Is This the Right Way to Run a Shell Script Inside Python

How to call a shell script from python code?

The subprocess module will help you out.

Blatantly trivial example:

>>> import subprocess
>>>['sh', './']) # Thanks @Jim Dennis for suggesting the []

Where is a simple shell script and 0 is its return value for this run.

Running bash script from within python

Making executable and adding shell=True to the parameter list (as suggested in previous answers) works ok. Depending on the search path, you may also need to add ./ or some other appropriate path. (Ie, change "" to "./".)

The shell=True parameter is not needed (under a Posix system like Linux) if the first line of the bash script is a path to a shell; for example, #!/bin/bash.

Shell Script: Execute a python program from within a shell script

Just make sure the python executable is in your PATH environment variable then add in your script

python path/to/the/


  • In the file, put this
  • Execute this command to make the script runnable for you : chmod u+x
  • Run it : ./

Run shell script from python

You should separate arguments:

call(['bash', ''])

Should I put #! (shebang) in Python scripts, and what form should it take?

The shebang line in any script determines the script's ability to be executed like a standalone executable without typing python beforehand in the terminal or when double clicking it in a file manager (when configured properly). It isn't necessary but generally put there so when someone sees the file opened in an editor, they immediately know what they're looking at. However, which shebang line you use is important.

Correct usage for (defaults to version 3.latest) Python 3 scripts is:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

Correct usage for (defaults to version 2.latest) Python 2 scripts is:

#!/usr/bin/env python2

The following should not be used (except for the rare case that you are writing code which is compatible with both Python 2.x and 3.x):

#!/usr/bin/env python

The reason for these recommendations, given in PEP 394, is that python can refer either to python2 or python3 on different systems.

Also, do not use:


"python may be installed at /usr/bin/python or /bin/python in those
cases, the above #! will fail."

―"#!/usr/bin/env python" vs "#!/usr/local/bin/python"

Running .sh file from Python script?

execute a shell-script from Python subprocess

How to execute a shell script through python

Please take a look at these two threads. Hope it helps.

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