Using a Pandas Dataframe as a Lookup Table

Pandas table lookup

A one-line solution (I call your lookup table lookup):

df['Score'].apply(lambda score: lookup['Grade'][(lookup['Lower_Boundary'] <= score) & (lookup['Upper_Boundary'] > score)].values[0])


For a given score, here is how to find the grade:

score = -75
match = (lookup['Lower_Boundary'] <= score) & (lookup['Upper_Boundary'] > score)
grade = lookup['Grade'][match]

This return a series of length 1. You can get its value with, for instance:


All you need to do is apply the above to the score column. If you want a one-liner, use a lambda function:

df['Score'].apply(lambda score: lookup['Grade'][(lookup['Lower_Boundary'] <= score) & (lookup['Upper_Boundary'] > score)].values[0])

Otherwise the following would be more readable:

def lookup_grade(score):
match = (lookup['Lower_Boundary'] <= score) & (lookup['Upper_Boundary'] > score)
grade = lookup['Grade'][match]
return grade.values[0]


This approach would also make it easier to deal with cases when no match is found.

Quickest way to map lookup table to pandas column

Using map

ColX ColY Colz
0 Mon 2 B
1 Tues 3 C
2 Weds 5 A
3 Thurs 4 C
4 Fri 1 A

Using a pandas dataframe as a lookup table

I'd go with merge:

import pandas as pd

y = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 1, 3],
'B': list('aac'),
'C': list('ddf'),
'D': [4, 5, 6]})

x = pd.DataFrame([[1, 'a', 'd']],

match = x.merge(y, on=x.columns.tolist())

# A B C D
#0 1 a d 4
#1 1 a d 5

Python Pandas: DataFrame as a Lookup Table

df1 = pd.DataFrame({
'A': [1, 2],
'B': ['B', 'A'],
'FREQ_A': [1, 1],
'FREQ_B': [1, 1],
'Gold': [0, 1],
'SUCCESS_A': [0.0, 0.01],
'SUCCESS_B': [0.0, 0.01]})

df2 = pd.DataFrame({'A': [1, 2], 'B': ['A', 'B']})

result = (df2
.merge(df1[['A', 'FREQ_A', 'SUCCESS_A']], on='A')
.merge(df1[['B', 'FREQ_B', 'SUCCESS_B']], on='B'))
>>> result
0 1 A 1 0.00 1 0.01
1 2 B 1 0.01 1 0.00


For an arbitrary dataframe:

result = pd.concat(
[df2, pd.concat([df2[[col]].merge(
df1[[col, 'FREQ_' + str(col), 'SUCCESS_' + str(col)]],
on=col, how='left').iloc[:, 1:]
for col in df2], axis=1)],

Using a Pandas DataFrame as Lookup

import pandas as pd

df_item= pd.read_csv('Item.txt')
df_price= pd.read_csv('Price.txt')

df_final=pd.merge(df_item,df_price ,on='item',how='left' )
print df_final


      item  inStock                description  Price
0 Apples 10 a juicy treat 1.99
1 Oranges 34 mediocre at best 6.99
2 Bananas 21 can be used as phone prop NaN
3 Kiwi 0 too fuzzy NaN

Assign value to column based on lookup table using pandas

IIUC, you can perform a lookup:

df_other['new'] = working_days_df.lookup(df_other['dest1'], df_other['dest2'])

Here, working_days_df is your matrix DataFrame, while df_other is the one you'd like to lookup values for.

Pandas DataFrame as lookup table with embedded lists

Use map and loc

n = 1
df.loc[ x: n in x), 'B']

0 [a, b, c]
Name: B, dtype: object

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