How to Plot a Heat Map on a Spatial Map

How to plot a heat map on a spatial map

Is this what you had in mind?

Your sample was too small to demonstrate a heat map, so I created a bigger sample with artificial clusters at (long,lat) = (-1,52), (-2,54) and (-4.5,56). IMO the map would be more informative without the points.

Also, I downloaded the shapefile, not the .Rdata, and imported that. The reason is that you are much more likely to find shapefiles in other projects, and it is easy to import them into R.
Sample Image

setwd("< directory with all your files>")
library(rgdal) # for readOGR(...)
library(RColorBrewer) # for brewer.pal(...)

sample <- data.frame(Longitude=c(-1+rnorm(50,0,.5),-2+rnorm(50,0,0.5),-4.5+rnorm(50,0,.5)),
Latitude =c(52+rnorm(50,0,.5),54+rnorm(50,0,0.5),56+rnorm(50,0,.5)))
UKmap <- readOGR(dsn=".",layer="GBR_adm2")
map.df <- fortify(UKmap)

ggplot(sample, aes(x=Longitude, y=Latitude)) +
stat_density2d(aes(fill = ..level..), alpha=0.5, geom="polygon")+
geom_path(data=map.df,aes(x=long, y=lat,group=group), colour="grey50")+
xlim(-10,+2.5) +


This approach uses the ggplot package, which allows you to create layers and then render the map. The calls do the following:

ggplot -         establish `sample` as the default dataset and define (Longitude,Latitude) as (x,y)
stat_density2d - heat map layer; polygons with fill color based on relative frequency of points
geom_point - the points
geom_path - the map (boundaries of the admin regions)
scale_fill_gradientn - defines which colors to use for the fill
xlim - x-axis limits
coord_fixed - force aspect ratio = 1, so map is not distorted

Plotting spatial data on a heatmap

If you are interested in rendering mean velocity on the heatmap Matplotlib, Numpy and Scipy are packages of interest. Let's investigate some options you have...

Data Visualisation

Trial Dataset

First we create a trial dataset:

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.tri as mtri

# Create trial dataset:
N = 10000
a = np.array([-10, -10, 0])
b = np.array([15, 15, 0])
x0 = 3*np.random.randn(N, 3) + a
x1 = 5*np.random.randn(N, 3) + b
x = np.vstack([x0, x1])
v0 = np.exp(-0.01*np.linalg.norm(x0-a, axis=1)**2)
v1 = np.exp(-0.01*np.linalg.norm(x1-b, axis=1)**2)
v = np.hstack([v0, v1])

# Render dataset:
axe = plt.axes(projection='3d')
axe.plot_trisurf(x[:,0], x[:,1], v, cmap='jet', alpha=0.5)
axe.view_init(elev=25, azim=-45)

It looks like:

Sample Image

2D Hexagonal Histogram

The easiest way is probably to use Matplotlib hexbin function:

# Render hexagonal histogram:
pc = plt.hexbin(x[:,0], x[:,1], C=v, gridsize=20)
cb = plt.colorbar(ax=pc.axes)

It renders:

Sample Image

2D Rectangular Histogram

You can also use numpy.histogram2D and Matplolib imshow:

# Bin Counts:
c, *_ = np.histogram2d(x[:,0], x[:,1], bins=20)
# Bin Weight Sums:
s, xbin, ybin = np.histogram2d(x[:,0], x[:,1], bins=20, weights=v)
lims = [xbin.min(), xbin.max(), ybin.min(), ybin.max()]

# Render rectangular histogram:
iax = plt.imshow((s/c).T, extent=lims, origin='lower')
cb = plt.colorbar(ax=iax.axes)

It outputs:

Sample Image

Linear Interpolation

As pointed out by @rioV8, your dataset seems to be spatially irregular. If you need to map it to a rectangular grid, you can use the mutlidimensional linear interpolator of Scipy.

from scipy import interpolate

# Create interpolator:
ndpol = interpolate.LinearNDInterpolator(x[:,:2], v)

# Create meshgrid:
xl = np.linspace(-20, 30, 20)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(xl, xl)
lims = [xl.min(), xl.max(), xl.min(), xl.max()]

# Interpolate over meshgrid:
V = ndpol(list(zip(X.ravel(),Y.ravel()))).reshape(X.shape)

# Render interpolated speeds:
iax = plt.imshow(V, extent=lims, origin='lower')
cb = plt.colorbar(ax=iax.axes)

It renders:

Sample Image

Nota: in this version ticks still need to be centered on each pixel.


