Replace Values in a Dataframe Based on Lookup Table

Replace values in a dataframe based on lookup table

You posted an approach in your question which was not bad. Here's a smiliar approach:

new <- df  # create a copy of df
# using lapply, loop over columns and match values to the look up table. store in "new".
new[] <- lapply(df, function(x) look$class[match(x, look$pet)])

An alternative approach which will be faster is:

new <- df
new[] <- look$class[match(unlist(df), look$pet)]

Note that I use empty brackets ([]) in both cases to keep the structure of new as it was (a data.frame).

(I'm using df instead of table and look instead of lookup in my answer)

How do I replace the values in a dataframe based on a lookup table in another dataframe

Use pandas' replace method : it will search for the keys in the dataframe and replace found keys with the associated values. your dataframe has a few missing NaNs, so I edited it to match what you posted

  #create a dictionary from the lookup
repl = lookup.set_index('value')['description'].to_dict()


{653: '30 to 39',
654: '40 to 49',
1056: 'Belgium',
1158: 'Taiwan',
1203: 'Czech Republic',
545: 'White',
530: 'Other'}

#pass it using pandas' replace method

age cty eth
0 30 to 39 Belgium NaN
1 30 to 39 Belgium White
2 40 to 49 NaN Other
3 30 to 39 Taiwan Other
4 30 to 39 Czech Republic White

Find and Replace Based on A Lookup Table in R and Leave Unmatched Ones As Is

You can use the match output to conditionally change values.

inds <- match(main$V1, lookup$V1)
main$V1[!] <- lookup$V2[na.omit(inds)]

# V1
#1 aa
#2 bb
#3 cc
#4 cc
#5 D
#6 E
#7 aa

You can also use the join approach :

main %>%
left_join(lookup, by = 'V1') %>%
transmute(V1 = coalesce(V2, V1))

PANDAS - How do I replace the values in a dataframe based on a lookup table in another dataframe

You can basically do a left-merge join of the two files on the column Supplier SKU
and then keep the value of column Manufacturer SKU from old_file when the merge matches, otherwise keep the value from live_file

live_file["Manufacturer SKU"] =  pd.merge(live_file[["Supplier SKU", "Manufacturer SKU"]], 
old_file[["Supplier SKU", "Manufacturer SKU"]],
on="Supplier SKU",
suffixes=(None, "__right"),
.apply(lambda row: row["Manufacturer SKU"]
if row["merge_flag"] == "left_only"
else row["Manufacturer SKU__right"], axis=1)

Function to replace values in data.table using a lookup table

We don't need Object on the lhs of = is not evaluated correctly. Instead, we could use a named vector in on with setNames

dt.replaceValueUsingLookup <- function(dt, col, dtLookup) {
on = setNames("old", col),
(col) := new


dt %>% 
dt.replaceValueUsingLookup("chapter", dtLookup)

# chapter
#1: 101
#2: 102
#3: 13
#4: 105
#5: 104

Replace Values in Dataframe using a Lookup Dataframe

You could use replace with a dictionary:

import pandas as pd



result = df.replace(dict(zip(, lookup.label)))



  no1 no2 no3
0 B E C
1 B B A
2 D A E
3 A D D
4 E E E

Replace values in column of Pandas DataFrame using a Series lookup table

you can use map() function for that:

In [38]: df_normalised['name'] = df_normalised['code'].map(name)

In [39]: df_normalised
code name
0 8 Human development
1 11 Environment and natural resources management
2 1 Economic management
3 6 Social protection and risk management
4 5 Trade and integration
5 2 Public sector governance
6 11 Environment and natural resources management
7 6 Social protection and risk management
8 7 Social dev/gender/inclusion
9 7 Social dev/gender/inclusion

Replace column values in table with values from lookup based on matches in R using data.table

We can do a join on the 'code' and 'old' from table and lookup respectively

table[lookup, code := new, on = .(code = old)]


code sn
1: CBa 1
2: CBe 2
3: CBa 3
4: CBe 4
5: OOO 5
6: PPP 6
7: CBa 7

replace value of a dataframe based on value from another dataframe

Use the lookup table to make a dict, and then replace the column values of the original dataframe. Assume the original dataframe is df1 and the lookup table is df2

dict_map = dict(zip(df2.ParamCode + "-" + df2.ParamValue, df2.ParmDesc1))

df1['IncidentType'] = ("IncidentType" +'-'+ df1.IncidentType).replace(dict_map)
df1['DangerType'] = ("DangerType" +'-'+ df1.DangerType).replace(dict_map)

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