How to Share Variables Across Scripts in Python

Pass variable between python scripts

When you call a script, the calling script can access the namespace of the called script. (In your case, first can access the namespace of second.) However, what you are asking for is the other way around. Your variable is defined in the calling script, and you want the called script to access the caller's namespace.

An answer is already stated in this SO post, in the question itself:

Access namespace of calling module

But I will just explain it here in your context.

To get what you want in your case, start off the called script with the following line:

from __main__ import *

This allows it to access the namespace (all variables and functions) of the caller script.

So now your calling script is, as before:

import second

and the called script is:

from __main__ import *
print x

This should work fine.

Share global variables between Python scripts

Conceptually, you need to separate an object like Config() from the variables that may be referencing it at any given time. When does config = Config(), it creates a Config object and assigns it to a variable in the params module namespace. It is params.config.

When does from params import config, it adds a reference to this Config object to its own namespace. Now there are two references to the same object, one in params.config and another in main.config. So far, so good. from X import Y adds a binding to X.Y into the current namespace. Since params.config is a mutable class instance, main could change the values in that single Config object and it would be seen by all other referrers to that same object. config.val = 10 would be seen by all.

Now things go off the rails. When main does config = Config(10), it creates a new Config object and reassigns that variable to the main namespace. Now params.config references the first object and main references the second. That means changes made to the second object are not seen by the first.

If you want everyone to see the same object, you need to keep the namespace qualification. The scripts would change to

import params

def foo():
return params.config.val + 5

import params
from foo import foo

params.config = Config(10)

Now, all of the scripts are using the one variable params.config and see any changes made to that object. This is kindof fragile as you've seen. If anybody does from params import config, reassiging params.config doesn't work.

Using global variables between files?

The problem is you defined myList from, but needs to use it. Here is a clean way to solve this problem: move all globals to a file, I call this file This file is responsible for defining globals and initializing them:


def init():
global myList
myList = []

Next, your subfile can import globals:


import settings

def stuff():

Note that subfile does not call init()— that task belongs to


import settings
import subfile

settings.init() # Call only once
subfile.stuff() # Do stuff with global var
print settings.myList[0] # Check the result

This way, you achieve your objective while avoid initializing global variables more than once.

How to share a variable between two python scripts run separately

What you seem to be looking for is some form of inter-process communication. In terms of python, each process has its own memory space and its own variables meaning that if I ran.

number += 1

Multiple times then I would get 1,2..5 on a new line. No matter how many times I start the script, number would be a global.

There are a few ways where you can keep consistency.

Writing To A File (named pipe)

One of your scripts can have (

import os
num = 1
pass # In case one of your other files already started
while True:
file = open("temp.txt", "w")
file.close() # Important because if you don't close the file
# The operating system will lock your file and your other scripts
# Won't have access

sleep(# seconds)

In your other scripts (

while True:
file = open("temp.txt", "r")
number = int(
sleep(# seconds)

You would start 1 or so generator and as many consumers as you want. Note: this does have a race condition that can't really be avoided. When you write to the file, you should use a serializer like pickler or json to properly encode and decode your array object.

Other Ways

You can also look up how to use pipes (both named and unnamed), databases, ampq (IMHO the best way to do it but there is a learning curve and added dependencies), and if you are feeling bold use mmap.

Design Change

If you are willing to listen to a design change, Since you are making a flask application that has the variable in memory why don't you just make an endpoint to serve up your array and check the endpoint every so often?

 import json # or pickle
import flask

app = Flask(__name__)
array = [objects]
converted = method_to_convert_to_array_of_dicts(array)
def hello():
return json.dumps(array)

You will need to convert but then the web server can be hosted and your clients would just need something like

import requests
import json

while True:
result = requests.get('localhost/array')
array = json.loads(str(result.body)) # or some string form of result

How to share a global variable with another script in multiprocessing?

Here is an example of creating a shared managed string value per the comment offered by @martineau.

On a platform such as Linux where fork by default is used to create new processes you could code:

import multiprocessing
from ctypes import c_char_p

s = multiprocessing.Manager().Value(c_char_p, '')
event = multiprocessing.Event()

def function1():
s.value = 'New value' # updates global variable s
event.set() # show we have a new value

def function2():
event.wait() # wait for new s value

p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=function1)
p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=function2)


New value

On platforms such as Windows where spawn is used to create new processes, the shared string is being passed as an argument to the processes to ensure that only one instance of the string is being created.

import multiprocessing
from ctypes import c_char_p

def function1(s, event):
s.value = 'New value'
event.set() # show we have a new value

def function2(s, event):
event.wait() # wait for new s value

# I need this for Windows:
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = multiprocessing.Manager().Value(c_char_p, '')
event = multiprocessing.Event()
p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=function1, args=(s, event))
p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=function2, args=(s, event))


New value

The if __name__ == '__main__': check above is needed or else we would get into a recursive loop because our newly created processes start executing the source from the top and without that check would create new processes ad infinitum. And for that reason the definitions of s and event cannot be outside that check or else each newly created process would be creating its own instance of these variables. But that means we now have to be passing these variables as arguments whereas in the forking example they can just be inherited.