Once you have a rectangular grid you can also draw Matplotlib contours:

# Render contours:
iax = plt.contour(X, Y, V)

Sample Image

Data Manipulation

Based on the file formats you provided, it is easy to import it using pandas:

import io
import pandas as pd

with open("spatial.txt") as fh:
file1 = io.StringIO("(", "").replace(")", ""))
x = pd.read_csv(file1, sep=" ", header=None).values

v = pd.read_csv("speed.txt", header=None).squeeze().values

Generating spatial heat map via ggmap in R based on a value

If you insist on using the contour approach then you need to provide a value for every possible x,y coordinate combination you have in your data. To achieve this I would highly recommend to grid the space and generate some summary statistics per bin.

I attach a working example below based on the data you provided:


map <- get_map(location = "austin", zoom = 12)
data <- setDT(read.csv(file.choose(), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

# convert the rate from string into numbers
data[, average_rate_per_night := as.numeric(gsub(",", "",
substr(average_rate_per_night, 2, nchar(average_rate_per_night))))]

# generate bins for the x, y coordinates
xbreaks <- seq(floor(min(data$latitude)), ceiling(max(data$latitude)), by = 0.01)
ybreaks <- seq(floor(min(data$longitude)), ceiling(max(data$longitude)), by = 0.01)

# allocate the data points into the bins
data$latbin <- xbreaks[cut(data$latitude, breaks = xbreaks, labels=F)]
data$longbin <- ybreaks[cut(data$longitude, breaks = ybreaks, labels=F)]

# Summarise the data for each bin
datamat <- data[, list(average_rate_per_night = mean(average_rate_per_night)),
by = c("latbin", "longbin")]

# Merge the summarised data with all possible x, y coordinate combinations to get
# a value for every bin
datamat <- merge(setDT(expand.grid(latbin = xbreaks, longbin = ybreaks)), datamat,
by = c("latbin", "longbin"), all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)

# Fill up the empty bins 0 to smooth the contour plot
datamat[, ]$average_rate_per_night <- 0

# Plot the contours
ggmap(map, extent = "device") +
stat_contour(data = datamat, aes(x = longbin, y = latbin, z = average_rate_per_night,
fill = ..level.., alpha = ..level..), geom = 'polygon', binwidth = 100) +
scale_fill_gradient(name = "Price", low = "green", high = "red") +
guides(alpha = FALSE)

Sample Image

You can then play around with the bin size and the contour binwidth to get the desired result but you could additionally apply a smoothing function on the grid to get an even smoother contour plot.

Spatial heatmap with given value for colour

The problem, as you have already established, is that you want a contour map that represents population density, not the density of measurements, which is what stat_density_2d does. It is possible to create such an object in R, but it is difficult when the measurements are not spaced regularly on a grid (as is the case with this data). It may be best to use geom_point here for that reason:

ggplot(d_pop_be, aes(x = E_KOORD, y = N_KOORD)) + 
geom_point(aes(color = log(TOT), alpha = exp(TOT))) +
breaks = log(c(1, 10, 100, 1000)),
labels = c(1, 10, 100, 1000),
name = "Population density\n(People per hectare)")+
xlim(2555000, 2678000) +
ylim(1130000, 1245000) +
guides(alpha = guide_none()) +

Sample Image

If you want a filled contour you will have to manually create a matrix covering the area of interest, get the mean population in each bin, convert that into a data frame, then use geom_contour_filled:

z <- tapply(d_pop_be$TOT, list(cut(d_pop_be$E_KOORD, 200), 
cut(d_pop_be$N_KOORD, 200)), mean, na.rm = TRUE)

df <- expand.grid(x = seq(min(d_pop_be$E_KOORD), max(d_pop_be$E_KOORD), length = 200),
y = seq(min(d_pop_be$N_KOORD), max(d_pop_be$N_KOORD), length = 200))

df$z <- c(tapply(d_pop_be$TOT, list(cut(d_pop_be$E_KOORD, 200),
cut(d_pop_be$N_KOORD, 200)), mean, na.rm = TRUE))

df$z[$z)] <- 0

ggplot(df, aes(x, y)) +
geom_contour_filled(aes(z = z), breaks = c(1, 5, 20, 50, 100, 1000)) +
scale_fill_manual(values = rev(brewer.pal(5, "Spectral")))

Sample Image

Heat Map of Spatial Data in Python

From the documentation:

The keyword c may be given as the name of a column to provide colors for each point:

In [64]: df.plot.scatter(x='a', y='b', c='c', s=50);

So what you need to do is to simply specify that the heat column contains the information about each point's color:

df.plot.scatter(x=data.X, y=data.Y, c=data.heat)

If you want to apply a custom color map, there is also the cmap parameter, allowing you to specify a different color map

You can also read more about in in the docs for the scatter() method.

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