How to Scrape Website with Form Using Rvest

Unable to scrape website with form using rvest

If you just want to scrape that table, you can do it easily with rvest and purrr by using the URL that the "Print" button takes you to.

Although you can't use html_table, it is straightforward to extract the cells as a dataframe using purrr::map_df:


pgtab <- read_html("") %>% #destination of Print button
html_nodes("tr") %>% #returns a list of row nodes
map_df(~html_nodes(., "td") %>% #returns a list of cell nodes for each row
html_text() %>% #extract text
str_trim() %>% #remove whitespace


# A tibble: 6 x 11
Rank Player Team Position ADP MinPick MaxPick Diff Picks Team2 PickBid
<chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 1 Ronald Acuna Jr. ATL OF 1.69 1 6 "" 332 "" ""
2 2 Fernando Tatis Jr. SD SS 2.57 1 7 "" 332 "" ""
3 3 Mookie Betts LAD OF 3.53 1 9 "" 332 "" ""
4 4 Juan Soto WAS OF 3.98 1 10 "" 332 "" ""
5 5 Mike Trout LAA OF 6.08 1 11 "" 332 "" ""
6 6 Gerrit Cole NYY P 6.50 1 15 "" 332 "" ""

You can also set the form parameters and do this, although you'll have to check whether it makes a difference. Here is one way...

url <- ""
pgsession <- html_session(url)

pgform <- html_form(pgsession)[[2]]

filled_form <-set_values(pgform,
team_id = "0", from_date = "2020-10-01", to_date = "2021-02-19", num_teams = "0",
draft_type = "0", sport = "baseball", position = "",
league_teams = "0" )

filled_form$url <- "" #error if this is left blank

pgsession <- submit_form(pgsession, filled_form, submit = "printerFriendly")

pgtab <- pgsession %>% read_html() %>% #code as per previous answer above
html_nodes("tr") %>%
map_df(~html_nodes(., "td") %>%
html_text() %>%
str_trim() %>%

rvest Webscraping in R with form inputs

You can perform the POST request directly :


You need to scrape a few information from the page that are necessary in the request :

  • the pair_ids attribute from a div tag
  • the header value from h2 tag inside .instrumentHeader class

The full code :


startDate <- as.Date("2020-06-01")
endDate <- Sys.Date() #today

userAgent <- "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/83.0.4103.97 Safari/537.36"
mainUrl <- ""

s <- html_session(mainUrl)

pair_ids <- s %>%
html_nodes("div[pair_ids]") %>%

header <- s %>% html_nodes(".instrumentHeader h2") %>% html_text()

resp <- s %>% rvest:::request_POST(
add_headers('X-Requested-With'= 'XMLHttpRequest'),
body = list(
curr_id = pair_ids,
header = header[[1]],
st_date = format(startDate, format="%m/%d/%Y"),
end_date = format(endDate, format="%m/%d/%Y"),
interval_sec = "Daily",
sort_col = "date",
sort_ord = "DESC",
action = "historical_data"
encode = "form") %>%


Output :

            Date  Price   Open   High    Low Change %
1 Oct 09, 2020 -0.339 -0.338 -0.333 -0.361 2.42%
2 Oct 08, 2020 -0.331 -0.306 -0.306 -0.338 7.47%
3 Oct 07, 2020 -0.308 -0.323 -0.300 -0.324 -0.65%
4 Oct 06, 2020 -0.310 -0.288 -0.278 -0.319 7.27%
5 Oct 05, 2020 -0.289 -0.323 -0.278 -0.331 -10.39%
6 Oct 03, 2020 -0.322 -0.322 -0.322 -0.322 1.42%
7 Oct 02, 2020 -0.318 -0.311 -0.302 -0.320 5.65%
96 Jun 08, 2020 -0.162 -0.152 -0.133 -0.173 13.29%
97 Jun 05, 2020 -0.143 -0.129 -0.127 -0.154 13.49%
98 Jun 04, 2020 -0.126 -0.089 -0.063 -0.148 38.46%
99 Jun 03, 2020 -0.091 -0.120 -0.087 -0.128 -35.00%
100 Jun 02, 2020 -0.140 -0.148 -0.137 -0.166 14.75%
101 Jun 01, 2020 -0.122 -0.140 -0.101 -0.150 -17.57%

This also works for any page if you replace the value of mainUrl variable for instance this one

R - form web scraping with rvest

Well, this is doable. But it's going to require elbow grease.

