Split String At Nth Occurrence of a Given Character

Split string at nth occurrence of a given character

>>> n = 2
>>> groups = text.split('_')
>>> '_'.join(groups[:n]), '_'.join(groups[n:])
('20_231', 'myString_234')

Seems like this is the most readable way, the alternative is regex)

Split string on Nth occurrence of char

You can use LastIndexOf() and some subsequent Substring() calls:

string input = "29/10/2018 14:50:09402325 671";

int index = input.LastIndexOf(':');

string firstPart = input.Substring(0, index);
string secondPart = input.Substring(index + 1);

Fiddle here

However, another thing to ask yourself is if you even need to make it more complicated than it needs to be. It looks like this data will always be of a the same length until that second : instance right? Why not just split at a known index (i.e not finding the : first):

string firstPart = input.Substring(0, 16);
string secondPart = input.Substring(17);

Split string by Nth occurrence of a character

You can do it by splitting on , and joining in chunks:

seq = my_string.split(',')
size = 5
[','.join(seq[pos:pos + size]) for pos in range(0, len(seq), size)]


['abc,kjj,hg,kj,ls', 'jsh,ku,lo,sasad,hh', 'da']

Split string by Nth occurrence of a character

You can do it by splitting on , and joining in chunks:

seq = my_string.split(',')
size = 5
[','.join(seq[pos:pos + size]) for pos in range(0, len(seq), size)]


['abc,kjj,hg,kj,ls', 'jsh,ku,lo,sasad,hh', 'da']

How to split a string at every Nth occurrence of a character in Java

Maybe one of the worst way without using function available in java , but good like exercise :

public static void main(String[] args){
String s = "234-236-456-567-678-675-453-564";
int nth =0;
int cont =0;
int i=0;
if(nth == 3 || i==s.length()-1){
if(i==s.length()-1) //with this if you preveent to cut the last number
cont =i+1;


How to split string at every nth occurrence of character in Java

Take two int variable. One is to count the no of ','. If ',' occurs then the count will move. And if the count is go to 4 then reset it to 0. The other int value will indicate that from where the string will be cut off. it will start from 0 and after the first string will be detected the the end point (char position in string) will be the first point of the next. Use the this start point and current end point (i+1 because after the occurrence happen the i value will be incremented). Finally add the string in the array list. This is a sample code. Hope this will help you. Sorry for my bad English.

String str = "1,,,,,2,3,,1,,3,,";
int k = 0;
int startPoint = 0;
ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++)
if (str.charAt(i) == ',')
if (k == 4)
String ab = str.substring(startPoint, i+1);
startPoint = i+1;
k = 0;

Cutting a string at nth occurrence of a character

You could do it without arrays, but it would take more code and be less readable.

Generally, you only want to use as much code to get the job done, and this also increases readability. If you find this task is becoming a performance issue (benchmark it), then you can decide to start refactoring for performance.

var str = 'this.those.that',    delimiter = '.',    start = 1,    tokens = str.split(delimiter).slice(start),    result = tokens.join(delimiter); // those.that    console.log(result)
// To get the substring BEFORE the nth occurencevar tokens2 = str.split(delimiter).slice(0, start), result2 = tokens2.join(delimiter); // this

How to split a string on the nth occurrence?

There is nothing built in.

You can use the existing Split, use Take and Skip with string.Join to rebuild the parts that you originally had.

string[] items = input.Split(new char[] {'\t'}, 
string firstPart = string.Join("\t", items.Take(nthOccurrence));
string secondPart = string.Join("\t", items.Skip(nthOccurrence))

string[] everythingSplitAfterNthOccurence = items.Skip(nthOccurrence).ToArray();

An alternative is to iterate over all the characters in the string, find the index of the nth occurrence and substring before and after it (or find the next index after the nth, substring on that etc... etc... etc...).

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