Select Rows from a Data Frame Based on Values in a Vector

Select rows from a data frame based on values in a vector

Have a look at ?"%in%".

dt[dt$fct %in% vc,]
fct X
1 a 2
3 c 3
5 c 5
7 a 7
9 c 9
10 a 1
12 c 2
14 c 4

You could also use ?is.element:

dt[is.element(dt$fct, vc),]

Subset rows in a data frame based on a vector of values

This will give you what you want:

eg2011cleaned <- eg2011[!eg2011$ID %in% bg2011missingFromBeg, ]

The error in your second attempt is because you forgot the ,

In general, for convenience, the specification object[index] subsets columns for a 2d object. If you want to subset rows and keep all columns you have to use the specification
object[index_rows, index_columns], while index_cols can be left blank, which will use all columns by default.

However, you still need to include the , to indicate that you want to get a subset of rows instead of a subset of columns.

Select rows of data frame based on a vector with duplicated values

Another method of doing the same without a loop:

sample_df = data.frame(x=1:6, y=c(1,1,2,2,3,3))

row_names <- split(1:nrow(sample_df),sample_df$y)

select_y = c(1,3,3)

row_num <- unlist(row_names[as.character(select_y)])

ans <- sample_df[row_num,]

How to select rows that match the values in a vector

Another solution is by using match:


all <- data.frame(match = sample(LETTERS, 10),
otherStuff = rnorm(10))

index <- data.frame(match = sample(LETTERS, 10),
moreStuff = rnorm(10))


all[match(index$match, all$match, nomatch = 0),]
match otherStuff
10 Z -0.5558411
5 W -0.4456620
8 Q 0.4007715
6 A 1.2240818
7 K 0.3598138

Select rows based on condition and set values from a vector

You can specify columns in list for set:

df.loc[df['one']=='b', ['two', 'three']] = vector[df['one']=='b']
one two three
0 a 1 1
1 a 1 1
2 b 4 4

Or if need more dynamic solution - select all numeric columns:

df.loc[df['one']=='b', df.select_dtypes(np.number).columns] = vector[df['one']=='b']

Or compare only once and assign to variable:

m = df['one']=='b'
df.loc[m, df.select_dtypes(np.number).columns] = vector[m]

R select rows in dataframe by external vector as index

It is easier to filter by the gene names, if you keep them as a column,
instead of making them rownames.

The following changes to your code will get you the result you are lookin for.


df <-data.frame("Names" = c("TIGIT", "ABCB1", "CD8B", "CD8A", "CD1C", "F2RL1", "LCP1", "LAG3", "ABL1", "CD2", "IL12A", "PSEN2", "CD3G", "CD28", "PSEN1", "ITGA1"),"1S" = c("5", "6", "8", "99", "5", "0", "1", "3", "15", "15", "34", "62", "54", "6", "8", "9"), "1T" = c("6", "4", "6", "9", "5", "11", "33", "7", "8", "24", "34", "62", "66", "4", "78", "44"))

genes_to_select <- c("TIGIT", "CD8B", "CD8A", "CD1C", "F2RL1", "LCP1", "LAG3", "CD2", "PSEN2", "CD3G", "CD28", "PSEN1") # genes I want to select

df <-
df %>%
filter(Names %in% genes_to_select) %>%
column_to_rownames("Names") %>%
mutate(across(.fns = as.numeric)) %>%

#> X1S X1T
#> [1,] 5 6
#> [2,] 8 6
#> [3,] 99 9
#> [4,] 5 5
#> [5,] 0 11
#> [6,] 1 33
#> [7,] 3 7
#> [8,] 15 24
#> [9,] 62 62
#> [10,] 54 66
#> [11,] 6 4
#> [12,] 8 78

Select rows from Data Frame based on listed values in R Programming


subset(WC_Grounds, WC_Grounds$Country=="England" | WC_Grounds$Ground %in% WC_Grounds_List)

Work for you?

|| and && - These operators are “short-circuiting”: as soon as || sees the first TRUE it returns TRUE without computing anything else. You should instead use | which is vectorized thus applying to the multiple values in your dataset.

Here is an example using the abbreviated sample data I added to your question:

WC_Grounds <- data.frame(
Ground = c('Hambantota', 'Benoni', 'Benoni', 'Hambantota', 'Hambantota',
'Pallekele', 'Pallekele'),
Country = c('Bangladesh', 'SouthAfrica', 'Pakistan', 'SriLanka', 'Bangladesh',
'SriLanka', 'Bangladesh')

List = c('Hambantota', 'Benoni')

subset(WC_Grounds, WC_Grounds$Country == "SriLanka" | WC_Grounds$Ground %in% List)

#> Ground Country
#> 1 Hambantota Bangladesh
#> 2 Benoni SouthAfrica
#> 3 Benoni Pakistan
#> 4 Hambantota SriLanka
#> 5 Hambantota Bangladesh
#> 6 Pallekele SriLanka

Created on 2021-03-20 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)

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