Concatenate String Columns and Order in Alphabetical Order

Concatenating two columns of text Alphabetically in Excel

With Excel one can use mathematical inequalities for text strings in many cases. In C2 put:


Then copy down

Sample Image

Concatenate columns in alphabetic order in BigQuery

try the following. you can use order by inside string_agg. here is the documentation.

string_agg(c2 order by c2) as c2
from yourTable
group by

Pandas merging strings in columns and sorting them

You can filter out Nones, sorting and join in list comprehension should be very fast:

df['merged'] = [', '.join(sorted(filter(None, x))) for x in df.to_numpy()]

Alternative with lambda function is slowier:

df['merged'] = df.apply(lambda x: ', '.join(sorted(filter(None, x))), axis=1)
print (df)
x1 x2 x3 x4 merged
0 US DE None None DE, US
1 FR DE US None DE, FR, US
2 FR None None None FR
3 DE CA None None CA, DE

If use pure pandas methods and large DataFrame this should be slowiest:

s = df.stack().sort_values().groupby(level=0).agg(', '.join)
print (s)
0 DE, US
1 DE, FR, US
2 FR
3 CA, DE
dtype: object

mysql combine columns into one and sort in alphabetic order

bumped into solution myself. since Abbreviation column can be NULL or have value, I can use COALESCE that'll get me the first not null column, in other words:

select id, coalesce(abbreviation, name) as thename from sometable order by thename;

Creating new column combining info in two columns, alphabetically

df = read.table(text = "
Home_team Away_team Home_score Away_score
Arsenal Chelsea 1 3
ManchesterU Blackburn 2 9
Liverpool Leeds 0 8
Chelsea Arsenal 4 1
", header=T, stringsAsFactors=F)


df %>%
rowwise() %>% # for each row
mutate(Teams = paste(sort(c(Home_team, Away_team)), collapse = " - ")) %>% # sort the teams alphabetically and then combine them separating with -
ungroup() # forget the row grouping

# # A tibble: 4 x 5
# Home_team Away_team Home_score Away_score Teams
# <chr> <chr> <int> <int> <chr>
# 1 Arsenal Chelsea 1 3 Arsenal - Chelsea
# 2 ManchesterU Blackburn 2 9 Blackburn - ManchesterU
# 3 Liverpool Leeds 0 8 Leeds - Liverpool
# 4 Chelsea Arsenal 4 1 Arsenal - Chelsea

An alternative solution without rowwise:

# create function and vectorize it
f = function(x,y) {paste(sort(c(x, y)), collapse = " - ")}
f = Vectorize(f)

# apply function to your dataset
df %>% mutate(Teams = f(Home_team, Away_team))

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