R: How to Filter/Subset a Sequence of Dates

R: How to filter/subset a sequence of dates

you could use subset

Generating your sample data:

read.table(text="date sessions
2014-12-01 1932
2014-12-02 1828
2014-12-03 2349
2014-12-04 8192
2014-12-05 3188
2014-12-06 3277", header=T)

Making sure it's in date format:

temp$date <- as.Date(temp$date, format= "%Y-%m-%d")


# date sessions
# 1 2014-12-01 1932
# 2 2014-12-02 1828
# 3 2014-12-03 2349
# 4 2014-12-04 8192
# 5 2014-12-05 3188
# 6 2014-12-06 3277

Using subset :

subset(temp, date> "2014-12-03" & date < "2014-12-05")

which gives:

  #        date sessions
# 4 2014-12-04 8192

you could also use []:

temp[(temp$date> "2014-12-03" & temp$date < "2014-12-05"),]

R: Subsetting a data frame using a list of dates as the filter

You have to convert the date string into a Date variable using as.Date (try ?as.Date at the console). Bonus: you can drop which:

> testdf[testdf$mydate %in% as.Date(c('2012-01-05', '2012-01-09')),]
mydate col1 col2 col3
5 2012-01-05 5 15 25
9 2012-01-09 9 19 29

Filter Dates from Dataframe RStudio

you do not need a function. Try:

train[!train$date %in% dates, ]

as for getting a date range between

train[train$date >= '2020-04-15' & date <= '2020-06-05', ]

subset a dataframe in R within a specific time range

Here's a dplyr solution:

dataBase %>%
mutate(date = as.Date(date, format = "%d/%m/%Y")) %>%
filter(date >= "2020-07-30" & date <= "2020-08-30")
a date
V12 -0.23017749 2020-08-28
V13 1.55870831 2020-08-01
V21 0.07050839 2020-08-27
V32 -1.26506123 2020-08-01
V41 -0.44566197 2020-08-28
V43 0.35981383 2020-08-01
V52 0.11068272 2020-08-01


dataBase <- data.frame(a = rnorm(15), date = unlist(read.table(text = '"30/06/2020" "27/08/2020" "30/06/2020" "28/08/2020" "30/06/2020"
"28/08/2020" "30/06/2020" "01/08/2020" "30/06/2020" "01/08/2020"
"01/08/2020" "30/06/2020" "30/06/2020" "01/08/2020" "30/06/2019"')))

How do I subset a specific date range in R?

How about something like this?

First of all, you should provide some data that is easier to reproduce e.g use dput. Secondly, your date formats are mixed up.


df <- tibble(DateTime = dmy_hm("01/1/2016 11:10", "03/10/2016 12:16", "05/05/2017 13:17", "15/04/2018 14:11", "20/05/2018 15:21"),
Course = c("CS", "Eng", "Poetry", "Reading", "Maths"),
Prof_in_time = c("Morgan", "Andrew", "Jen", "Eugene", "Matt"))
df #note typos in the date format in your data

Then you could do this:

start <- dmy_hm("01/1/2016 00:00") #note you had different formats
end <- dmy_hm("31/10/2016 23:59")

df2 <- df %>%
filter(DateTime >= start & DateTime <= end)

This filters your dates. This might not match yours as I played around with the date formats.

Or you could do this instead:

df3 <- df %>% 
filter(DateTime >= dmy_hm("01/1/2016 00:00") & DateTime <= dmy_hm("31/10/2016 23:59"))

I have a column of dates, how to filter dates before a specific day? R


df <- setDT(your_dataset)

df_sep <- df[mydates >= as.Date('2020-09-01') & mydates <= as.Date('2020-09-30')]

Filter data based on date/time range and matching id

Here are 2 approaches :

  1. Fuzzy joins based on range :
fuzzyjoin::fuzzy_inner_join(dataloggers, data, 
by = c('id', 'datetime' = 'starttime', 'datetime'),
match_fun = list(`==`, `>=`, `<=`))

  1. Join by id and keep data in range -

    a. dplyr :

dataloggers %>%
inner_join(data, by = 'id') %>%
filter(datetime.x >= starttime & datetime.x <= datetime.y)

b. Base R :

subset(merge(dataloggers, data, by = 'id'), 
datetime.x >= starttime & datetime.x <= datetime.y)

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