Mapping Columns/Rows from One Dataframe to Another Based on Row Number

Mapping columns/rows from one dataframe to another based on row number

Using tidyverse

df1 %>%
mutate(Row_Num = row_number()) %>%
left_join(df2) %>%
mutate(Row_Num = replace(Row_Num, !Row_Num %in% c(1, 3), NA))
# A tibble: 10 x 5
# Name StimulusName PupilLeft Row_Num Label
# <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
# 1 sub7 Alpha1 10.0 1 Onset
# 2 sub7 Alpha1 10.0 NA <NA>
# 3 sub7 Alpha1 10.1 3 Offset
# 4 sub7 Alpha1 10.1 NA <NA>
# 5 sub7 Alpha1 10.1 NA <NA>
# 6 sub7 Alpha1 10.1 NA <NA>
# 7 sub7 Alpha1 10.1 NA <NA>
# 8 sub7 Alpha1 10.1 NA <NA>
# 9 sub7 Alpha1 10.1 NA <NA>
#10 sub7 Alpha1 10.1 NA <NA>

If it is to join by row names

rownames_to_column(df1, "Row_Num") %>% 
mutate(Row_Num = as.numeric(Row_Num)) %>%
left_join(., df2 %>%
ungroup %>%
select(Row_Num, Label), by = "Row_Num") %>%
mutate(Row_Num = replace(Row_Num, !Row_Num %in% c(1, 3), NA))

Or using match from base R

i1 <- match(row.names(df1), df2$Row_Num)
df1[names(df2)[3:4]] <- lapply(df2[3:4], `[`, i1)
# A tibble: 10 x 5
# Name StimulusName PupilLeft Row_Num Label
# <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
# 1 sub7 Alpha1 10.0 1 Onset
# 2 sub7 Alpha1 10.0 NA <NA>
# 3 sub7 Alpha1 10.1 3 Offset
# 4 sub7 Alpha1 10.1 NA <NA>
# 5 sub7 Alpha1 10.1 NA <NA>
# 6 sub7 Alpha1 10.1 NA <NA>
# 7 sub7 Alpha1 10.1 NA <NA>
# 8 sub7 Alpha1 10.1 NA <NA>
# 9 sub7 Alpha1 10.1 NA <NA>
#10 sub7 Alpha1 10.1 NA <NA>

Mapping columns from one dataframe to another to create a new column


out = (df1.merge(df2, left_on='store', right_on='store_code')
.reindex(columns=['id', 'store', 'address', 'warehouse']))

id store address warehouse
0 1 100 xyz Land
1 2 200 qwe Sea
2 3 300 asd Land
3 4 400 zxc Land
4 5 500 bnm Sea

pd.concat + df.sort_values

u = df1.sort_values('store')
v = df2.sort_values('store_code')[['warehouse']].reset_index(drop=1)
out = pd.concat([u, v], 1)


id store address warehouse
0 1 100 xyz Land
1 2 200 qwe Sea
2 3 300 asd Land
3 4 400 zxc Land
4 5 500 bnm Sea

The first sort call is redundant assuming your dataframe is already sorted on store, in which case you may remove it.


s ='store_code')['warehouse'])
0 Land
1 Sea
2 Land
3 Land
4 Sea

df1['warehouse'] = s

id store address warehouse
0 1 100 xyz Land
1 2 200 qwe Sea
2 3 300 asd Land
3 4 400 zxc Land
4 5 500 bnm Sea

Alternatively, create a mapping explicitly. This works if you want to use it later.

mapping = dict(df2[['store_code', 'warehouse']].values)
df1['warehouse'] =

id store address warehouse
0 1 100 xyz Land
1 2 200 qwe Sea
2 3 300 asd Land
3 4 400 zxc Land
4 5 500 bnm Sea

Mapping column dataframe with another dataframe

You can mapping column reporting_date_id by another DataFrame by and then use it for replace missing values in Series.fillna:

s = df2.set_index('reporting_date_id')['filing_date_id']
df1['filing_date_id'] = df1['filing_date_id'].fillna(df1['reporting_date_id'].map(s))

Map Dataframe Columns to Another Dataframe

If you refer to a general function that returns a dataframe, I think this works:

df1[['col1','col2','col3','col4','col5']] = pd.concat(df1['colc'].map(mult).to_list(), ignore_index=True)

Map index of one dataframe to column of another dataframe

That's because you are trying to map the index. You first need to create a dictionary with keys being the index of df2 and values being the paid value using dict(zip()). Then you can map that on df1.index and return it into your Payment column:

df1['payment'] =,df2['paid value'])))

Sale Price payment
Order ID1
OD1 45 44
OD2 55 33
OD3 56 41

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