Processing Negative Number in "Accounting" Format

processing negative number in accounting format

If you create an "as.acntngFmt" method for the accounting format, you can read (or perhaps re-read with a text connection using colClasses("acnt").

# [1] "acntngFmt"
setAs("character", "acntngFmt",
function(from) as.numeric( gsub("\\)", "", gsub("\\(", "-", from))))

Input <- "A, B, C
(1.76), 1%, 3.50€
2.00, 2%, 4.77€
3.000, 3% , €5.68"

DF <- read.csv(textConnection(Input), header = TRUE,
colClasses = c("acntngFmt", "character", "character"))
'data.frame': 3 obs. of 3 variables:
$ A: num -1.76 2 3
$ B: chr "1%" "2%" "3%"
$ C: chr "3.50€" "4.77€" "€5.68"

Accounting Style string format in ASP.NET

Ignoring your alignment requirements, you could use


to bracket negative numbers.

To align your numbers, you'd have to format without the currency symbol, and pad the formatted numbers yourself with spaces, using a fixed width font would make this job easier for you.


It seems String.Format is your friend:

String.Format("{0,15:#,##0.00 ;(#,##0.00);-   }", number)

where 15 is the total width of the output, and you need to append this text to your currency symbol. (Again, this aligns in fixed width only)

How to format a data table or matrix in R for required currency symbol and negative numbers in parentheses ()

It's pretty easy using sprintf and ifelse. You can use two matrices of format strings to give each row a different format for positive vs negative values.

Edit: If you want comma separators in large numbers you can use format, but then you are working with strings, so I think it's easier to build the output matrices by line for positive and negative numbers separately.

# data
results.table <- matrix(2000*(runif(20)-runif(20)), nrow=5, ncol=4)
results.table[1,] <- results.table[1,] - round(results.table[1,], 0)
row.names(results.table) <- c("Combined PP Difference", "Medical Cost Difference (in $)", "Total PP Difference (in $)",
"YYL based on Med Cost ($/YYL)", "YYL based on Total Cost ($/YYL)")
colnames(results.table) <- c(" Drug A vs P", " Drug A vs Q", " Drug A vs R", " Drug A vs S")

# formatted for positive and negative
fp <- matrix(nrow=5, ncol=4)
fp[1,] <- sprintf("%s", format(round(results.table[1,], 4), big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE))
fp[2:3,] <- sprintf("$%s", format(round(results.table[2:3,], 0), big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE))
fp[4:5,] <- sprintf("$%s/YYL", format(round(results.table[4:5,], 0), big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE))
fn <- matrix(nrow=5, ncol=4)
fn[1,] <- sprintf("(%s)", format(abs(round(results.table[1,], 4)), big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE))
fn[2:3,] <- sprintf("$(%s)", format(abs(round(results.table[2:3,], 0)), big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE))
fn[4:5,] <- sprintf("$(%s)/YYL", format(abs(round(results.table[4:5,], 0)), big.mark=",", scientific=FALSE, trim=TRUE))

# formatted table
noquote(ifelse(results.table<0, fn, fp))

Drug A vs P Drug A vs Q Drug A vs R Drug A vs S
Combined PP Difference 0.1275 (0.4701) 0.2297 0.2005
Medical Cost Difference (in $) $472 $(141) $(927) $271
Total PP Difference (in $) $233 $(141) $891 $288
YYL based on Med Cost ($/YYL) $(1,425)/YYL $(160)/YYL $(759)/YYL $1,307/YYL
YYL based on Total Cost ($/YYL) $(377)/YYL $(1,222)/YYL $545/YYL $27/YYL

Created on 2019-04-12 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

Negative currency values using parse_number in readr R

If you want to stay with tidyverse functions as per comment here you can just use stringr functions instead of gsub. Options like this:

x <- c("$1,000.00", "$500.00", "-$200.00")
x %>%
str_replace("^-\\$(.*)$", "$-\\1") %>%
#> [1] 1000 500 -200

x %>%
str_remove("\\$") %>%
#> [1] 1000 500 -200

Created on 2018-05-03 by the reprex package (v0.2.0).

%( convert negative number to positive in System.out.printf

can somebody please explain why the -3 is printed as 3 in this statement?

Its isn't, it is being printed as (3)

From the Javadoc for Formatter say flag (

The result will enclose negative numbers in parentheses

Manipulating columns of numbers in elisp

I'd check out org-mode's table features; they probably do a lot of what you're trying to do.

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