This part:


url = "",
encode = "form",
`configfile` = "/usr/opt/www/pub/CBS/services/SignalP-4.1/",
`orgtype` = "euk",
`Dcut-type` = "default",
`Dcut-noTM` = "0.45",
`Dcut-TM` = "0.50",
`graphmode` = "png",
`format` = "summary",
`minlen` = "",
`method` = "best",
`trunc` = ""
) -> res

Makes the request you made. I left verbose() in so you can watch what happens. It's missing the "filename" field, but you specified the string, so it's a good mimic of what you did.

Now, the tricky part is that it uses an intermediary redirect page that gives you a chance to enter an e-mail address for notification when the query is done. It does do a regular (every ~10s or so) check to see if the query is finished and will redirect quickly if so.

That page has the query id which can be extracted via:

content(res, as="parsed") %>% 
html_nodes("input[name='jobid']") %>%
html_attr("value") -> jobid

Now, we can mimic the final request, but I'd add in a Sys.sleep(20) before doing so to ensure the report is done.

url = "",
query = list(
jobid = jobid,
wait = "20"
) -> res2

That grabs the final results page:

html_print(HTML(content(res2, as="text")))

Sample Image

You can see images are missing because GET only retrieves the HTML content. You can use functions from rvest/xml2 to parse through the page and scrape out the tables and the URLs that you can then use to get new content.

To do all this, I used burpsuite to intercept a browser session and then my burrp R package to inspect the results. You can also visually inspect in burpsuite and build things more manually.

Using rvest or httr to log in to non-standard forms on a webpage

Your rvest code isn't storing the modified form, so in you're example you're just submitting the original pgform without the values being filled out. Try:


url <-"" ## page to spider
pgsession <-html_session(url) ## create session
pgform <-html_form(pgsession)[[1]] ## pull form from session

# Note the new variable assignment

filled_form <- set_values(pgform,
`ctl00$Header2$HeaderTop1$tbUsername` = "",
`ctl00$Header2$HeaderTop1$tbPassword` = "mypassword")


And I now see a nice 200 status code response instead of an error. Note that because the desired submit button appears to be the first submit button, we don't need to give it as an argument, but otherwise we'd just be giving it a a string (straight quotes, not back quotes).

Web-scraping data from pages with forms

RSelenium, decapitated and splashr all introduce third-party dependencies which can be difficult to setup and maintain.

No browser instrumentation is required here so no need for RSelenium. decapitated won't really help much either and splashr is a bit overkill for this use-case.

The form you see on the site is a proxy to a Solr database. Open up Developer Tools on your browser on that URL hit refresh and look at the XHR section of the Network section. You'll see it makes asynchronous requests on load and with each form interaction.

All we have to do is mimic those interactions. The source below is heavily annotated and you might want to step through them manually to see what's going on under the hood.

We'll need some helpers:


Most of ^^ get loaded anyway when you load rvest but I like being explicit. Also, stringr is an unnecessary crutch for the far more explicit-in-operation named stringi functions, so we'll use them.

First, we get the list of sites. This function mimics the POST request you hopefully saw when you took the advice to use Developer Tools to see what's going on:

get_list_of_sites <- function() {

# This is the POST reques the site makes to get the metdata for the popups.
# I used to untangle the monstosity
url = "",
body = list(
q = "*%3A*",
host = "",
c = "neotroptree",
template = "countries.tpl",
datasetid = "",
f = "facet.field%3Dcountry_s%26facet.field%3Dstate_s%26facet.field%3Ddomain_s%26facet.field%3Dsitename_s"
encode = "form"
) -> res


# extract the returned JSON from the HTML document it returns
xdat <- jsonlite::fromJSON(html_text(content(res, encoding="UTF-8")))

# only return the site list (the xdat structure had alot more in it tho)
discard(xdat$facets$sitename_s, stri_detect_regex, "^[[:digit:]]+$")


We'll call that below but it just returns a character vector of site names.

