Conditional Replacement of a Comma With a Dot in a Numeric Column

Conditional replacement of a comma with a dot in a numeric column

We could create a logical condition with as.numeric and as conversion to numeric returns NA if the value is not a legitimate numeric syntax. In the example, the first and third elements have ,, so it is interpreted as character and thus gives NA. Using, construct a logical vector and then apply the replacement logic with sub on the subset vector. Though, it can be done with grep as well

i1 <-
str1[i1] <- sub(",", ".", sub("\\.", "", str1[i1]))
#[1] "1000.00" "8.3" "2900.00" "9.2"

Note that converting to numeric will remove the trailing zero digits

#[1] 1000.0 8.3 2900.0 9.2


str1 <- c('1.000,00', 8.3, '2.900,00', 9.2)

Regex Logic - replace commas between two numbers with dots

Regex Pattern

Here is the pattern that you can use to search for the commas , between two numbers


Regex Demo

Replace comma(,) with dot(.) only at particular location in the string

if your text is in cell A1:


Convert comma's to point and as numeric, but only in a certain amount of variables

Here is a function that only replaces the commas by decimal periods and removes all other dots if all characters present are digits 0-9, dots and commas.

commas2dots <- function(x){
if(any(grepl("[^\\.,[:digit:]]", x))){
} else {
y <- gsub("\\.", "", x)
tc <- textConnection(y)
scan(tc, dec = ",", quiet = TRUE)

lapply(df, commas2dots)
#[1] "There, are commas" "in the text, string"
#[3] "as,well" "how, can"
#[5] "i" "fix, this"
#[7] "thank you"
#[1] 50 72 960 1920 50 50 960
#[1] 40 742 9460 1920 50 50 960
#[1] 40.0 72.0 90.0 1.3 50.0 50.0 960.0
#[1] 40 742 9460 1920 50 50 960

To change the data.frame's columns:

df[] <- lapply(df, commas2dots)
# var0 var1 var2 var3 var96
#1 There, are commas 50 40 40.0 40
#2 in the text, string 72 742 72.0 742
#3 as,well 960 9460 90.0 9460
#4 how, can 1920 1920 1.3 1920
#5 i 50 50 50.0 50
#6 fix, this 50 50 50.0 50
#7 thank you 960 960 960.0 960


var0 <- c("There, are commas", "in the text, string", "as,well", "how, can", "i", "fix, this", "thank you")
var1 <- c("50,0", "72,0", "960,0", "1.920,0", "50,0", "50,0", "960,0")
var2 <- c("40,0", "742,0", "9460,0", "1.920,0", "50,0", "50,0", "960,0")
var3<- c("40,0", "72,0", "90,0", "1,30", "50,0", "50,0", "960,0")
var96 <- c("40,0", "742,0", "9460,0", "1.920,0", "50,0", "50,0", "960,0")

df <- data.frame(var0, var1, var2, var3, var96)

R - f_num, but with comma

Here is a custom alternative(see note below):

detrail <- function(num,round_dec=NULL){


[1] ",1"
[1] ",1"

[1] ",28"


  • To read this as numeric, you'll need to change options(OutDec) to , instead of . ie options(OutDec= ","). I have not done this as I do not like changing global options.See Also
  • This also removes any number that is not zero. Disable this by using 0 instead of \\d.

Automatically replace dots with commas in a Google Sheets Column with Google Script

The error occurs because .replace is a string method and can't be applied to numbers. A simple workaround would be to ensure the argument is always a string, there is a .toString() method for that.

in your code try

return [row[0].toString().replace(".", ",")];

Display number value with comma instead of dot in p-column in Angular

I had to struggle with this with an app that received all data from SAP with numbers formatted with . instead of , as well. Here is the pipe I made to solve this, it is more overhead than adding a locale id and using the native angular decimal pipe

Here is a working stackblitz example of the pipe

* @Pipe
* @description pipe to format numeric values to argentina readable currency values
* @input number
* @output formatted numeric value

import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';

name: 'numberFormat'
export class NumberFormatPipe implements PipeTransform {
transform(value: any): number {
return this.localeString(value);

missingOneDecimalCheck(nStr) {
nStr += '';
const x = nStr.split(',')[1];
if (x && x.length === 1) return true;
return false;

missingAllDecimalsCheck(nStr) {
nStr += '';
const x = nStr.split(',')[1];
if (!x) return true;
return false;

localeString(nStr) {
if (nStr === '') return '';
let x, x1, x2, rgx, y1, y2;
nStr += '';
x = nStr.split('.');
x1 = x[0];
x2 = x.length > 1 ? ',' + x[1] : '';
rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/;
while (rgx.test(x1)) {
x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + '.' + '$2');

/** If value was inputed by user, it could have many decimals(up to 7)
so we need to reformat previous x1 results */
if (x1.indexOf(',') !== -1) {
y1 = x1.slice(x1.lastIndexOf(',')).replace(/\./g, '');

y2 = x1.split(',');
x = y2[0] + y1;
} else {
x = x1 + x2;
if (this.missingOneDecimalCheck(x)) return x += '0';
if (this.missingAllDecimalsCheck(x)) return x += ',00';

return x;

And use it in your template like this:

{{ data[col.field] | numberFormat }}

Or in your component

constructor(private format: NumberFormatPipe) {}
let result = this.format.transform(some_number);

Dont forget to import and add to module declarations:

declarations: [NumberFormatPipe]

A heads up, this pipe includes some code to check decimals as well, since for my case I got values with and without decimals and in some cases up to 7 decimals so you could use it as is or edit it for your needs... but my guess is this will point you in the right direction at least.

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