Convert a String Date Format from "17-Nov-2011" to "11/17/11"

Convert a string date format from 17-Nov-2011 to 11/17/11

Use the built-in Time.parse and Time#strftime functions.

require 'time'
time = Time.parse("17-Nov-2011")
# => "11/17/11"

How to convert %Y%m%d%H%m%s to YYYY-mm-dd HH:mm:ss?

require 'date'
date = '20170802173300'
formatted_date = DateTime.parse(date).to_s
# => "2017-08-02T17:33:00+00:00"

# and to be more explicit:
really_formated_date = DateTime.parse(date).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')
# => "2017-08-02 17:33:00 +00:00"

How do you format the day of the month to say 11th , 21st or 23rd (ordinal indicator)?

import static*;

String getDayOfMonthSuffix(final int n) {
checkArgument(n >= 1 && n <= 31, "illegal day of month: " + n);
if (n >= 11 && n <= 13) {
return "th";
switch (n % 10) {
case 1: return "st";
case 2: return "nd";
case 3: return "rd";
default: return "th";

The table from @kaliatech is nice, but since the same information is repeated, it opens the chance for a bug. Such a bug actually exists in the table for 7tn, 17tn, and 27tn (this bug might get fixed as time goes on because of the fluid nature of StackOverflow, so check the version history on the answer to see the error).

Rails - convert date string into javascript date object for highcharts

This probably isn't the best way to do this, but I've been doing:

data: <%={ |f| [, pdd.field_5x5 ] }.inspect %>,

...which expresses the date in seconds.

Format date in MySQL to return MonthName, Year

Try this

SELECT DATE_FORMAT(`date`,'%M %Y') AS showdate FROM table

How can I convert Double Date to std::string

Look into Boost.Lexical_cast for conversion to and from string.

You will have to write a converter function that unpacks the DATE type into a (date, time) tuple so that lexical_cast won't convert from double.

According to the doc, it looks like the date type is (day - 1899-12-30) . (time - 0).

Using boost::date_time, you can create a time object with date-time (1899-12-30,0), then increment days(abs(DATE)) and hours((DATE - abs(DATE)) * 24).

Adding minutes to date time in PHP

$minutes_to_add = 5;

$time = new DateTime('2011-11-17 05:05');
$time->add(new DateInterval('PT' . $minutes_to_add . 'M'));

$stamp = $time->format('Y-m-d H:i');

The ISO 8601 standard for duration is a string in the form of P{y}Y{m1}M{d}DT{h}H{m2}M{s}S where the {*} parts are replaced by a number value indicating how long the duration is.

For example, P1Y2DT5S means 1 year, 2 days, and 5 seconds.

In the example above, we are providing PT5M (or 5 minutes) to the DateInterval constructor.

date format issue with and sql server

If your data type on the database side is either datetime or date (on sql server 2008), it shouldn't matter whether you insert the date as '10 june 2011' or as '6/10/2011' or as '2011-06-10'. If you see the data actually being displayed as '10 June 2011' that's more likely because your data type is varchar or nvarchar. If that's the case and the field is only meant to hold dates, I would advise you to change the data type to be actually a datetime or date.

Display dates in Arabic

AFAIK setlocale won't actually do any language translation for you but rather affects things like the formatting and comparator functionality. If you want localisation then you could try using IntlDateFormatter which may give you what you need.

Updated: You could also try Zend_Date as suggested in this question if PHP 5.3 isn't an option for you.

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