What Is the Purpose of _Str_ and _Repr_

What is the difference between __str__ and __repr__?

Alex summarized well but, surprisingly, was too succinct.

First, let me reiterate the main points in Alex’s post:

  • The default implementation is useless (it’s hard to think of one which wouldn’t be, but yeah)
  • __repr__ goal is to be unambiguous
  • __str__ goal is to be readable
  • Container’s __str__ uses contained objects’ __repr__

Default implementation is useless

This is mostly a surprise because Python’s defaults tend to be fairly useful. However, in this case, having a default for __repr__ which would act like:

return "%s(%r)" % (self.__class__, self.__dict__)

would have been too dangerous (for example, too easy to get into infinite recursion if objects reference each other). So Python cops out. Note that there is one default which is true: if __repr__ is defined, and __str__ is not, the object will behave as though __str__=__repr__.

This means, in simple terms: almost every object you implement should have a functional __repr__ that’s usable for understanding the object. Implementing __str__ is optional: do that if you need a “pretty print” functionality (for example, used by a report generator).

The goal of __repr__ is to be unambiguous

Let me come right out and say it — I do not believe in debuggers. I don’t really know how to use any debugger, and have never used one seriously. Furthermore, I believe that the big fault in debuggers is their basic nature — most failures I debug happened a long long time ago, in a galaxy far far away. This means that I do believe, with religious fervor, in logging. Logging is the lifeblood of any decent fire-and-forget server system. Python makes it easy to log: with maybe some project specific wrappers, all you need is a

log(INFO, "I am in the weird function and a is", a, "and b is", b, "but I got a null C — using default", default_c)

But you have to do the last step — make sure every object you implement has a useful repr, so code like that can just work. This is why the “eval” thing comes up: if you have enough information so eval(repr(c))==c, that means you know everything there is to know about c. If that’s easy enough, at least in a fuzzy way, do it. If not, make sure you have enough information about c anyway. I usually use an eval-like format: "MyClass(this=%r,that=%r)" % (self.this,self.that). It does not mean that you can actually construct MyClass, or that those are the right constructor arguments — but it is a useful form to express “this is everything you need to know about this instance”.

Note: I used %r above, not %s. You always want to use repr() [or %r formatting character, equivalently] inside __repr__ implementation, or you’re defeating the goal of repr. You want to be able to differentiate MyClass(3) and MyClass("3").

The goal of __str__ is to be readable

Specifically, it is not intended to be unambiguous — notice that str(3)==str("3"). Likewise, if you implement an IP abstraction, having the str of it look like is just fine. When implementing a date/time abstraction, the str can be "2010/4/12 15:35:22", etc. The goal is to represent it in a way that a user, not a programmer, would want to read it. Chop off useless digits, pretend to be some other class — as long is it supports readability, it is an improvement.

Container’s __str__ uses contained objects’ __repr__

This seems surprising, doesn’t it? It is a little, but how readable would it be if it used their __str__?

[moshe is, 3, hello
world, this is a list, oh I don't know, containing just 4 elements]

Not very. Specifically, the strings in a container would find it way too easy to disturb its string representation. In the face of ambiguity, remember, Python resists the temptation to guess. If you want the above behavior when you’re printing a list, just

print("[" + ", ".join(l) + "]")

(you can probably also figure out what to do about dictionaries.


Implement __repr__ for any class you implement. This should be second nature. Implement __str__ if you think it would be useful to have a string version which errs on the side of readability.

What is the purpose of __str__ and __repr__?


Called by the repr() built-in function and by string conversions (reverse quotes) to compute the "official" string representation of an object. If at all possible, this should look like a valid Python expression that could be used to recreate an object with the same value (given an appropriate environment).


Called by the str() built-in function and by the print statement to compute the "informal" string representation of an object.

Use __str__ if you have a class, and you'll want an informative/informal output, whenever you use this object as part of string. E.g. you can define __str__ methods for Django models, which then gets rendered in the Django administration interface. Instead of something like <Model object> you'll get like first and last name of a person, the name and date of an event, etc.

__repr__ and __str__ are similar, in fact sometimes equal (Example from BaseSet class in sets.py from the standard library):

def __repr__(self):
"""Return string representation of a set.

This looks like 'Set([<list of elements>])'.
return self._repr()

# __str__ is the same as __repr__
__str__ = __repr__

The difference between __str__ and __repr__?

__str__ and __repr__ are both methods for getting a string representation of an object. __str__ is supposed to be shorter and more user-friendly, while __repr__ is supposed to provide more detail.