Update: Creating a Shared numpy Array on Linux/Unix

import multiprocessing
import ctypes
import numpy as np

def to_numpy_array(shared_array, shape):
'''Create a numpy array backed by a shared memory Array.'''
arr = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array)
return arr.reshape(shape)

def to_shared_array(arr, ctype):
shared_array = multiprocessing.Array(ctype, arr.size, lock=False)
temp = np.frombuffer(shared_array, dtype=arr.dtype)
temp[:] = arr.flatten(order='C')
return shared_array

arr = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.int32)
shape = arr.shape
shared_array = to_shared_array(arr, ctypes.c_int32)
# You have to now use the shared array as the base:
arr = to_numpy_array(shared_array, shape)
event = multiprocessing.Event()

def function1():
for x in range(shape[0]):
for y in range(shape[1]):
arr[x, y] = 1
event.set() # show we have a new value

def function2():
event.wait() # wait for new arr value
print('arr =', arr)

p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=function1)
p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=function2)
print('arr =', arr)


arr = [[1 1 1]
[1 1 1]]
arr = [[1 1 1]
[1 1 1]]

Creating a Shared numpy Array on Windows

import multiprocessing
import ctypes
import numpy as np

def to_numpy_array(shared_array, shape):
'''Create a numpy array backed by a shared memory Array.'''
arr = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array)
return arr.reshape(shape)

def to_shared_array(arr, ctype):
shared_array = multiprocessing.Array(ctype, arr.size, lock=False)
temp = np.frombuffer(shared_array, dtype=arr.dtype)
temp[:] = arr.flatten(order='C')
return shared_array

def function1(arr, event):
shape = arr.shape
for x in range(shape[0]):
for y in range(shape[1]):
arr[x, y] = 1
event.set() # show we have a new value

def function2(arr, event):
event.wait() # wait for new arr value
print('arr =', arr)

if __name__ == '__main__':
arr = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.int32)
shape = arr.shape
shared_array = to_shared_array(arr, ctypes.c_int32)
# You have to now use the shared array as the base:
arr = to_numpy_array(shared_array, shape)
event = multiprocessing.Event()

p1 = multiprocessing.Process(target=function1, args=(arr, event))
p2 = multiprocessing.Process(target=function2, args=(arr, event))
print('arr =', arr)

Using a Shared numpy Array With a Multiprocessing Pool on Windows

When using a multiprocessing pool, whether you are passing the array as an argument to the worker function or as in this case using it to initialize a global variable for each process in the pool, you must pass the shared array to each process and recreate a numpy array from that.

import multiprocessing
import ctypes
import numpy as np

def to_numpy_array(shared_array, shape):
'''Create a numpy array backed by a shared memory Array.'''
arr = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array)
return arr.reshape(shape)

def to_shared_array(arr, ctype):
shared_array = multiprocessing.Array(ctype, arr.size, lock=False)
temp = np.frombuffer(shared_array, dtype=arr.dtype)
temp[:] = arr.flatten(order='C')
return shared_array

def init_pool(shared_array, the_shape, the_event):
global arr, shape, event
shape = the_shape
event = the_event
# recreate the numpy array from the shared array:
arr = to_numpy_array(shared_array, shape)

def function1():
for x in range(shape[0]):
for y in range(shape[1]):
arr[x, y] = 1
event.set() # show we have a new value

def function2():
event.wait() # wait for new arr value
print('arr =', arr)

if __name__ == '__main__':
arr = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.int32)
shape = arr.shape
shared_array = to_shared_array(arr, ctypes.c_int32)
# You have to now use the shared array as the base:
arr = to_numpy_array(shared_array, shape)
event = multiprocessing.Event()
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(2, initializer=init_pool, initargs=(shared_array, shape, event))
# wait for tasks to complete
print('arr =', arr)

Using a Shared numpy Array With a Multiprocessing Pool on Linux/Unix

import multiprocessing
import ctypes
import numpy as np

def to_numpy_array(shared_array, shape):
'''Create a numpy array backed by a shared memory Array.'''
arr = np.ctypeslib.as_array(shared_array)
return arr.reshape(shape)

def to_shared_array(arr, ctype):
shared_array = multiprocessing.Array(ctype, arr.size, lock=False)
temp = np.frombuffer(shared_array, dtype=arr.dtype)
temp[:] = arr.flatten(order='C')
return shared_array

arr = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.int32)
shape = arr.shape
shared_array = to_shared_array(arr, ctypes.c_int32)
# You have to now use the shared array as the base:
arr = to_numpy_array(shared_array, shape)
event = multiprocessing.Event()

def function1():
for x in range(shape[0]):
for y in range(shape[1]):
arr[x, y] = 1
event.set() # show we have a new value

def function2():
event.wait() # wait for new arr value
print('arr =', arr)

pool = multiprocessing.Pool(2)
# wait for tasks to complete
print('arr =', arr)

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