Column Name Changes in R for Loop for Defined Data Frame

How to change column names while in a loop in R?

This the approach I would take. The following script not only changes the column names, but also creates 3 dataframes in the global environment kind of like your original script.

for (i in 1:3){
noms <- c("n1","n2","n3") # create the names in order the columns appear in the dataframe

df_ <- data.frame(matrix("", nrow = 3, ncol = 3)) # create the dataframe

df_nom <- paste("mydf", i, sep = "") # create the dataframe name

colnames(df_) <- noms # assign the names to the columns

assign(df_nom, df_) # rename the dataframe

loop for renaming columns in r

#sample data
df <- data.frame(id=1:4, replicate(5,sample(0:1,4,rep=TRUE)))

#define a list of varying "varname"
varname <- c('OR', 'FA')
#define how many times above "varname" repeat itself
n <- c(2, 3) #let's say that 'OR' repeats 2 times and 'FA' 3 times

#replace column name
names(df)[2:ncol(df)] <- unlist(mapply(function(x,y) paste(x, seq(1,y), sep="_"), varname, n))

Output is:

  id OR_1 OR_2 FA_1 FA_2 FA_3
1 1 0 0 1 1 1
2 2 0 1 0 0 1
3 3 1 1 0 1 0
4 4 1 1 0 0 1

Changing Column names of multiple data frames using a for loop with data frames loaded into a List

L <- lapply(L, function(x){
colnames(x) <- c("NewName1", "NewName2")
} )

Loop over a list of dataframes and change column names in R

dflist <- list(df,df2)
for (i in 1:length(dflist)) {

if(any(names(dflist[[i]]) == remNames)){
colnames(dflist[[i]]) <- dflist[[i]][1,]
dflist[[i]] = dflist[[i]][-1, ]


dflist[[i]][names(dflist[[i]])] == remNames will check the enitre dataframe, hence if will return FALSE and nothing happend, consider the following example when i=2

> i=2
> dflist[[i]][names(dflist[[i]])] == remNames
X2 X..X1

A better solution is to use grepl to see if the column names contain a .. or X, so the if becomes


As to data.frame,how to loop column name first and then loop row name of column?

We loop over the columns of dataset with sapply, get the index of non-NA elements, use that to subset the row.names, paste the elements by collapseing with + and paste with the column names of 'df' with the output of sapply

paste(names(df), sapply(df, function(x) 
paste(row.names(df)[which(!], collapse="+")), sep="=")
#[1] "cola=1+2+4" "colb=1+4" "colc=2+3"

Or with which/arr.ind

i1 <- which(!, arr.ind = TRUE)
paste(names(df), tapply(row.names(df)[i1[,1]], i1[,2],
FUN = paste, collapse="+"), sep="=")
#[1] "cola=1+2+4" "colb=1+4" "colc=2+3"

Or with imap

unname(imap_chr(df, ~ str_c(.y, "=",
str_c(row.names(df)[!], collapse='+'))))
#[1] "cola=1+2+4" "colb=1+4" "colc=2+3"

Change column names for multiple data frames in a loop

If you want to go this way you probably need the function assign. As an example:

rivers <- c("df_Main", "df_Danube", "df_Isar", "df_Inn")

for (i in rivers) {
colnames(x) <- c("bla", "bla", "bla", "bla")

If you need to do it for more than 4 data.frames maybe you should check an apply function.

Still, if you plan to plot it via ggplot2 it might be more useful to have it in a single df.

Loop through dataframe column names - R

To answer the exact question and fix the code given, see the example below

df <- iris # data

for (i in colnames(df)){
# [1] "numeric"
# [1] "numeric"
# [1] "numeric"
# [1] "numeric"
# [1] "factor"
  1. you need to used colnames to get the column names of df.
  2. you access each column using df[[i]] if you want to know the class of that. df[i] is of class data.frame.

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