How to Format a Number as Percentage in R

How to format a number as percentage in R?

Even later:

As pointed out by @DzimitryM, percent() has been "retired" in favor of label_percent(), which is a synonym for the old percent_format() function.

label_percent() returns a function, so to use it, you need an extra pair of parentheses.

x <- c(-1, 0, 0.1, 0.555555, 1, 100)
## [1] "-100%" "0%" "10%" "56%" "100%" "10 000%"

Customize this by adding arguments inside the first set of parentheses.

label_percent(big.mark = ",", suffix = " percent")(x)
## [1] "-100 percent" "0 percent" "10 percent"
## [4] "56 percent" "100 percent" "10,000 percent"

An update, several years later:

These days there is a percent function in the scales package, as documented in krlmlr's answer. Use that instead of my hand-rolled solution.

Try something like

percent <- function(x, digits = 2, format = "f", ...) {
paste0(formatC(100 * x, format = format, digits = digits, ...), "%")

With usage, e.g.,

x <- c(-1, 0, 0.1, 0.555555, 1, 100)

(If you prefer, change the format from "f" to "g".)

How to format a number as a percentage and limit number of decimal places

You could use scales::percent()

smbsummary2<- smbsummary2%>%
empprevyearpct=((employment/empprevyear)-1), empprevyearpct=scales::percent(empprevyearpct)


    area period smb   employment worksites empprevyear empprevyearpp empprevyearpct
<dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <chr>
1 1 2020q1 1 46 2 NA NA NA
2 1 2020q1 2 301 4 NA NA NA
3 1 2020q1 3 466 5 NA NA NA
4 1 2020q1 4 726 6 NA NA NA
5 1 2020q1 NA 1326 7 NA NA NA
6 1 2020q2 1 48 2 46 2 4%
7 1 2020q2 2 307 4 301 6 2%
8 1 2020q2 3 474 5 466 8 2%
9 1 2020q2 4 739 6 726 13 2%
10 1 2020q2 NA 1340 7 1326 14 1%
11 3 2020q1 1 166 3 NA NA NA
12 3 2020q1 2 397 5 NA NA NA
13 3 2020q1 3 567 6 NA NA NA
14 3 2020q1 4 872 7 NA NA NA
15 3 2020q2 1 66 1 166 -100 -60%
16 3 2020q2 2 301 3 397 -96 -24%
17 3 2020q2 3 473 4 567 -94 -17%
18 3 2020q2 4 783 5 872 -89 -10%
19 3 2020q2 NA 1990 7 NA NA NA

Format values as percent keeping them numeric

You may use formatPercentage

df$Z<- df$Y/100

datatable(df) %>%
formatPercentage(3) %>%
formatStyle(3, background = styleColorBar(c(0,1), 'lightblue'),
backgroundSize = '98% 88%',
backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat',
backgroundPosition = 'center')

Sample Image

Formatting a numeric column as percent in flextable package in R

Use set_formatter as documented in the manual, using the iris data (!)

ft_test <- head(iris) %>% flextable() %>%
set_formatter( Petal.Width = function(x) sprintf( "%.1f%%", x*100 ) )

Here is the examples section from the manual:


ft <- flextable( head( iris ) )
ft <- set_formatter( x = ft,
Sepal.Length = function(x) sprintf("%.02f", x),
Sepal.Width = function(x) sprintf("%.04f", x)
ft <- theme_vanilla( ft )

How to convert a row of data to percent? R

Try this:

df[3,-c(1,2)] <- paste0(100*df[3,-c(1,2)],'%')

Month.2020 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul
1 1stofMonthCount 4248 4413 4534 4634 4621 4424 3323
2 MonthlyDifference NA 165 121 100 -13 -197 -1101
3 MonthlyPercentChange NA 3.8% 2.7% 2.2% -0.2% -4.3% -24.9%

df <- structure(list(Month.2020 = c("1stofMonthCount", "MonthlyDifference",
"MonthlyPercentChange"), Jan = c(4248L, NA, NA), Feb = c(4413,
165, 0.038), Mar = c(4534, 121, 0.027), Apr = c(4634, 100, 0.022
), May = c(4621, -13, -0.002), Jun = c(4424, -197, -0.043), Jul = c(3323,
-1101, -0.249)), row.names = c(NA, -3L), class = "data.frame")

Adjusting the format of percentage in ggplotly hoover info in R

To achieve your desired result put the text aesthetic inside aes().


ESIF_zajmovi_sektori <- data.frame(
Mjera = 1,
Udio = 1:4,
Sektor = letters[1:4]

G3 <- ggplot(data = ESIF_zajmovi_sektori, aes(x = Mjera, y = Udio, fill = Sektor)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge", aes(text = paste0(
"Mjera: ", Mjera,
"Sektor: ", Sektor,
"% Udio:", scales::percent(Udio)
))) +
scale_fill_viridis(discrete = TRUE, option = "plasma") +
labs(x = "ESIF mjera", y = "% udio u ukupnom iznosu") +
scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +

ggplotly(tooltip = "text")

Sample Image

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