Limit Ggplot2 Axes Without Removing Data (Outside Limits): Zoom

Limit ggplot2 axes without removing data (outside limits): zoom

Hadley explains this on pp. 99; 133 of his ggplot2 book (1st edition), or pp. 160 - 161 if you have the second edition.

The issue is that, as you say, limits inside the scale or setting ylim() causes data to be thrown away, as they are constraining the data. For a true zoom (keep all the data), you need to set the limits inside of the Cartesian coordinate system (or other coordinate systems For more see:

ggplot(d, aes(x, y, group=grp)) + 
geom_line() +
coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0, 7))

Sample Image

Set limits in ggplot without loosing data points

Try to use this instead of ylim()

coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0, 15))

Changing y-axis limits in ggplot without cutting off graph or losing data

If your data starts at 1 instead of 0, you can switch from geom_bar to geom_rect.

hwid <- 0.25
full %>%
ggplot(aes(x = order, y = mean, fill = type, width = 0.5)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("003900", "003901")) +
geom_rect(aes(xmin = order-hwid, xmax = order+hwid, ymin = 1, ymax = mean)) +
geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = mean - se, ymax = mean + se), width = .2, position = position_dodge(.9)) +
geom_text(aes(label = round(mean, digits =1)), position = position_dodge(width=1.0), vjust = -2.0, size = 3.5) +
theme(legend.position = "right") +
labs(title = "Behavioral intentions and expected convincingness for single-reason messages") +
ylim(1, 7) +
theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 7)) +
theme(legend.title = element_blank()) +
xlab("Single-Reason Message") +
ylab("Rating of intentions or expected convincngess") +
scale_x_continuous(breaks = c(1.5, 3.5, 5.5, 7.5), labels = c("Animals", "Environment", "Health", "Money"))

ggplot2, with bars starting at 1 instead of 0

Changing ylim (axis limits) drops data falling outside range. How can this be prevented?

you can do that by specifying the coord system:

df <- data.frame(age=c(10,10,20,20,25,25,25),veg=c(0,1,0,1,1,0,1))
g+coord_cartesian(ylim=c(0.2,1)) #do not use +ylim() here

How to set limits for axes in ggplot2 R plots?

Basically you have two options

scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-5000, 5000))


coord_cartesian(xlim = c(-5000, 5000)) 

Where the first removes all data points outside the given range and the second only adjusts the visible area. In most cases you would not see the difference, but if you fit anything to the data it would probably change the fitted values.

You can also use the shorthand function xlim (or ylim), which like the first option removes data points outside of the given range:

+ xlim(-5000, 5000)

For more information check the description of coord_cartesian.

The RStudio cheatsheet for ggplot2 makes this quite clear visually. Here is a small section of that cheatsheet:

Sample Image

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How can I set exactly the limits for axes in ggplot2 R plots?

Add expand = FALSE:


data.mwe = data.frame(x = 1:5,
y = 2:6)

ggplot(data.mwe, aes(x, y)) +
geom_line() +
coord_cartesian(xlim = c(2, 4),
expand = FALSE)

Sample Image

ggplot2: automatic y limits with user-supplied x-axis limits

Interesting observation - I don't know whether there is an elegant way to tell ggplot to scale y-axis. Only idea I'd have is to filter data before plotting:

economics %>%
filter((date >= as.Date("2000-01-01")) & (date <= as.Date("2010-12-31"))) %>%
ggplot(aes(date, psavert)) +

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