Error While Installing Ruby 1.9.3

Error installing ruby-1.9.3-p547 with RVM on osx 10.9.3

Was running in to the same issue. Just ran these commands sorted everything out...

$ xcode-select --install - this seems to be the key.

$ rvm cleanup all - may need to run sudo on this one.

$ rvm get latest

$ rvm install ruby-1.9.3- with whatever patch.

Hope this works for you!

Trouble installing ruby 1.9.3 because of a configuration issue

First goal should be to get the app back up running.

Therefore I would suggest to reset your app's configuration to the last working stand.
If this is not possible, please install ruby using rvm with the --with-gg=clang-option like this:

rvm install 1.9.3 --with-gcc=clang

Then use the installed ruby version by listing all installed rubies (running rvm list) and choosing the 1.9.3 version provided (e.g. 1.9.3-p448) with the following command:

rvm --default use 1.9.3-p484

Please update your Gemfile with the ruby '1.9.3-p484' line and make sure, you're in the login shell (to change to it, use /bin/bash --login). After that your rvm commands should work again.

error installing ruby 1.9.3 on linux server

I think your issue is that, since RVM is trying to compile ruby with the command __rvm_make -j48 (which tells the compiler to try to parallelize the compilation across 48 different jobs), your host system is running out of space to do so. Before I get to a possible solution, here are some high-level thoughts:

  1. Production systems generally shouldn't be compiling their own Ruby versions. Instead, ship the compiled binaries to the node (e.g., as a Debian package) and don't even install RVM.

  2. rvm does a lot of magic to try and hide the details of what its doing from the end-user, but in my experience that's more trouble than it's worth. Use chruby or rbenv and build Ruby only when you need to.

Anyway, for your current issue, I think your best bet is to try to override the -j flag to a smaller value. There are a few methods, but first try this:

rvm install 1.9.3 -j 1                # from

If that doesn't help, double-check that the -j argument in __rvm_make -j 48 actually changed to 1 in the log. If it did, try a smaller number. If it didn't, then try this:

MAKEFLAGS=-j1 rvm install ruby-1.9.3  # from

Hopefully one of those works!

Having problems installing ruby 1.9.3

This cleared for me after I ran xcode-select --install. Prior to that I also ran rvm get head which may have contributed (but didn't fix the problem by itself.)

Error while installing ruby ruby-1.9.3-p551

Try this:

rvm install 1.9.3 --with-gcc=clang


error while installing ruby 1.9.3 using rvm

you are using version of RVM broken by packaging for Ubuntu, use this answer to fix:

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