled both from source, and now gem install rails is fully working again.

Rails command not available after installing with gemfile

So, I was running rbenv rehash and setting the environment variable. However, the new env variables were not available until after a restart. Using the full path to /.rbenv/shims/rake solved the problem.

Does Rails need to be installed as a system gem?

It totally makes sense to NOT install rails as system gem.

Without messing up rbenv or other ruby version manager you use, below are brief steps to create (initialize) a new Rails app from a directory with a Gemfile:

mkdir rails_app
cd rails_app
vi Gemfile # Edit it to include a rails version you need
bundle --path vendor # Wait for bundler to finish
bundle exec rails new ./

The last step would ask: Overwrite /path/to/rails_app/Gemfile? (enter "h" for help) [Ynaqdh]. Input y to get the default Rails Gemfile content.

Note: the above steps specify the local vendor directory (inside the rails app folder) to avoid installing gems to system global scope.

bundle install not working in my project ruby on rails

Solutions for 'Cant find gem bundler (>= 0.a) with executable bundle'

This is official doc on this error, you should have found this on top if you googled correctly. Gist is that there is bundler version mismatch, check gemfile.lock for bundler version and than install that version of bundler.

gem install bundler -v VERSION_FROM_GEMFILE

for example

gem install bundler -v 1.17

Problem installing old version of Rails 5.2.2 - Failed to build gem native extension

The problem occurred when ruby was installed using sudo apt install ruby.

Solution: Install ruby via RVM.

Using rvm bundle install doesn't install rails

I'll bet your RVM isn't set up correctly and /usr/bin/ appears in your PATH before RVM's bin directory. Run echo $PATH to confirm.

If so, back up your dotfiles for safety and run rvm get head --auto and it should put your PATH right. Logout and log back in or source your dotfiles (source ~/.bash_profile or whatever) and try again.

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