Specifically, for many data types, __repr__ returns a string that, if you pasted it back into Python, would be a valid expression whose value would be equal to the original value. For instance, str('Hello') returns 'Hello', but repr('Hello') returns "'Hello'", with quote marks inside the string. If you printed that string out, you'd get 'Hello', and if you pasted that back into Python, you'd get the original string back.

Some data types, like file objects, can't be converted to strings this way. The __repr__ methods of such objects usually return a string in angle brackets that includes the object's data type and memory address. User-defined classes also do this if you don't specifically define the __repr__ method.

When you compute a value in the REPL, Python calls __repr__ to convert it into a string. When you use print, however, Python calls __str__.

When you call print((Item("Car"),)), you're calling the __str__ method of the tuple class, which is the same as its __repr__ method. That method works by calling the __repr__ method of each item in the tuple, joining them together with commas (plus a trailing one for a one-item tuple), and surrounding the whole thing with parentheses. I'm not sure why the __str__ method of tuple doesn't call __str__ on its contents, but it doesn't.

What does object.__str__ and object.__repr__ do? Warning: It's not the same as Class.__str__ and Class.__repr__

The object class provides default implementations for the __repr__ and __str__ methods.

  • object.__repr__ displays the type of the object and its id (the address of the object in CPython)

  • object.__str__(a) calls repr(a). The rationale is that if __str__ is not overriden in a class str(a) will automatically call repr(a), using a possible override of __repr__. More exactly, the official documentation of the Python Language Reference / Data Model / Special method names / Basic customization says:


    ...The default implementation defined by the built-in type object calls object.__repr__().

    ... which in turn calls the overriden __repr__ method like repr(object) would have done.

This is exactly what happens here because you are directly calling object.__str__ while this is not expected.

How are __repr__ and __str__ implemented in print function

The explanation is not very good. I will try another one.

The difference between __repr__ and __str__ lies in the information value. The standard implementation is __repr__ and returns the class and the hash of the instance, which represents the memory address, as this is used by the interpreter for unique identification. It is the unique representation of an object's instance. However, this is not always helpful for the user. This is where __str__ comes into play.

Inheritance is an illustration of a tree structure. Every time you inherit from a class or type, you add another child node to the tree. The deeper you are in the tree, the more information may be available about the individual nodes.

Within my implementation of a tree you can see that the unique identification is given by the class, the module path and the content. However, the actual content of the node is more interesting for the user. However, this can vary depending on the use or depth within the tree.

Due to the amount of data that is collected in a sequence / iterable, it makes more sense to continuously output the __repr__ variant. In my implementation the __str__ output would make no sense, would change constantly and go beyond the scope if I wanted to output the entire tree. So with __str__ I only return the string of the real data. Remember, there may be a node that appears at a different location in the tree but contains the same content. These appear the same but are different.

Unfortunately I can't give you a better explanation. I hope it's not too weird and complicated.

Think about it.

I believe in you!

from abc import ABC
from typing import List

class BaseNode(ABC):

def __init__(self) -> None:
self._children = []
self._parent = None

def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._children)

def __repr__(self):
# python default implementation of __repr__
return f'<{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}' \
f' object at {self.__hash__()}>'

# python default implementation of __str__
__str__ = __repr__

def has_children(self) -> bool:
return len(self) > 0

def is_leaf(self) -> bool:
return not self.has_children()

def is_root(self) -> bool:
return self._parent is None

def add(self, child: 'BaseNode') -> 'BaseNode':
child._parent = self
return self

def depth(self) -> int:
d,n = 0,self
while not n.is_root():
d,n = d+1,n._parent
return d

def descendants(self) -> List['Node']:
arr = []
if self.is_leaf(): return arr
for child in self._children:
return arr

# abstract
def remove(self, child: 'BaseNode') -> 'BaseNode':
child._parent = None
return self

class RootNode(BaseNode):

class Node(BaseNode):
def __init__(self, content):
self._content = content

def __str__(self):
return self.content

def content(self):
return self._content

def main():
node = RootNode()
node_a = Node('Node 1')
node_aa = Node('Node 1.1')
node_ab = Node('Node 1.2')
node_aba = Node('Node 1.2.1')
node_b = Node('Node 2')
node_ba = Node('Node 2.1')




if __name__ == '__main__':

Purpose of __repr__ method?

__repr__ should return a printable representation of the object, most likely one of the ways possible to create this object. See official documentation here. __repr__ is more for developers while __str__ is for end users.

A simple example:

>>> class Point:
... def __init__(self, x, y):
... self.x, self.y = x, y
... def __repr__(self):
... cls = self.__class__.__name__
... return f'{cls}(x={self.x!r}, y={self.y!r})'
>>> p = Point(1, 2)
>>> p
Point(x=1, y=2)

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