Creating Co-Occurrence Matrix

Creating co-occurrence matrix

I'd use a combination of the reshape2 package and matrix algebra:

#read in your data
dat <- read.table(text="TrxID Items Quant
Trx1 A 3
Trx1 B 1
Trx1 C 1
Trx2 E 3
Trx2 B 1
Trx3 B 1
Trx3 C 4
Trx4 D 1
Trx4 E 1
Trx4 A 1
Trx5 F 5
Trx5 B 3
Trx5 C 2
Trx5 D 1", header=T)

#making the boolean matrix
dat2 <- melt(dat)
w <- dcast(dat2, Items~TrxID)
x <- as.matrix(w[,-1])
x[] <- 0
x <- apply(x, 2, function(x) as.numeric(x > 0)) #recode as 0/1
v <- x %*% t(x) #the magic matrix
diag(v) <- 0 #repalce diagonal
dimnames(v) <- list(w[, 1], w[,1]) #name the dimensions

For the graphing maybe...

g <- graph.adjacency(v, weighted=TRUE, mode ='undirected')
g <- simplify(g)
# set labels and degrees of vertices
V(g)$label <- V(g)$name
V(g)$degree <- degree(g)

Constructing a co-occurrence matrix in python pandas

It's a simple linear algebra, you multiply matrix with its transpose (your example contains strings, don't forget to convert them to integer):

>>> df_asint = df.astype(int)
>>> coocc =
>>> coocc
Dop Snack Trans
Dop 4 2 3
Snack 2 3 2
Trans 3 2 4

if, as in R answer, you want to reset diagonal, you can use numpy's fill_diagonal:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> np.fill_diagonal(coocc.values, 0)
>>> coocc
Dop Snack Trans
Dop 0 2 3
Snack 2 0 2
Trans 3 2 0

How to calculate a (co-)occurrence matrix from a data frame with several columns using R?

There may be better ways to do this, but try:


df1 <- df %>%
pivot_longer(-ID, names_to = "Category", values_to = "Country") %>%
xtabs(~ID + Country, data = ., sparse = FALSE) %>%
crossprod(., .)

df_diag <- df %>%
pivot_longer(-ID, names_to = "Category", values_to = "Country") %>%
mutate(Country2 = Country) %>%
xtabs(~Country + Country2, data = ., sparse = FALSE) %>%

diag(df1) <- df_diag


Country China England Greece USA
China 2 2 2 0
England 2 6 1 1
Greece 2 1 3 1
USA 0 1 1 1

How to create a co-occurrence matrix calculated from combinations by ID/row in R?


I modified your data so that data can represent your actual situation.

#   ID    CTR1    CTR2    CTR3  CTR4    CTR5    CTR6
#1: 1 England England England China USA England
#2: 2 England China China USA England China
#3: 3 England China China USA USA USA
#4: 4 China England England China USA England
#5: 5 Sweden <NA> <NA> <NA> <NA>

df <- structure(list(ID = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), CTR1 = c("England", "England",
"England", "China", "Sweden"), CTR2 = c("England", "China", "China",
"England", NA), CTR3 = c("England", "China", "China", "England",
NA), CTR4 = c("China", "USA", "USA", "China", NA), CTR5 = c("USA",
"England", "USA", "USA", ""), CTR6 = c("England", "China", "USA",
"England", NA)), class = c("data.table", "data.frame"), row.names = c(NA,


After seeing the OP's previous question, I got a clear picture in my mind. I think this is what you want, Seb.

# Transform the data to long-format data. Remove rows that have zero character (i.e, "") or NA. 

melt(setDT(df), id.vars = "ID", measure = patterns("^CTR"))[nchar(value) > 0 & complete.cases(value)] -> foo

# Get distinct value (country) in each ID group (each row)
unique(foo, by = c("ID", "value")) -> foo2

# Seeing this question, you want to create a matrix with crossprod().

crossprod(table(foo2[, c(1,3)])) -> mymat

# Finally, you need to change diagonal values. If a value is equal to one,
# change it to zero. Otherwise, keep the original value.

diag(mymat) <- ifelse(diag(mymat) <= 1, 0, mymat)

#value China England Sweden USA
#China 4 4 0 4
#England 4 4 0 4
#Sweden 0 0 0 0
#USA 4 4 0 4

Creating a co-occurence matrix

You can do this in a straight-forward way using OneHotEncoder() and

  1. Turn each element in dataframe to a string
  2. Use a one-hot encoder to convert the dataframe into one-hots over a unique vocabulary of the categorical elements
  3. Take a dot product with itself to get count of co-occurance
  4. Recreate a dataframe using the co-occurance matrix and the feature_names from the one hot encoder
#assuming this is your dataset
0 1 2 3
0 (-1.774, 1.145] (-3.21, 0.533] (0.0166, 2.007] (2.0, 3.997]
1 (-1.774, 1.145] (-3.21, 0.533] (2.007, 3.993] (2.0, 3.997]
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder

df = df.astype(str) #turn each element to string

#get one hot representation of the dataframe
l = OneHotEncoder()
data = l.fit_transform(df.values)

#get co-occurance matrix using a dot product
co_occurance =, data)

#get vocab (columns and indexes) for co-occuance matrix
#get_feature_names() has a weird suffix which I am removing for better readibility here
vocab = [i[3:] for i in l.get_feature_names()]

#create co-occurance matrix
ddf = pd.DataFrame(co_occurance.todense(), columns=vocab, index=vocab)
                 (-1.774, 1.145]  (-3.21, 0.533]  (0.0166, 2.007]  \
(-1.774, 1.145] 2.0 2.0 1.0
(-3.21, 0.533] 2.0 2.0 1.0
(0.0166, 2.007] 1.0 1.0 1.0
(2.007, 3.993] 1.0 1.0 0.0
(2.0, 3.997] 2.0 2.0 1.0

(2.007, 3.993] (2.0, 3.997]
(-1.774, 1.145] 1.0 2.0
(-3.21, 0.533] 1.0 2.0
(0.0166, 2.007] 0.0 1.0
(2.007, 3.993] 1.0 1.0
(2.0, 3.997] 1.0 2.0

As you can verify from the output above, its exactly what the co-occurance matrix should be.

Advantages of this approach are that you can scale this using the transform method of the one-hot encoder object and most of the processing happens in sparse matrices until the final step of creating the dataframe so its memory efficient.

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