How to Generate the First N Terms in the Series:

How to generate the first n terms in the series:

Here is slightly different option

f <- function(a1 = 1, n = 10) {
ret <- numeric(n) # Pre-allocation
ret[1] <- a1
for (i in 2:length(ret)) ret[i] <- 5 * ret[i - 1] + 3 ^ (i - 1)
f(n = 10)
#[1] 1 8 49 272 1441 7448 37969 192032 966721
#[10] 4853288

Two small comments:

  1. We initialise the vector with numeric(n) which is faster than doing e.g. rep(0, 10).
  2. The rest is just a classic for loop that starts at the second index of the return vector.

Or a C++ solution using Rcpp

IntegerVector f2(int n = 10, int a1 = 1) {
IntegerVector ret(n, a1);
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
ret[i] = 5 * ret[i - 1] + pow(3, i);
return ret;
# [1] 1 8 49 272 1441 7448 37969 192032 966721
#[10] 4853288

And a microbenchmark comparison

res <- microbenchmark(
R_for_loop = f(n = 10),
Rcpp_for_loop = f2(n = 10)
#Unit: microseconds
# expr min lq mean median uq max neval cld
# R_for_loop 3.226 3.4195 3.78043 3.4945 3.5625 29.365 100 b
# Rcpp_for_loop 1.913 2.0980 2.36980 2.2560 2.3495 12.582 100 a


Sample Image

Sum of the first nth term of Series

I took a look at the link you sent, and I suggest that you generate the list depending on the value of n so that you don't get an IndexError:

def series_sum(n):
fractions = []
for n in range(1, 3*n - 1, 3):
return "{:.2f}".format(sum(fractions))

I tested the code on the website, and it worked for all the solutions.

What is the formula to calculate this sequence?

It looks like the (i+1)-st element is created from the i-th by adding an increasing number:

  • a0 = 2, d0 = 3
  • a1 = 2+3 = 5, d0 = 4
  • a2 = 5+4 = 9, d0 = 5
  • a3 = 9+5 = 14, d0 = 6
  • a4 = 14+6= 20, d0 = 7
  • a5 = 20+7= 27, d0 = 8
  • ...and so on

You can compute this result by incrementing d as you walk through the loop, and adding it to the previous value of a.

According to the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, elements of this sequence could be computed using this closed-form expression:


Note: The above division always produces an integer value because one of n or n+3 will be even.

How to take the first N items from a generator or list?

Slicing a list

top5 = array[:5]
  • To slice a list, there's a simple syntax: array[start:stop:step]
  • You can omit any parameter. These are all valid: array[start:], array[:stop], array[::step]

Slicing a generator

import itertools
top5 = itertools.islice(my_list, 5) # grab the first five elements
  • You can't slice a generator directly in Python. itertools.islice() will wrap an object in a new slicing generator using the syntax itertools.islice(generator, start, stop, step)

  • Remember, slicing a generator will exhaust it partially. If you want to keep the entire generator intact, perhaps turn it into a tuple or list first, like: result = tuple(generator)

Generate an array of the first M N-Bonacci Numbers

We know that:

BN(i)     = BN(i-1) + BN(i-2) +     ...       + BN(i-N)

That means that

BN(i-1)             = BN(i-2) + BN(i-3) + ... + BN(i-N) + BN(i-N-1)

All I did there was substitute i-i for i in the definition.

In other words (subtracting the last term from both sides of the equality):

BN(i-1) - BN(i-N-1) = BN(i-2) + BN(i-3) + ... + BN(i-N)

Now, I substitute this equation back into the first one. (You can see that the right-hand side of this equality is precisely the trailing part of the first equation, so I can substitute the left-hand side of this equality.)

BN(i)     = BN(i-1) + BN(i-1) - BN(i-N-1) 

That gives you the simplified formula, which can be evaluated without a loop.

Python: Creating a List of the First n Fibonacci Numbers

Try this, a recursive implementation that returns a list of numbers by first calculating the list of previous values:

def fib(n):
if n == 0:
return [0]
elif n == 1:
return [0, 1]
lst = fib(n-1)
lst.append(lst[-1] + lst[-2])
return lst

It works as expected:

=> [0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21]

I'm not able to step up terms in fibonacci sequence python

The problem is that you use print at the lowest level, so it is not possible to filter anything from a higher level. If you want to be able to filter, the low fibo_sequence(n) function should not print anything but should return a sequence. A simple way would be to use a list:

# Program to display the Fibonacci sequence up to n-th term
def fibo_sequence(n):
seq = []

# first two terms
n1, n2 = 0, 1
count = 0

# check if the number of terms is valid
if n <= 0:
print("Please enter a positive integer")
# if there is only one term, return n1
elif n == 1:
print("Fibonacci sequence upto",n,":")
# generate fibonacci sequence
print("Fibonacci sequence:")
while count < n:
nth = n1 + n2
# update values
n1 = n2
n2 = nth
count += 1
return seq

But it would still not follow good encapsulation pratices, because the same function shows messages and build the sequence. You should only build the sequence (optionaly an empty list) and let the caller decide what to display if the length of the returned list is 0 or 1.

If you want to go further, you should considere to build a generator that would yield the values one at a time, and because of that would avoid to store them.

Write a program to compute the sum of the terms of the series

How about an explicit formula?

def sumSeries(n):
if n / 4 % 2 == 0:
return - n / 2
return (n + 4) / 2

The series doesn't do anything too interesting, it just keeps adding +4 every two steps, and flips the sign in even steps:

4               = 4
4 - 8 = -4
4 - 8 + 12 = 8
4 - 8 + 12 - 16 = -8

Some examples:

for n in range(4, 100, 4):
print("%d -> %d" % (n, sumSeries(n)))


4 -> 4
8 -> -4
12 -> 8
16 -> -8
20 -> 12
24 -> -12
28 -> 16
32 -> -16
36 -> 20
40 -> -20
44 -> 24
48 -> -24
52 -> 28
56 -> -28
60 -> 32
64 -> -32

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