Foreman Only Shows Line with "Started with Pid #" and Nothing Else

foreman only shows line with “started with pid #” and nothing else

I’ve been able to resolve this issue by 2 different ways:

  1. From

    If you are not seeing any output from your program, there is a likely
    chance that it is buffering stdout. Ruby buffers stdout by default. To
    disable this behavior, add this code as early as possible in your

    # ruby
    $stdout.sync = true
  2. By installing foreman via the heroku toolbelt package

But I still don’t know what’s happening nor why this 2 ways above resolved the issue…

Foreman start hangs

Heroku no longer supports foreman so the best approach would be to try using their recommended alternative to foreman instead: the heroku command "local".

The implementation is trivial:

  • Download and install the latest version of heroku toolbelt (which no longer includes foreman).

  • Instead of using foreman start use heroku local.

See heroku's web site for full details of heroku local.

Although you don't mention it, is it possible that the reason you are getting those ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE messages is because foreman had died (rather than "hung") while handling the request? I had the same problem with some stylesheets after foreman had logged the message "sending SIGKILL to all processes" to the console, and terminated. Regardless, my problems vanished when I used heroku local instead of foreman start.

And even if heroku local also fails, that should become the issue to resolve rather than your current problem with foreman.

Can't start foreman in Heroku Tutorial using Python

I had this problem. I fixed it by uninstalling version 0.62 of the foreman gem and installing 0.61.

gem uninstall foreman
gem install foreman -v 0.61

Foreman says unexpected EOF in web.1 file - but my node app has no web.1 file

I have just answered this question here.
foreman says "unexpected EOF" in one of the SAME node app in 2 different places
Essentially, you can't have any apostrophes in your file path. (You actually have to rename you folders so they don't contain apostrophes.) It's a bug in foreman.
I'll take doubt credit for answering your double post, though. :) I need to get over 50 reputation so I can start making comments!

Problems running `foreman start` / deploying Django app to Heroku

Figured it out while writing this question!

What I had to do was set the --pythonpath option to point to my django project root, i.e. git_root/my_django_project/.

This is what I had in my Procfile:

web: gunicorn -b --pythonpath=./my_django_project my_django_project.wsgi:application

Now it works locally:

$ foreman start
17:04:02 web.1 | started with pid 6327
17:04:02 web.1 | 2013-10-15 17:04:02 [6330] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 18.0
17:04:02 web.1 | 2013-10-15 17:04:02 [6330] [INFO] Listening at: (6330)
17:04:02 web.1 | 2013-10-15 17:04:02 [6330] [INFO] Using worker: sync
17:04:02 web.1 | 2013-10-15 17:04:02 [6335] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 6335
17:04:04 web.1 | 2013-10-15 17:04:04 [6330] [INFO] Handling signal: winch
17:04:04 web.1 | 2013-10-15 17:04:04 [6330] [INFO] SIGWINCH ignored. Not daemonized

And scaling web processes works now, too:

$ heroku ps:scale web=1 --app my-django-project                          
Scaling web dynos... done, now running 1

Foreman gem is not loading my services from Procfile, they always fail

Try removing your output redirects by changing the 2nd and 3rd lines to:

resque: bundle exec rake resque:start
privpub: bundle exec rackup -s thin -E production

Foreman might have issues w/ redirects in commands:

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