Is There a Label/Goto in Python

The equivalent of a GOTO in python

Gotos are universally reviled in computer science and programming as they lead to very unstructured code.

Python (like almost every programming language today) supports structured programming which controls flow using if/then/else, loop and subroutines.

The key to thinking in a structured way is to understand how and why you are branching on code.

For example, lets pretend Python had a goto and corresponding label statement shudder. Look at the following code. In it if a number is greater than or equal to 0 we print if it

number = input()
if number < 0: goto negative
if number % 2 == 0:
print "even"
print "odd"
goto end
label: negative
print "negative"
label: end
print "all done"

If we want to know when a piece of code is executed, we need to carefully traceback in the program, and examine how a label was arrived at - which is something that can't really be done.

For example, we can rewrite the above as:

number = input()
goto check

label: negative
print "negative"
goto end

label: check
if number < 0: goto negative
if number % 2 == 0:
print "even"
print "odd"
goto end

label: end
print "all done"

Here, there are two possible ways to arrive at the "end", and we can't know which one was chosen. As programs get large this kind of problem gets worse and results in spaghetti code

In comparison, below is how you would write this program in Python:

number = input()
if number >= 0:
if number % 2 == 0:
print "even"
print "odd"
print "negative"
print "all done"

I can look at a particular line of code, and know under what conditions it is met by tracing back the tree of if/then/else blocks it is in. For example, I know that the line print "odd" will be run when a ((number >= 0) == True) and ((number % 2 == 0) == False).

Alternative to Goto, Label in Python?

There are lots of ways to do this, but generally you'll want to use loops, and you may want to explore break and continue. Here's one possible solution:

import random

x = random.randint(1, 100)

prompt = "Guess the number between 1 and 100: "

while True:
y = int(raw_input(prompt))
except ValueError:
print "Please enter an integer."

if y > x:
prompt = "Wrong! Try a LOWER number: "
elif y < x:
prompt = "Wrong! Try a HIGHER number: "
print "Correct!"

continue jumps to the next iteration of the loop, and break terminates the loop altogether.

(Also note that I wrapped int(raw_input(...)) in a try/except to handle the case where the user didn't enter an integer. In your code, not entering an integer would just result in an exception. I changed the 0 to a 1 in the randint call too, since based on the text you're printing, you intended to pick between 1 and 100, not 0 and 100.)

`goto` in Python

I know what everybody is thinking:

xkcd GOTO

However, there might be some didactic cases where you actually need a goto.

This python recipe provides the goto command as a function decorator.

The goto decorator (Python recipe by Carl Cerecke)

This is the recipe for you if you are sick of the slow speed of the
existing goto module The goto in this
recipe is about 60x faster and is also cleaner (abusing sys.settrace
seems hardly pythonic). Because this is a decorator, it alerts the
reader which functions use goto. It does not implement the comefrom
command, although it is not difficult to extend it to do so (exercise
for the reader). Also, computed gotos aren't supported; they're not

  • Use dis.dis(fn) to show the bytecode disassembly of a function.
  • The bytecodes of a function are accessed by fn.func_code.co_code.
    This is readonly so:
  • The decorated function is created exactly the same as the old one,
    but with the bytecode updated to obey the goto commands.
  • This is 2.x only; the new module is not in python 3.x (another
    exercise for the reader!)


def test1(n):
s = 0

label .myLoop

if n <= 0:
return s
s += n
n -= 1

goto .myLoop

>>> test1(10)


Here're two additional implementations compatible with Python 3:


Goto statement in python - what other way is there?

You should give us the code, or at least an example showing what the structure really is.

Maybe you could do so:

take screenshot
condition = (condition a) and (condition b) and ... and (condition z)

while (not condition):
take screenshot
condition = (condition a) and (condition b) and ... and (condition z)

how to work around go-to in python?

In this particular case, wrapping the whole thing in a while True will achieve the same behavior:

while True:
while (cond1):
print("inside cond1")
if (object.exists("obj1")):
Screen1 = waitForObject("obj1")
print ("Inside Screen1")

while (Screen1.visible):

Checking this branch-by-branch:

If cond1 is met, we continually execute Function1(x, y, z)

Once cond1 is not met, we fall into else.

If obj1 exists, we wait for obj1, otherwise, we break out of the while True loop.

After waiting for obj1, we continue to run Function1(a,b,c) while Screen1 is visible, and then go back to the beginning of the while True loop (consistent with the original goto).

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