How to Place an Image in an R Shiny Title

How to place an image in an R Shiny title

One way would be to follow the directions in this post: How can I insert an image into the navbar on a shiny navbarPage() (The SO hounds would attack this as a duplicate).

Create a folder called 'www' in your working directory and place 'picture.jpg' inside as so:

| shinyApp/
| ui.R
| server.R
| www/
| picture.png

Include your picture in titlePanel with a div:



# Define UI for random distribution application

# Application title
titlePanel(title=div(img(src="picture.jpg"), "My Title")),

Sample Image

Shiny titlepanel: how to put title and image at same height?

So I figured it out myself while trying to solve the same problem in a wellPanel.
The bad guy is the offset argument in column(). If I remove it, the image and title are horizontally aligned.

To put the image on the right, I just have to make the left column very wide:

column(9, "Fenologische modellen"),
column(3, img(height = 105, width = 300, src = "logo_pcfruit.jpg"))

Sample Image

Align image in title panel in shiny

You could try:

ui <- fluidPage (

The large z-index ensures the image is in front of everything.

R Shiny - How to position an image from top

Earlier I used "ShinyUI" and now changed to "dashboardPage" which itself solved the issue and the image got automatically adjusted and aligned.

Below are the arguments I used.

title = tags$a(href = '',
tags$img(src = 'logo.png', height= 50,width= 50, align = "left"),

header = dashboardHeader(title = title, titleWidth = 400)

ui = dashboardPage(header, sidebar, body, tags$head(tags$link(rel = "stylesheet", type = "text/css", href = "custom1.css")))

Thanks to Abhinav...

watch this video for more details

Add image and title in the same row of the header section of a shiny dashboard

Perhaps your are looking for this. You can play with padding and margins to get appropriate spacing.

mytitle <- paste0("Life, Death and Statins")

dbHeader <- dashboardHeaderPlus(
titleWidth = "0px",

tags$li(a(href = "", # 'http://',
div(style = "margin-left:-15px;margin-bottom:-44px;margin-top:-15px;padding: 0px 1190px 0px 0px ; width: 290px;",
img(src = 'YBS.png', height = "55px",width="232px")),
div(style="display: inline; padding: 0px 90px 0px 750px ; font-size: 40px ; width: 300px;",HTML(mytitle, "<br>"))
class = "dropdown")


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