Repeat Rows of a Data.Frame N Times

Repeat Rows in Data Frame n Times

Use a combination of pd.DataFrame.loc and pd.Index.repeat


id times
0 a 2
0 a 2
1 b 3
1 b 3
1 b 3
2 c 1
3 d 5
3 d 5
3 d 5
3 d 5
3 d 5

To mimic your exact output, use reset_index


id times
0 a 2
1 a 2
2 b 3
3 b 3
4 b 3
5 c 1
6 d 5
7 d 5
8 d 5
9 d 5
10 d 5

Repeat rows of a data.frame N times

EDIT: updated to a better modern R answer.

You can use replicate(), then rbind the result back together. The rownames are automatically altered to run from 1:nrows.

d <- data.frame(a = c(1,2,3),b = c(1,2,3))
n <- 3"rbind", replicate(n, d, simplify = FALSE))

A more traditional way is to use indexing, but here the rowname altering is not quite so neat (but more informative):

 d[rep(seq_len(nrow(d)), n), ]

Here are improvements on the above, the first two using purrr functional programming, idiomatic purrr:

purrr::map_dfr(seq_len(3), ~d)

and less idiomatic purrr (identical result, though more awkward):

purrr::map_dfr(seq_len(3), function(x) d)

and finally via indexing rather than list apply using dplyr:

d %>% slice(rep(row_number(), 3))

replicate rows by n times in python

Another method could be:

df.assign(Times = df.Times.apply(lambda x: range(1, x + 1))).explode('Times')
String Times
0 a 1
0 a 2
1 b 1
1 b 2
1 b 3
2 c 1
2 c 2
2 c 3
2 c 4
2 c 5

How can I replicate rows in Pandas?

Use np.repeat:

Version 1:

Try using np.repeat:

newdf = pd.DataFrame(np.repeat(df.values, 3, axis=0))
newdf.columns = df.columns

The above code will output:

  Person   ID ZipCode  Gender
0 12345 882 38182 Female
1 12345 882 38182 Female
2 12345 882 38182 Female
3 32917 271 88172 Male
4 32917 271 88172 Male
5 32917 271 88172 Male
6 18273 552 90291 Female
7 18273 552 90291 Female
8 18273 552 90291 Female

np.repeat repeats the values of df, 3 times.

Then we add the columns with assigning new_df.columns = df.columns.

Version 2:

You could also assign the column names in the first line, like below:

newdf = pd.DataFrame(np.repeat(df.values, 3, axis=0), columns=df.columns)

The above code will also output:

  Person   ID ZipCode  Gender
0 12345 882 38182 Female
1 12345 882 38182 Female
2 12345 882 38182 Female
3 32917 271 88172 Male
4 32917 271 88172 Male
5 32917 271 88172 Male
6 18273 552 90291 Female
7 18273 552 90291 Female
8 18273 552 90291 Female

Repeat rows of a data.frame

df <- data.frame(a = 1:2, b = letters[1:2]) 
df[rep(seq_len(nrow(df)), each = 2), ]

Pandas: repeat dataframe n times


N = 3
df = pd.concat([df] * N, ignore_index=True)
print (df)
0 0
1 60
2 300
3 320
4 0
5 60
6 300
7 320
8 0
9 60
10 300
11 320

Repeat row of data table N times and join to another table in R

Do you mean something like this?

dt1[, id:=dt2$id]


|V1 |V2 |id            |
|a |a |c(4,98,56,32) |
|a |b |c(4,98,56,32) |
|a |c |c(4,98,56,32) |
|b |c |c(4,98,56,32) |
|c |d |c(4,98,56,32) |

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