Now we need a function to get the site data returned in the lower portion of the form output. This is doing the same thing as above except it adds in the ability to take a site to download and where it should store the file. overwrite is handy since you may be doing alot of downloads and try to download the same file again. Since we're using httr::write_disk() to save the file, setting this parameter to FALSE will cause an exception and stop any loop/iteration you've got. You likely don't want that.

get_site <- function(site, dl_path, overwrite=TRUE) {

# this is the POST request the site makes as an XHR request so we just
# mimic it with httr::POST. We pass in the site code in `q`

url = "",
body = list(
q = sprintf('sitename_s:"%s"', curl::curl_escape(site)),
host = "",
c = "neotroptree",
template = "countries.tpl",
datasetid = "",
f = "facet.field%3Dcountry_s%26facet.field%3Dstate_s%26facet.field%3Ddomain_s%26facet.field%3Dsitename_s"
encode = "form"
) -> res


# it returns a JSON structure
xdat <- httr::content(res, as="text", encoding="UTF-8")
xdat <- jsonlite::fromJSON(xdat)

# unfortunately the bit with the site-id is in HTML O_o
# so we have to parse that bit out of the returned JSON
site_meta <- xml2::read_html(xdat$docs)

# now, extract the link code
link <- html_attr(html_node(site_meta, "div.solrlink"), "data-linkparams")
link <- stri_replace_first_regex(link, "code_s:", "")

# Download the file and get the filename metadata back
xret <- get_link(link, dl_path) # the code for this is below

# add the site name
xret$site <- site

# return the list
xret[c("code", "site", "path")]


I put the code for retrieving the file into a separate function since it seemed to make sense to encapsulate this functionality into a separate function. YMMV. I took the liberty of removing the nonsensical , in filenames as well.

get_link <- function(code, dl_path, overwrite=TRUE) {

# The Download link looks like this:
# <a href="">
# Download site details.
# </a>
# So we can mimic that with httr

site_tmpl <- ""
dl_url <- sprintf(site_tmpl, code)

# The filename comes in a "Content-Disposition" header so we first
# do a lightweight HEAD request to get the filename

res <- httr::HEAD(dl_url)

'^attachment; filename="|"$', ""
) -> fil_name

# commas in filenames are a bad idea rly
fil_name <- stri_replace_all_fixed(fil_name, ",", "-")

message("Saving ", code, " to ", file.path(dl_path, fil_name))

# Then we use httr::write_disk() to do the saving in a full GET request
res <- httr::GET(
url = dl_url,
path = file.path(dl_path, fil_name),
overwrite = overwrite


# return a list so we can make a data frame
code = code,
path = file.path(dl_path, fil_name)


Now, we get the list of sites (as promised):

# get the site list
sites <- get_list_of_sites()

## [1] 7484

## [1] "Abadia, cerrado"
## [2] "Abadia, floresta semidecídua"
## [3] "Abadiânia, cerrado"
## [4] "Abaetetuba, Rio Urubueua, floresta inundável de maré"
## [5] "Abaeté, cerrado"
## [6] "Abaeté, floresta ripícola"

We'll grab one site ZIP file:

# get one site link dl
get_site(sites[1], "/tmp")
## $code
## [1] "CerMG044"
## $site
## [1] "Abadia, cerrado"
## $path
## [1] "/tmp/"

Now, get a few more and return a data frame with code, site and save path:

# get a few (remomove [1:2] to do them all but PLEASE ADD A Sys.sleep(5) into get_link() if you do!)
map_df(sites[1:2], get_site, dl_path = "/tmp")
## # A tibble: 2 x 3
## code site path
## <chr> <chr> <chr>
## 1 CerMG044 Abadia, cerrado /tmp/neotroptree-CerMG04426-09-20…
## 2 AtlMG104 Abadia, floresta semidecídua /tmp/neotroptree-AtlMG10426-09-20…

Please heed the guidance to add a Sys.sleep(5) into get_link() if you're going to do a mass download. CPU, memory and bandwidth aren't free and it's likely that site didn't really scale the server to meet a barrage of ~8,000 back-to-back multi-HTTP request call sequence with file downloads at the end of them.

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