Error in As.Data.Frame.Default: Cannot Coerce Class "C("Reactiveexpr", "Reactive")" to a Data.Frame in Shiny

Error in cannot coerce class c(reactiveExpr, reactive) to a data.frame in Shiny

As Chi Pak has mentioned, reactive expressions must contain () at the end. Changing d.f to d.f() fixes the issue.

Error in cannot coerce class c(reactiveExpr, reactive) to a data.frame

I think that the problem is that your reactive does not know what pos variable is in case that if statement is not executed, that is in case input$line == 'All'. Then you are asking it to return variable unknown in the context.

Having problems with using reactive inputs in shiny

I think make sample as a reactive object shall work, and a function name is not a good choice as a name of a data frame. Not quite sure what you are plotting, but you may change it later. Try code below:

ui <- fluidPage(
sliderInput(inputId = "startyear",
label = "Choose starting year",
value = 25, min = 2016, max = 2050),
sliderInput(inputId = "endyear",
label = "Choose ending year",
value = 25, min = 2016, max = 2050),

server <- function(input, output) {
years <- reactive({(input$startyear:input$endyear)})
sam <- reactive({
years = years()
timestepdays <- (years-min(years))*365
timestep <- (years-min(years))
pop <- timestepdays *500 +839000
no_of_trips <- pop*4.4045
NE <- no_of_trips*0.00000003+0.3738
Delta_VE_logit <- timestep*(-0.149) +5
Delta_VE <- (exp(Delta_VE_logit)/(exp(Delta_VE_logit)+1))*(1-0.5)+0.5
VMT <- 7.3 * no_of_trips
ER_per_mile <- Delta_VE * NE
CO2 <- (ER_per_mile * VMT ) /10000
sam = data.frame(years, timestepdays, timestep, pop, no_of_trips, NE, Delta_VE_logit,
Delta_VE, VMT, ER_per_mile, CO2)

output$plot1 <- renderPlot({
output$plot2 <- renderPlot({
output$plot3 <- renderPlot({

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

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