How to Send Email from R

how do you send email from R

I just tried it out, and it worked for me.

My only differences were I used <> for the from and to:

from = "<>"
to = "<>"

and my mail control was different, I used


Sending emails in R without outlook app in the system

Solved the problem, using mailR package and it works well.

send.mail(from = "",
to = "",
subject = subjectToSend ,
body = bodyToSend,
html = TRUE,
smtp = list( = "", port = 25),
send = TRUE)

Sending email without Java in R

The following works.


msg = mime_part(bodyToSend)
msg[["headers"]][["Content-Type"]] = "text/html"

sendmail(mailFrom,mailTo,subject, msg, control=list(smtpServer= "smtpserver"))

Sending email in R via outlook

You can use RDCOMClient package to access to COM objects from within R. You can easily access the Application Object (Outlook) and configure it. Here a simple example of sending an email:

## init com api
OutApp <- COMCreate("Outlook.Application")
## create an email
outMail = OutApp$CreateItem(0)
## configure email parameter
outMail[["To"]] = ""
outMail[["subject"]] = "some subject"
outMail[["body"]] = "some body"
## send it

Of course, this assumes that you have already install outlook and configure it to send/receive your emails. Adding attachment is quite simple also:


sending on behalf of secondary mailbox:

outMail[["SentOnBehalfOfName"]] = ""

Send authenticated mails via Outlook through R using mailR package

This took me a while to figure out. Try this:

send.mail(from = "",
to = c("", ""),
subject = "Title",
body = "Hello from R.",
authenticate = TRUE,
smtp = list( = "",
port = 587, = "",
passwd = "Pa55w0rd",
tls = TRUE))

It is a common misconception that the port is 25 or 447. I believe port 25 can only be used whenauthenticate = FALSE.

Many sources claim that the correct server is Perhaps you could try this in the event that the code does not work. Moreover, do not use ssl = TRUE. It has to be tls = TRUE.

Shoutout to Rahul Premraj's answer to this archived 2014 question.

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