Icu Init Failed: U_File_Access_Error - When Running Swirl

ICU init failed: U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR - when running swirl

Copied packages from a pre-existing working library and pasted in a new R library. Not sure which package was causing this issue - but after pasting these the issue got resolved:

  1. assertthat
  2. BH
  3. bitops
  4. colorspace
  5. crayon
  6. curl
  7. DBI
  8. dichromat
  9. digest
  10. dplyr
  11. expsmooth
  12. fma
  13. forecast
  14. fpp
  15. fracdiff
  16. ggplot2
  17. gtable
  18. httr
  19. jsonlite
  20. labeling
  21. lazyeval
  22. lmtest
  23. magrittr
  24. memoise
  25. mime
  26. munsell
  27. openssl
  28. plyr
  29. praise
  30. quadprog
  31. R6
  32. RColorBrewer
  33. Rcpp
  34. RcppArmadillo
  35. RCurl
  36. reshape
  37. reshape2
  38. scales
  39. stringi
  40. stringr
  41. swirl
  42. testthat
  43. tibble
  44. timeDate
  45. tseries
  46. yaml
  47. zoo

convert factor to time format in r

In base R, you can use as.POSIXct or strptime along with format to convert the factor variable to datetime class (POSIXlt/POSIXct).

transform(df, session_start_text = as.POSIXct(session_start_text, format = "%T"), 
session_end_text = as.POSIXct(session_end_text, format = "%T"))

In lubridate, we can use hms to convert the columns to "Period" class

df %>%
mutate(session_start_text = hms(session_start_text),
session_end_text = hms(session_end_text))

Moreover, there is also anytime::anytime() function which helps in converting to date time values.

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