Bundle Command Not Found in Linux Debian

bundle command not found in linux debian

gem install bundler

or probably, since there is an executable

sudo gem install bundler

Bundler: Command not found

You need to add the ruby gem executable directory to your path

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/ruby-enterprise-1.8.7-2010.02/bin

rbenv: bundler: command not found

I fixed it by running the command gem install bundler in the root directory of the rails app.

Rails cron whenever, bundle: command not found

I played around with this all afternoon and couldn't find a better solution. Here is what I have come up with

bundle install --binstubs

and then run

bin/rake daily:stats

Bundler::GemfileNotFound whenever I try to run bundle install

The problem was that for some weird motive Ruby didn't detected that bundler was installed, although the package manager says so.

$ apt-cache policy bundler
Installed: 1.3.5-2
Candidate: 1.3.5-2
$ bundle --version

I simply run gem install bundler then bundler install as root in the tool root path and everything works as charm.

Ruby on Rails 3, debian, problem with bundle install and other executables under room

Looks like you're using RVM, with which you typically don't sudo. Is there a particular reason you need to use sudo to run bundler? Do you not have access to the directory? If you do need sudo with RVM, use rvmsudo instead.

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